Am I the only women to be pleased following a laparoscopic rectopexy - it changed my life!! Why so many bad stories? I wouldn't change anything. The biggest problem I had was having to wait for the funding to be secured
Lap Ventral Rectopexy : Am I the only women... - Women's Health
Lap Ventral Rectopexy
Hi empowered_patient..
Was that op for a prolapsed bowel, ?
Yes an internal prolapse. Caused me no end of symptoms -constipation, urgency, incontinence and pain. My business was suffering as was my marriage. I was desperate. Having had the surgery which was hard work - felt pregnant for weeks it is all behind me. I am so please. It's transformed my like. I guess I am very lucky. In truth I never expected it to work but I was desperate. Would have tried anything
Glad your op was good.. had mine about three years ago, but the prolapse is back and zip have to decide if I want another referral..Maybe because I was a career for my late husband, I did not take enough care of myself at the time..He was in trump cAre after my op..then I had hernia on the porthole entry and needed an op on that as well.. I have chronic constipation which restricts my life a lot, tho not too much pain more discomfort and restriction..still could be worse I know
So good to hear a positive post about this. Thank you for telling us.
Thanks for posting I need this surgery and I'm very scared x
Where was your op done? X
I had this op and am very pleased with the result.