Hi, I am currently in perimenopause . I am 48. Up until now I had months without my period but this month my period came on the 1st of October and never really stopped although at the end it was less heavy. Then yesterday it came back like it was a new period. Is this normal while being in perimenopause? I already have a very low iron level. Does this sound familiar to someone?
Perimenopause: Hi, I am currently in... - Women's Health

Katie1357: Yes..I believe this is normal, but i would check with my doctor to make sure. The doctor needs to check your FSH level and see where you are. Hormones while going through "the change" are up and down and all around..you never know what to expect. If I were you, I would have the doctor give me hormone replacement therapy (HRT)...or birth control...you'll probably feel better.
Yes this sounds normal
I'm 47 peri menopausal and my periods became very heavy and frequent, 3 a month! i ended getting anemia twice from heavy periods
My gp put me on the progesterone mini pill for a while and that calmed them down. I think when the periods become heavy and frequent it is esterogen dominance and you need some progesterone to calm it down.
I would say get a good quality iron supplement, I was taking a cheaper over the counter iron supplement n still ended up with anemia, and had to take iron supplements from the gp for 6 months.
Similar thing here, I am 46 and have been going through hell with this. Heavy periods with flooding and spotting/bleeding after exercise. Had 2 biopsies which came back clear. They found a small fibroid which they couldn't remove because of where it was buy don't think it's that. Was put on the mini progesterone pill which made me bleed non stop for 3.5 months and I ended up in an ambulance and a&e after a very heavy episode. Also aneamic and on iron tablets. I am now taking utovlan which is also progesterone but a lot stronger and also started homeopathy which saved my friend a few years ago. Slightly lighter periods, still heavy but slightly better. Still getting random breakthrough bleeds for a week after. I am so fed up. Can't wait for it to be over.
If yours are really heavy, look into transexamic acid and also ibuprofen reduces it too x
Thank you all for your comments. The bleeding is less now. I have made an appointment with my gynaecologist for next month.
Hi I'm 51 and my periods have become irratic my last period was 44days coming... Then I finally came on It usually only lasts 3to5 days but this time it's not stopped just has daily btown/red bleeding but this morning the stomach cramps cam back and I'm full blown on a period again!! I'm assuming this is all normal it sounds similar to your experience just wondered how you were getting on
Best wishes julie