Come January I'm probably going to regret it
Eaten 2 mini mince pies : Come January I... - Weight Loss Support
Eaten 2 mini mince pies

for christmas I usually make a plan and discuss with a freind what my treats are going to be. I always have a couple of mince pies, a peice of christmas cake and some christmas pudding as well as a small christmas dinner. my plans are written down and I aim to maintain over christmas rather than lose. any loss is a bonus. In the summer when I go on holiday I also make a plan. I have two ice creams, one cream tea and a pudding if we eat out.

If you are going to have 2 mince pies make sure you enjoy them otherwise why would you bother.As long as you get back on the healthy eating bus that is all fine and dandy.

I think you have done well to only have two mini mince pies. I have eaten little more. Chocolates, Christmas pudding, cake. Christ6is difficult to keep to diet. I tell people not to buy me chocolate but still receive them.