I have been having really bad pain . Loads of trush . Really bad pain with sex and dryness . I have noticed also using a tampon is really painful . Has anyone else had theses problems ? What helps ? I just seem to always have something causing me pain .
Vagina pain: I have been having really bad... - Women's Health
Vagina pain
Is your doctor performing swabs to confirm thrush, or are they just basing it on discharge?
You may not actually have thrush, you may have vulvodynia or dermatitis instead. Get your doctor to do a swab to confirm, and if you're negative for thrush, ask to be referred to a vulval clinic or gynaecologist.
Hello Cooper
Had loads of swabs come back clear . Gp blames on discharge and seen gynaecologist who also said nothing wrong discharge . The pain has come on since my gynaecologist appointment last time I was crying with pain this time I need painkillers before I go if I went again.
🙂 In case anybody is unsure what a Vulval Clinic is.
A vulval clinic is usually a hospital service offering care specifically for vulval problems and it can be run by a number of different speciality doctors. The British Society for the Study of Vulval Disease is an organisation of health professionals who have an interest in vulval disease.
vulvalpainsociety.org › vps
Finding a vulval clinic - Vulval Pain Society
You dont say how old you are?
Could it be vaginal atrophy caused by the menopause maybe?
I have this and it’s not pleasant, but it has been resolved with HRT.
Still in pain shall I book a gp appointment or just not worry?
Book an appointment - you need to advocate for yourself here. I know you can start to feel like a burden, but there are pills and things you can do to help get rid of the pain, and if you don't push to get them, you just risk being in pain for longer.
I am just feed up on the pain the doctors cause on top .
I checked out this link Wobblybee provided, and it has an interactive map that shows specialists in your area:
Ask to be referred to one of them. The doctor doesn't need to keep examining you if the treatments offered aren't working.
Hello Cooper
Would you just ask for a phone call with GP when asked to be referred to the clinic in my area ?
You could do! I suppose if the GP wanted to see you first, they'd be able to book you in