I have been 275lbs, I lost the weight rather easily, all the way to 220lbs, I did it twice, 30 years ago, and 15 years ago. The second time I was able to stay at 230lbs, been there for 10 years, I am 58 years and 5' 10" male. When I hit 230lbs I panic and start exercising and dieting, I get to 221lbs and get very excited, then the nightmare begins, no matter how hard I try, I simply cannot get past the 220lbs. At 220lbs I am not necessarily fit. What am I doing wrong?
Can't go past 220lbs: I have been 275lbs... - Weight Loss Support
Can't go past 220lbs

Hi GeorgieBoy5, and welcome to Weight Loss Support.
First of all, well done for getting to 220lb. Secondly, don't panic! A lot of people on a weight loss journey hit what people often call a 'weight loss plateau'..
There are various things that you can try to restart the weight loss that have worked for our members. The first task is to reassess your current habits, would a tweak make a difference? If you drink alcohol, cutting that down, or out completely can help, as can swapping out carbs from your menu (low carb, healthy fat). Others swear by intermittent fasting to help boost the weight loss.
Whatever you try, you need to be able to live with it, and also give it time.
The community here works on the basis of peer support, so joining in with some of the groups we have may help too with longer term aims as members talk about what's working for them and give each other encouragement along the way.
I've added the link to all our current groups at the bottom of my reply.
Good luck!

Hi, GB5.
I think you can see the problem: you're approaching it in a way that isn't sustainable. If you lose weight in a way you can't sustain (e.g. 'starving' yourself, spending hours in the gym) then the weight loss isn't sustainable. You need to find a way of eating and living that you can see yourself still doing in 5 years, 10 years ... Give yourself time to find your way, rather than repeating what you've done in the past as you know that doesn't work.
Wishing you success

Are you still consuming refined seed oils (what's sold as 'vegetable oil') as that could be a reason. Refined seed oils are very difficult to avoid if you eat out or consume any amount of processed food. Try to cook as much as possible from basic ingredients and use butter for frying. If you want to go all in then convert to a carnivore (meat, fish, eggs, dairy) diet but take it bit by bit if you've been eating a bad diet full of refined carbohydrate as it could take a month or two for the body to adjust.

Hi and welcome, and well done on acheiving good losses in the past . I’m only a fellow dieter so can’t offer real expertise but I do know that as our weight reduces its a sad fact that we need to consume less to continue the weightloss journey -putting it simply a 20 stone person will burn more calories than a 10 stone person just to stay alive. Simlarly with excercise if you are heavier your exercise will burn more calories than when you weigh less. Long term dieting is very boring so it should perhaps be a journey with some periods of relaxation, be that dieting hard all week and enjoying a treat at weekends or doing 3 months and then have a week of eating what you like. Whatever diet plan you decide on, make sure its satisfying and nutritious, don’t starve yourself -low carb works for me but all sorts of ways of eating are just as good. Same with exercise, do something you’re going to engage with long term. This site is great for support, important with a ling term plan so engage and enjoy. All the best for your weightloss.