So I ended up waking up after severe nightmare to a wet bed three times this week, no issues other than that but no other adult I know does this
So embarrassed : So I ended up waking up... - Women's Health
So embarrassed

Sorry to butt in but thanks for the info. re. the tea. I have OAB and I'm sure anything that strengthens pelvic muscles will help!
I too have OAB. What works for you? Anything caffeine free or de-caffeinated works for me? Or plain water not sparkling. Boring I know. Still manage chocolate though.
I have to be careful with acid fruits like lemon, raspberry and strawberry too? Not sure if I have OAB or painful bladder syndrome from rheumatoid arthritis? or both lol?
I had a friend who had an unexpected bed wetting problem completely out of the blue in her 30s.
She put it down to having twins years earlier. Maybe you have a bladder infection? It is very upsetting when this sort of thing happens but you are not on your own.
Maybe keep a sleep diary for a while then chat to a friendly gp?
Good luck xx
Thanks for reply and sharing your OAB tale. I too have to be careful of caffeine and citrus fruit, as I've got older(78 - almost - now) find apart from pears peaches nectarines all fruit difficult to digest. Think the vit. c affects bladder but I could be wrong! I've had oxybutamine (no joy) and vesicare on script, vesicare helped but not enough to justify the side-effects. Luckily I don't bed wet but have to visit the loo a lot in night but I don't sleep well anyway so gives me something to do in the wee sma" hours....LOL. No bladder infection have had tests done by enthusiastic drs. trying to help! If I am going somewhere that I don't know toilet availability I wear pad or pants the new ones very comfy and don't even feel as if wearing. I have never had to actually use (if that makes sense) - think the security is good. Another thing that helps is to limit amount of sugar, haven't a clue why that is but was a g.p. who suggested that. I am not diabetic but blood glucose is toward the high end of normal
Apologies for long story but good to share!!!!
Hello foxglove .
Thanks for sharing . It can be lonely having bladder issues. Yes, I agree with your doctor too much sugar can be a bladder irritant. I was to avoid artificial sugars too.
I try and drink more in the morning and reduce my evening drinking to try and avoid night visits to the loo. But they say drinking too little can also irritate the bladder?
Thanks for sharing.
Take care xx
Before I retired I worked in a residential care home for the elderly, most of our residents had toilet issues but we were certainly told it was better for them to drink as much as they wanted to, of course we had the "lazies" who wouldn't, as they were too idle to bother with bathroom trips, in fact if they became dehydrated the prob. was worse and infections, kidney probs. more likely, also urine smell very nasty. I am not being unkind as a lot had mobility probs. and most had to be helped to toilet. Enough (hope you're not just having dinner.)
On a more pleasant not I am trialling the herb oregano which is said to be good with all sorts of bladder things . It can be purchased as capsules I think but I am using the essential oil. It is one of the more powerful oils - pungent - and must be diluted well. I mix with sweet almond and massage a little over bladder area and rub the residue on inside of upper arms and thighs where skin is thin and the theory is oil will pass through and straight into blood stream where it is carried around. no need really to use bladder area I just find it soothing! Also a few drops can be added to bath with your favourite bubbles. have just started the oregano treatment a little while back so don't know if it really works but I like to feel I'm trying SOMETHING If you're as "daft" as I and would like to try the oil; maybe we could compare notes?
Yes a lonely path but surprising how many are on it as you find when you decide to fess and come out. If you come across any other "cures" I should love to hear.
Enjoy rest of evening, relax, chill etc. xxx
Hello foxglove ,
Thank you. I have not heard of oregano oil for bladder health. I will look into it. I take methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis and I have to be very careful what I can use. But I like to try self-help and home remedies before I go to my gp for help.
I haven't eaten my dinner and you were very tactful in your descriptions of toileting in the care home.
I hope you have a lovely chilled evening too .
Take care xx