I have this pain in my chest that keeps coming and going of just the horrible weight on my chest of heartache and stress and I just want it to go away for good so I can get on with my life. Help?
Pain: I have this pain in my chest that keeps... - Women's Health

Get checked out asap.
Yes please get checked but seriously anxiety and severe stress brings on a lot I am on anxiety medications and I feel sometimes worse
I have a friend who always has anxiety and overthinking sometimes, she overreacts and she has the same symptoms. I always advised her to see a doctor but she refused.
You sound like my ex-boyfriend. 😔 I am going to go once I get back to NY (moving from FL)... about your friend, be patient with her, changing is difficult and there's no use in seeing a doctor unless she wants to change for herself on her own with no added pressure or stress, my ex begged me for a year while dating to get help and I didn't, I came up with excuses after excuses, honestly I didn't want to, I thought I'd be okay, and figured I could handle it on my own, when it came down to it, I wasn't ready to 100% admit I had a problem and deal with it, see when you have a problem the only true person whose going to force you to get help is yourself, you need to want it or else when you finally do get help, it's not going to work... needless to say my staling destroyed the relationship inside and out and now I'm left all alone, 1,000+ miles from all my family and friends, on my own without the one person who truly gave a damn about me, and not only has it escalated my anxiety and depression but it gave me a wake up call and made me realize I do need professional help.... now I'm not saying put your friend through hell like I have been, but give her a wake up call/intervention and maybe it'll click, and if it doesn't, be patient with her, especially if your her best friend....you never know, you might be her rock, her hero....and losing that.... well I lost mine, and honestly I'm surprised I haven't self destructed...
You talk as if you have no chance. Ok, you realized you lost your favorite one and that he supported you. But you should know that no one is more important than yourself, like we are responsible for our thoughts, manners,..etc. we are responsible for our physical state too. Tbh, I am convinced that we are not responsible for our mental state, it's always because of something external, you know. The idea of relieving yourself is a treatment/therapy itself. Always keep in mind that you deserve better than what you have now !!
I pray over and over again to get help for myself, to get better and to have a chance, but honestly I'm running out of hope and faith, and I know, I just need to learn to love myself, and thank you.
I know how you feel, i am depressed too but I wanna help you cuz i know how it feels and i know you need hope, once you lose hope and faith.. it's hard to be positive:)) . At least try. We live in this world only once, we should understand why other people say that life is beautiful.. we should try. You are your own hero!!