I've just got this for my meal but reading statistics on it doesn't read good or is it ?
Hi team : I've just got this for my meal... - Weight Loss Support
Hi team

Hi again AJ, I prefer cooking from scratch so that I know what goes in.
I suggest that you go back to the pinned posts and this time scroll down to the Daily Diary, 4th post down. If you join in there you'll find lots of useful tips.

It's always better to prepare your own meals from scratch, AJ. Here are some chicken meals that aren't difficult to prepare and also much healthier. Why not try out your culinary expertise?
You'll find loads of recipes in Topics too

While I agree cooking from scratch can be better the occasional ready-meal can be useful. The problem with deciding if its a good or bad choice for you is not knowing what your aiming for -are you calorie counting, low carb, another plan. If its tasty and satisfying and fits into your plan then its probably a handy dish to have available, you could maybe cook some extra fresh veg to have with it -if not then maybe don’t buy it again.