okay so i have been freaking out lately . so a week ago, i was suppose to have my period. on the day it was suppose to come, i noticed there was dark brown discharge on my pad and a light pinkish color when i wiped. a day or 2 after, i had a light period, which is weird bc my period is usually very heavy. i had been super stressed and had bad anxiety a few days before. so could that have made my period that way? also i've noticed my stomach has gotten a little bigger. idk if it is fat or if I'm pregnant. i haven't had sex btw. I'm only 14. also, my stomach has been cramping, even though I'm over my period . i have ibs, so idk if that could have caused my stomach to cramp. but anyways, I'm stressing out rn bc I'm scared that I'm prego, even though i haven't had sex. help ??
I'm freaking out help.: okay so i have been... - Women's Health
I'm freaking out help.
Hi elise😊
You're 14, your body is like to still be adjusting to hormonal changes, you have IBS and suffer from stress. A combination of all these factors are probably causing an imbalance in your menstrual cycle.
Stress and anxiety can cause havoc with the digestive system, IBS is hard to cope with anyway without further tension in the system. Bloating or abdominal swelling is common in both IBS and prior to a period, and occasionally periods can vary without cause for alarm.
Only three things can lead to pregnancy. Sex, heavy petting, and IVF.
If this doesn't put your mind at rest, speak to your mother or an appropriate adult, and seek an doctors appointment for further advice.
Best wishes😊xBeryl
Hi Elise, if you haven't had sex then you are definitely not pregnant. My goddaughter is just turned 13 and started her periods last year. At the moment she has gone from around once every 8-10 weeks to all over the place and her once ironing board flat tum has started to become bloated. She is also cramping at times without any bleeding, mostly when she is stressed.
I think it is mostly to do with her starting at a new school in January. We had a long chat on the phone a few days ago and she says she feels better now she has spoken to me, rather than her mother or grandmother. Is there someone you could talk to about this who is not immediate family? Maybe even a good friend's mum?
This will pass Elise, even though it doesn't feel like it at the moment. Most of us have been through it in the early days.
Take care xx
thank you for the help ! even though i haven't had sex or even been around a guy lately , im still stressed out and having bad anxiety about this . my stomach feels hard when i push on it and idk if it's bc im bloated or bc ive been working out these last few weeks . also , i swear it looks like my stomach is getting fatter and fatter everyday . idk i might be paranoid lol . but i can't seem to calm my nerves . i keep on having symptoms like stomach cramps , headaches , stomach tightness and a little bit of nausea . these symptoms are causing me to think im prego. and it's stressing me out . im so scared .
I agree with the comments from others. Brown grainy discharge is dried blood, perfectly natural, and more common if your bleeding is light. Light periods can happen - possibly your body is still adjusting, possibly anxiety - I find eating ginger can make mine lighter (I eat ginger as a pain killer for cramps, so I notice it affects things).
Bloating can indicate a food intollerence, especially if you have IBS. Most likely this is the cause.
You can also experience cramps and clear discharge around the middle of your cycle (mid-point between periods), and this is perfectly normal.
It's highly unlikely you're pregnant, but if it would put your mind at ease, you can always do a test.