Hi looking for recommendations other than hrt for hot flushes? Have been taking a ssri antidepressant but having to stop due to side effects! Thanks Sarah
Hot advice: Hi looking for recommendations... - Women's Health
Hot advice

🤔Often it’s a case of ‘trial and error’ not everything is suitable for everybody. And, be careful of mixing with current medications, unless advised by your doctor.
Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes
Black Cohosh. (Actaea racemosa, Cimicifuga racemosa) This herb has received quite a bit of scientific attention for its possible effects on hot flashes. ...
Red Clover. ...
Dong Quai. ...
Ginseng. ...
Kava. ...
Evening Primrose Oil. ...
Use with Caution.
menopause.org › natura...
Menopause and Hot Flushes can be a nightmare! and there isn't a sure fix for everyone but diet can be a massive factor and in mental health too if you've had to come off your antidepressants.
Spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol can make them worse - so try to see if any of these trigger a hot flush for you.
Phytoestrogens (which are found in soy products e.g. tofu) are thought to be helpful in balancing hormones. Also found in sweet potatoes.
Eating plenty of fruit and veg can help too
Oily fish and whole grains are recommended as well!
I run this company and there is some info here:
There is some useful info here: resetyourhealth.com/ryh-for...
if you want any more info on it drop me a message!
Thanks for replies but I should have clarified I was looking for medicinal recommendations rather than alternative medicine
Sage supplements really worked for me -reduced it to a manageable level
I have heard that boosting your vitamin B12 can sometimes help. Have you heard of calms I haven't ever tried them but know someone who has and they said they helped a lot. I also have had to come off sertraline due to bad side affects and now Dr's are wanting me to start on a beta blocker altho mine is for anxiety but I get hot flushes and heart palpitations so could work similar for your situation xxx