Hi Fellow Weight Loss Bus Riders .. I'... - Weight Loss Support

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Hi Fellow Weight Loss Bus Riders .. I'm curious to know ...

14 Replies

I was wondering - as I'm inclined to do from time to time - just what made you 'take the plunge' so as to speak?

I've been recently thinking, quite often, how I should have started this weight loss journey ages ago.

And I guess, for me, seeing those Hairy Biker guys - two ordinary blokes - doing that Hairy Dieters thing over the Christmas on the TV rather made me think:

a) if they're actually THAT fat - could I be too?


b) if they can do something about it, then surely I can too!

But what was the 'spark', for you?

And any idea about what it was that held you back from starting it earlier?

I think in my case it was that I didn't think I was really that overweight (and I wasn't overweight - I was significantly obese!) and I didn't really believe watching my calories and stuff would make any real difference (and I was wrong on that one too!).

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14 Replies
moutere profile image

Hi Doikosp,

I had a very intensive private medical last year, which included X-rays, water and blood tests, also cholesterol and blood pressure. I am pleased to say that I passed with flying colours apart from a cholesterol count of 6.7 which I have now managed to reduce to 5.3. Having succeeded with that I now have decided to get my weight right and stay healthy.

newpie profile image

Hi Doikosp, the main reason for me is I'am coming up to my 50th and I decided to do something about this weight, and get fitter. I started running and swimming to lose weight, but now I also want to lose weight to help me get better with my running and swimming.

fatgirl123 profile image

Hi Doikosp

Turned 50 and just took a long hard look at myself. My twin sister is slim so I can be too. New half century, New start.

Beth5 profile image

Hi Doikosp,

I loved the Hairy Dieters show and have the book, some awesome recipes in there. However, back to your original question I guess the reason that I decided to get back on the weight-loss bus after watching it pass by for the last year or 2 is just so I feel fitter, healthier and better about myself.

bubbleum profile image

Hi Doikosp

I too are turning 50 this year at the end of June and this is the heaviest i have ever been, joined all the diet clubs loose at the beginning and the plan becomes more of a chore working out point etc,and paying out £250 per year either to stay the same,

loose 2 pounds or even worse of all gain , money down the drain in my experience so i stumbled on this and i will give this a go , hope it works.

louise67 profile image

Hi Doikosp,

For me it was my health ive tried to do it before but always failed due to family issues i would say then just under a year ago my mother passed away and then i piled it it on. Till it began to affect my health i was struggling to get my breath and i had high blood pressure and it was starting to affect my joints,and i just said to myself ive got to do something and im so glad i did.

didntrunthat profile image

I started my weight loss journey nearly 2 years ago when I signed up to couch 2 5k. I had been struggling with a chronic health problem that was undiagnosed at that stage - I had spent two years before miserable and unactive and as a result my BMI had shot up to over 30. My consultant had asked about my weight gain and encouraged me to start getting active again, so my sister and I took a trip up a local a mountain...a small one! I could barely make it half way and really surprised myself. I started running and watched my diet and lost 1 stone, but have lost 2 stone more recently when I have had a foot injury using myfitnesspal to count my calories. I maybe have 1 more stone to go, but will see it might be too much, I'm just into the healthy BMI range in the past couple of weeks which was a big target :)

notsobigmama profile image

Doikosp, for me the "moment" was when my application for the SGN Fit Club was accepted. The company I work for (SGN - Scotia Gas Networks) decided to implement a club similar to the one on the telly. 12 lucky people were selected from a number of applicants and given free gym membership for a year along with a brief meeting with a nutrionist and the option for some personal trainer sessions. Having my colleagues at work encouraging me has really helped, as have the weekly teleconferences the group has.

Up to the point where I received the phone call to say I had been accepted, I didn't know if I would go ahead if picked. My journey and gym membership started on 1st May 2012. I am already planning to renew the gym membership at the end of the year as it makes sense to continue with this as it gives me the push to watch what I'm eating.

Health issues for me. I have been dieting on and off since I left school over 30 years ago. Always with the intention and incentive of wearing a smaller wardrobe and getting slim. I never managed to reach the 'normal weight for height range' and smallest dress size was a 14 which at the time was an amazing accomplishment from my usual 18-20. It never lasted though. This time, with painful arthritis, high BP and cholesterol and recently diagnosed fatty liver, I have a new incentive. Using your 'bus' analogy, this time I boarded a different bus, destination better health (instead of just wanting to look good at previous destination). Hopefully I will stay on this one to the end.

Legion profile image

My weight spiralled as I got more inactive which was triggered by various injuries (particularly knee problems) making me give up the activities that previously helped me maintain my weight (particularly cycling and yoga). I started to feel as though 'fat' was with me for life and wondered if I had some thyroid problem.

When I saw Eddie Izzard doing Marathon Man I felt the urge to have a go at running, which is something I never imagined myself doing. It took me a while to finally start running (I started c25k last July and graduated 9 weeks later) but I am now hooked. :D It turned out that the only reason my metabolism was so slow was because I had become so inactive. Running, and the benefits I've discovered with it, has inspired me to want to lose more weight, so I can run further/faster/better and be healthier for the rest of my life.

legs2013 profile image

I have gained weight since my Daugher now aged15 went into hospital during 2010. Up until that point I went to the gym at least four times a week. Then last year I had an argument with the stairs and they won, leaving me with a ruptured achillies tendon in two places...having spent 7months in plaster, having had two opperation now twelve months later I'm able to walk a fair distance, alass at no great speed.....I'm now a full-time carer to my Daughter, during all this I had gained two stone in weight and more inportantly I had forgotten about me... Now I have come to terms with whats happing around me it's now time I lose some weight and get fitter. This will be no mean feat as free time for me is very limited.

bunblebeaz profile image

The moment for me was seeing a picture of myself i a sleeveless top and noticing how big my arms had gotten. I couldn't fit into a lot of mybfave clothes and I reached a point where Ihad to buy size 18 (usually size 10-12). A lot of clothes I liked didnt suit me because of my size. I could also tell I was getting unfit as walking at the weekend got harder and harder and getting up mountains was hard, especially as Iwas so uncomfortable in my walking gear.

Having found the nhs site with all the information on calorie consumption this was my boost to get going.

Iobviously was eating too much despite cutting back on the cr*p food and bulking up on veggies and starting at the gym. So a guide and plan has really helped me focus in more on tne foood side of things.

Change for a better future methinks :)

sophiesmum profile image

My reason was because I have uterine fibroid. Fibroids love estrogen and the larger lady you are, the more you produce. So weight-loss seems like a sensible option.

cmcdougall profile image

The NHS has introduced a programme for workers where you get healthy eating advice and have your weight and measurements monitored so thought I would give it a go. I knew I had put on weight but didn't realise just how much. I put it down to stopping smoking but deep down I knew I had to change my eating habits, be more active and primarily portion sizes. I also want to get down to a healthy weight as I have imminent surgery in the next couple of months, totally unrelated to my weight I may add! Better to act now before it affects my health.

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