Just thought I'd post a little something g about my experience of my nexplanon removal for all the ladies/young girls who are worried about having theirs taken out.
So I'm not the kind of person to be scared by needles so I was okay to begin with, so I'm just here to reassure. It was 100% fine! You literally only feel the numbing injection and that's it!
I found it helpful to watch YouTube videos so I know what's going on, did the same with my laparoscopy surgery too. Although a lot of the Ines on YouTube made it look a lot more difficult than it actually was!
It took longer to do the prior information checks and get the cleaning bits out than the actual removal! I've got a 1/2 centimetre cut with 3 stern strips to help hold it together. It doesn't hurt afterwards for me, my skin around the area is sensitive to touch but doesn't hurt.
I hope this helps some people! Xxx