Hi, I'm Jessica age 52 and feel as if this menopause is attacking me with an intent to harm! I'm the happy hold it together person or at least I was. I'm struggling with the loss of my old self the one that felt good enough, pretty enough, happy enough. Where did I go? what happened to me? I have no medical insurance so I can't seek med attention. I feel angry, hateful and miserable at least three times a day and cry or scream or both. I'm gaining weight which is affecting my relationship with my husband, he enjoys pictures and porn and my confidence is crushed. I already feel less of a woman, less of a human being. Will I survive this. Please can anyone give me some advice on what to do. He understands my pain but feels I don't have any reason to be upset. I wish I wasn't! I get confused, feel guilty for my mood swings, cry, want to be loved through it all and then again-just give me some space! who is this alien that has taken over my "used to be beautiful self"? Will I ever feel or look pretty again. How do I smile again?
Scared, alone even with the ones I love - Women's Health
Scared, alone even with the ones I love

Hello love,I feel your pain I too was a mess it did affect everything I did.Im now 56 been menopausal since 45 .Yes a long time now,Some people breeze though and some like us don't.Youre not alone love there are a lot of us out here.The feeling of overwhelming sadness that hits for no reason.Ive been standing at work some one said one silly thing to me(like the always do joking around) and I'm a blubbering mess.Not just crying sodding.Poor people felt bad.The hot sweats that come from your boots I sometimes feel dizzy with them,I think I may one day combust and just leave my shoes.Never been moody or angry but boy did my husband go though it.He also said he understood but it must hurt them we turn into monsters at times.Docs asked me if I wanted HRT but it's not for me,It works for some but I read leaflets and decided not.lhave tried lots of herbal remedies black cohosh,clover,menoserene but helped a bit take fruit and veg caps now all my symptoms apart from hot sweats have gone.Talk to your GP he will give you leaflet you can try drinking more water and excise can help.Heard Mediterranean diet is good.Some foods can help.
You're not alone hope this helps.😘🤗
I there I am 59 and I have not found menopause easy breeze I'm wondering myself were the old me went in the beginning of my menopause I tried herbal flowers from the health store it seemed great like it was helping then one day I got sick with flu like symptoms and pain in the side they did different tests found out my liver enzymes were off the charts from taking this herbal medicine so there are really bad days like now we're I feel like going insane depression ect but I do find hypnosis and meditation balanced diet and soya and almond milk help hope this helps somebody
Hi I am 49 and think I have come out the other side of the menopause now but I too feel exactly the same as you, my face is no longer supple and my skin is dry my looks are going I no longer feel attractive Ive put on weight god its depressing lol!! You are not alone . I feel I may as well be 50 but Im not yet. xxxx