I had my ovaries removed 15 years ago. I had five years of HRT and then the hot flushes started. Ten years later I'm still having hot flushes. I'm 59. How much longer can I expect these to last?
Hot flushes: I had my ovaries removed 1... - Women's Health
Hot flushes
I'm 70 years old and still have hot flashes and night sweats. I asked my doctor one time when they would stop...he said to me: "What makes you think they will ever stop?" That was a wakeup call for me! I now have a doctor who is allowing me to take HRT and I am so happy about it..no more sweats and my mood is normal once again. The big study that they did regarding the HRT scared millions of women off of HRT (including me!), but they have discovered the the study was skewed, so many women are using HRT once again. No...I am not concerned about breast/ovarian cancer!
Thanks Sweetsusie! Now I know that I'll stop waiting for them to finish!

Do you have a sympathetic female doctor you could talk to, or a local women's health clinic?
I take a type of HRT that was recommended to me as safe by a gynae I know personally. You could ask to try a bio-identical version to see if that alleviates your symptoms. Make sure you're not palmed off with dodgy horse urine hormones that could make you feel worse.
Thanks BadHare. I don't suffer badly with them - I just wondered if there was any chance of them stopping soon. They are worse with the fluctuating temperatures we have at the moment. I'll soldier on.
I believe two years is average, but I was ready to crack after six years of hell.
One thing that helped a lot before I took HRT was prescribed herbal medicine. There are a lot of herbal medications available in health food shops & pharmacies, but they're very wishywashy, & it's hit & miss whether they work. You should be able to find a qualified herbalist near you should you want to try that for reducing your flushes.