I was on the combined pill for 12 years. I cannot remember what my periods were like prior to the pill (I was 15 when I started). However since coming off my cycles have been 35-40 days long.
I came off in July 2015 due to migraine with aura and fell pregnant May 2016. I started having hormonal reflexology & acupuncture in January 2016 due to my cycle length and very bad acne.
My daughter is now 15 months and still breastfeeding (not exclusive, I started mixed feeding in March 2017). I had my first period late November 2017 and my fertility tracker app is still stating cycle length of 40 days.
I have always wondered whether I have a hormone imbalance but I am not sure what the correct blood tests I should be asking for? And for that matter what is actually “normal”- rather than the GP’s “guidelines”. What would be the normal level of prolactin of someone who is not exclusively breastfeeding be?