I don’t know but this quarantine is making me feel very anxious and the fact that I am with my family doesn’t even help any help or ideas on what to do would help been crying.
Anxiety: I don’t know but this quarantine is... - Women's Health
Hello. Hang in there. You can do it. It did make me feel anxious the first two weeks then I got used to it. I kept telling myself that I'm not trapped. I can take a walk or get some fresh air or drive around in our car which helped me cope with being at home all day. Also, I tried to not think about it much and keep myself busy through things I enjoy like cooking, coloring, playing the instrument and online worship services. Hope that helps!!
Try a little exercise to write down 3 good things that happened with your day, see if it helps you to view it more positively.
Yesterday I had:
Had a nice chat with some of my partner's family
Spent some time in the refreshing fresh air in the garden
Dinner was really tasty
I know they're not much, but I find it really relaxing. Doing this for a few weeks has really helped me to feel less worried about the whole thing,like is what it is, and all we can do is make the most of it.
If the news makes you anxious, try to allot yourself a few half hour windows as the only times your allowed to check Facebook/news per day. I do the morning, lunchtime and around 6pm (after the daily briefing).