I’ve been put on anti depressants and I’ve been steadily gaining back the 10 pounds I lost in just the last month. It’s getting worse. What do I do
Weight gain : I’ve been put on anti... - Women's Health
Weight gain

If you’re over 35, you may want to overhaul your diet and slowly ween off of those pills after getting to a holistic doctor who can give you good advice and natural meds. Low estrogen in the brain causes magnesium deficiency which causes depression. My experience was with high estrogen which caused the same things. So it may be hormonal imbalance, although that wasn’t your question but it always comes to mind when I see any woman on synthetic meds. How’s your thyroid? Hypo causes depression too. So my point is you may not even need these meds. I quit after getting BHRT and I feel so free and clear-headed without them. They can be merely a band aid with numbing cream when it’s an underlying hormonal issue. Your adrenals could be burned out, or your gut biome could be outta whack. The gut-brain connection is fascinating and now the brain-uterus news I read about today. Take magnesium and lots of B6. These combat anxiety and depression. Micro greens are the fastest way to vibrant health. Grow them easily in your kitchen window. They help you lose weight, improve heart health, regulate blood sugar and much, much more. Watch YouTube videos about micro greens. Go to your local farmers market. Make it your new weekly wellness ritual for 2019. Micros have 4 to 40 times the nutrient density of fully-grown veggies. Rant over! Much love!
Part 2:
I just read your other post. You let go by realizing there’s someone out there who is more compatible and will love you more and deeper than that one ever could. His capacity for depth was shallow. But you can’t just wait around to be noticed and plucked out of the crowd. You have to enter into the world somehow, even digitally, and make your presence known, with an open heart. You have so much to give. You’re self aware. You’ve been held down and under appreciated for much too long. Now all your love can break the dam and pour out. I can coach you through this if you need someone to be accountable to. Cuz you need a push. And you need to get to a good doctor and get your hormones balanced and off the pills that numb you. Lots of love.