PLEASE HELP. I‘m freaking out.. - Weight Loss Support

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PLEASE HELP. I‘m freaking out..

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February
6 Replies

Everything about me:

• Female

• 23 y/o

• height 1,65cm / 5‘4 foot

• weight 112kg / 249 lbs

I have to lose 4kg‘s (11 pounds) so I can get a liposuction because of my Lipodema (or Edema, however you call it). My insurance covers it because I‘m at the 2nd-3rd stage, which is awesome because I didn‘t want to be a financial burden to my family. However they want me to have a specific BMI for that. And I‘m over it. I just have to lose 5-4 kilograms and thats it.

Now the crazy part: I did the exact same thing as I did one year ago, and the years before that:

Excessive workout and changed my diet completely out of fear that nothing might work. Then I slowly started to relax and eat the stuff that I like, but with limits. I went swimming twice a week for 3 WHOLE hours and went cycling every single day for 1 hour and that all helped me. Lost 10kg in like, 3 months. Which was huge last year!

Now.. I‘m doing the exact same thing. But nothing changed. My weight keeps fluctuating everyday.. I weigh myself everyday to write it down on my calorie app. To see the line chart and stuff. It goes up and down, up and down. From 112kg, to 113kg and even 115kg, like today. Even if it said something else yesterday. In the first week (that was last week on Feb 13th) I noticed that I was malnourished because I just moved in into my new place and I had no fridge. So I didn‘t buy any cheese, bread (I don‘t eat that much bread so I put it in the fridge so it doesn‘t get moldy) etc. I only have eggs, apples, water, oats and my low fat quark that I eat with my apples (I put the quark in my balcony).

So that was basically what I‘ve been eating. Then others pointed out, that thats the reason I can‘t lose weight. I immediately went to the mall and got some new food so I can cook. I hop on the scale and I see how the weight gets higher, then low again, higher etc.

It messes with my mind.. is it to early to see results? Or is my stress and impatience overwhelming my body? I don‘t know what I am doing wrong. I‘ve wasted my entire youth by not enjoying it because of the edema on my legs. Now I almost could‘ve gotten my long awaited surgery and now this. I know I‘m extremely close but its like I can‘t reach it.

Am I rushing myself? How do I calm down from this? I don‘t know what to do anymore, seriously. I got my period yesterday and the only thing I ate was sausages with some bread. Nothing else. And today my scale said 115kg instead of 112kg, what I had before. Like, what? I know that fluctuations are normal and that I shouldn‘t worry myself too much but it still does. I have to weigh 108kg for the surgery. But it gets higher and higher. How is that possible? I don‘t eat anything bad at all.. how can swimming twice a week for 3 whole hours and cycling everyday be not enough to lose weight all of a sudden?

Written by
choccymilk profile image
2024 February
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6 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, choccymilk :)

It's a sad fact that exercise does little to help weight loss and sudden bursts of extreme activity can actually increase weight due to muscles holding onto water for repair

You would do better to eat regularly and healthily, this is a good guide If you join our Daily Diary, you'll be able to pick up lots of tips.

Stress also doesn't help, as high cortisol levels can lead to weight gain

All of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts

We've found active participation to be key to successful weight loss and, of course, it's a good way to get to know people, find inspiration and share support and encouragement.

Wishing you all the best :)

choccymilk profile image
choccymilk2024 February in reply to moreless

Thank you but this has never happened before.. a year ago, I did the exact same thing. Just didn‘t eat carbs that much because of the prediabetes but overall, there were no issues at all. I don‘t know what I‘m doing wrong..

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to choccymilk

I suggest you don't look back, but head forward and start from scratch.

Join our Daily Diary, plan your menus - 2/3 meals per day that include protein and veg, don't resort to sausages and bread and reasonable and sustainable exercise, eg a 30 minute brisk walk each day.

Try and reduce your stress. 4kg is not a massive amount of weight to lose and you will achieve it :)

focused1 profile image

If you have been told to shed this weight in order to fit their criteria for your procedure then I would go back and inform them you are taking this very seriously- which you are and ask for their help in that you request to see a nutritionist who would plan your food intake accordingly as you chat about lifestyle, medical history etc . Here I would say the majority of us aren’t medics and we have very tailored ideas which tend to work for us but obviously we are all different. I acknowledge your focused approach and determination but your words imply you are getting really down with your experience and efforts . You need help as the procedure alone will be bothering you and I think a chat with professional help which will also go on your medical records would be my advice.

Back to your question- what works ? What personally works for me to maintain is 3 meals a day , no snacks and a fairly manual job plus Zumba , walking - not really step counting but mindfully trying not to use the car , getting at least 1 walk of 8+ miles per fortnight realistically but it takes planning , discipline and a lifestyle choice which now I do subconsciously. I addressed my health after 2 major gastric issues resulting in surgery and the stress of having a close relative with serious mental health issues which affected me . My life now is slightly calmer as my body likes my routine and psychologically I have found a great coping mechanism as I am not lugging around so much weight and I sleep better. Please get proper help . You deserve it and let us know how you are feeling and progressing .

Frenchfields profile image
Frenchfields2024 January

Please stop weighing yourself everyday -its clearly stressing you out and everyones bodyweight fluctuates. Pick a day and a time of day and weigh yourself then don’t weigh for a week or even a month if you’ve got the nerve.

Focused1 gives good advice -if your medics are not helping you perhaps look at one of the weightloss organisations, like weightwatchers. I lost a lot of weight with them many years ago and I have kept nearly all of it off since then. I met people who knew what the challenges are who are now lifelong friends. Their plans also allow you to include the foods you enjoy so you don’t feel deprived. Worth considering I would say

Exercise is important but it really is what you eat that will have an impact on your weight; the saying ’you can’t outrun a bad diet is sadly true. If you go to a gym ask the trainers to help you put together a program that you can follow. Tell them you’re aiming to lose weight, they will be supportive.

Please keep coming back and tell us how you are doing -the support on this forum is great.

Edited because I didn’t say what works for me; I eat three good meals a day, I lean towards low carb, and I don’t snack. Breakfast is usually yogurt based with berries seeds nuts, lunch salad based but I’d call it heavy duty salad with lots of fibre and protein, homemade oil-based dressing. Late afternoon I have fruit usually half an apple and a satsuma or a similar portion of other fruit with a cup of tea. Evening meal varies any meat or fish sometimes omlets but I largely avoid pasta, rice, potatoes, replace with quinoa, lentils, other veg. I rarely eat bread and I don’t have a sweet tooth so it has to be pretty special for me to bother with dessert or cakes. The freshwell app mentioned above is a good starting point though I found some of the recipes a bit odd. I dogwalk daily and gym exercise three times a week. Not sure if you’re in the USA (you mentionned insurance) but one thing I've noticed there is how carefully you have to check labels on food because even the cottage cheese had sugar in it. Whole foods is my go to in the USA though I know its pricey.

ScottishKaty profile image
ScottishKaty3kgRestart Jan 2024

some great advice given above. I appreciate you are looking to loose some kgs quickly to be able to tap into surgery, however try and look at the shifts in the diet as a long term game. By getting into the practice of eating low carb, it becomes embedded into your daily routine, and you will see the benefits for years to come, not just in the short term

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