hi iam 28 years old.two moths ago i got maried.i took birthcontrol tablets july month also.After august onwards i stoped it.I had period july 24.But still that is not hapenning,stil we did not do any sexula thing because i am afriad, we tried it.But its realy pain full.So i m confuced why periods still not happen.Please advise me
periods not happening: hi iam 28 years old... - Women's Health
periods not happening
Many of my friends have irregular periods after they stop taking birth control pills. Irregular periods are also very common if you're stressed - I can imagine that with wedding preparations and changes after the wedding you might be experiencing some changes and stress? I would not worry too much about not having had your period yet. Once your hormones 'recalibrate' and your life routines are established again they should start. If you're really worried, I would go see a doctor - but I really would just wait a bit longer.
You also mentioned that you did not have any sexual intercourse because you are afraid. May I ask what you are afraid of? You mention pain during sexual intercourse - is that what you are worried about? Are you sufficiently lubricated/wet when you are having sexual intercourse?
When I first started having sex, I was really worried about pain. I had heard so much about how painful it was, that I was all tense and nervous, and I actually was really tightening my muscles, including my vaginal muscles. A friend told me that before she started having penetrative sexual intercourse (where her partner inserts his penis into her vagina), they spent a few months playing with each other and just getting comfortable with each other. That included him fingering her (inserting a finger into her vagina) so she got used to being penetrated and wasn't tense at all. I told my partner that I was really nervous and worried about the pain, so we took it slow and made sure there was plenty of foreplay, and I was comfortable and relaxed. After a while (maybe 1 or 2 months) we then had penetrative sex and it was ok, even though I was still really nervous. I've learnt over the years (this was 10 years ago) that it's really important for me to be relaxed, and enjoying myself, and having fun/being turned on. Then I get wet enough and then there is absolutely no pain involved. I also have some friends, who although they are really turned on, still don't really 'get wet' - they just buy some lubricant and apply that. (If the woman is not wet enough, there can be a lot of friction and it be uncomfortable or even hurt, so that is really important.)
I hope that helps a little, if you have any more questions I'd be happy to help if I can.
Good luck and congratulations on your marriage. Sex is awesome, so don't worry, get relaxed and communicate with your husband and I'm sure you'll be having lots of fun soon