Update on me and who I am:
My name is Courtney and I am currently 18 years old, I made a decision a few years ago to keep myself protected, and that decision was to go on the Depo-Provera contraceptive injection and I’ll tell you what it worked, really well. I was protected for the entire time I was on this injection and that was for about 2-1/2 years. I received my last injection, in August/September time and the injection lasts for about 3 months before you have to get another one, which I didn’t. I wanted my body to go back to normal, I wanted to feel like myself again, I feel like I lost myself whilst on the injection. I’ve been off it now for about 6 months, and I’ve experienced two periods, one in April and the second in May, and my god I was moody! But, me and my partner have decided that we want to try for a baby together, and I’m not a very patient person, I’ve spoken to my nurse and taken advice, she said I was at risk of being pregnant due to not being on the injection anymore and that my body is slowly getting back to normal! I’m just wondering if any body else has been on this injection and how long it takes for your body to fully go back to its normal self, and I know that people are different but there must be an estimated amount of time! If anybody can help me out and give me some more advice then that would be great and very appreciated by myself and my partner! Thank you again: Courtney