How do you fancy 30 days of goodness? What weight loss can be achieved in four weeks? Have you something you desperately want to try or give up? Join us on the spring challenge and record your plans and experiences below 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
How do you fancy 30 days of goodness? What weight loss can be achieved in four weeks? Have you something you desperately want to try or give up? Join us on the spring challenge and record your plans and experiences below 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Well, well, well, just what we need for Spring 💮🌷🌱🌸🐇 Thanks Hopalong 😊
Are you up for the challenge?
LittleBallOfFur Adheela Agedpianist Aginghippy ANewMe2022 Ascelus Bellat BMIBabyNow brads27 Cando3 Cockneyblue Dietbunny2 docmar Etriker67 Familytree67
Hi moreless,
I want to try IF. Looking into the pros and cons of intermittent fasting.
I think IF and low carb is the way to go and will be trying my best with this too. Good luck, LittleBallOfFur . Great to have you on x😊😊🤞🤞🌠🌠🌠🍀🍀
Hi Hopalong1,
Are you planning on 5-2 (so fasting on two days a week and eating low carb the other days) or something like 16-8 where you only have a window of 8 hours to eat each day?
Good luck to you too!
I try 16:8 then closer to 20:4. And I have managed 23:1 for a long spell, but not currently, so that is an aim. I don't do 5/2 but I know others have tried. What about you? I have a couple of Gin Stephens books on IF. It is a bit old now(2014) but I like Keto Clarity by Jimmy Moore with a 28 day kickstart for IF and Jason Fung books on fasting. Happy Monday! x
I have several of Jason Fung's books on my Audible account
I think we should have an intermittent fasting week, exercise and ? Would be glad of your input. How was your day? Good I hope.
This weight loss effort has affected my grocery bill in a good way. I keep finding that I can put off grocery deliveries due to not raiding the larder and fridge so often.
I have had my hair cut today. It's very short now and I think that might explain the lightheadedness
OMG just as I’m considering 16:8 IF, study published in the Independent today talking about how people on the 16:8 IF are more likely to die of heart-related issues! Maybe not going that route then?!
This part was the first thing that stood out to me in the article
This was not a detailed study based on a large sample of people. This wasn't even a proper study as the information was based on a survey where people added their responses. Self-reporting is never reliable
"Researchers acknowledged that the study was limited in its findings because it relied on self-reported dietary information, as well as failed to focus on other factors that may play a role in participants’ health.
The study analysed data from participants in the 2003-2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, and compared it to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Death Index database on people who died in the US from 2003 through December 2019.
“One of those details involves the nutrient quality of the diets typical of the different subsets of participants. Without this information, it cannot be determined if nutrient density might be an alternate explanation to the findings that currently focus on the window of time for eating. Second, it needs to be emphasised that categorisation into the different windows of time-restricted eating was determined based on just two days of dietary intake,” he said."
Hi GosportNancy29,
Thanks for reading it through. I’d bookmarked it and was going to return to it later this week. I agree, it does seem like a very limited study. Dagnabbit, I fell for a sensationalist headline and needed to read the whole thing. Thanks!
Thanks for posting this. I have read the article a couple of times and cannot find how much life expectancy is reduced by from cardiovascular disease. Low carb and IF has increased my mobility and given me a healthy blood sugar level. Will you try a 12 hour fast instead or calorie reduction, LittleBallOfFur ? All the best x
Hi Hopalong1,
By chance I have fallen into a 14:10 situation over the last couple of days without trying. I will try and extend that to a 16:8 and see how it goes. Thanks.
I believe that we're giving normal meal times a posh name. The more I think about it the stranger it seems.
If we have 3 meals a day, breakfast at 8'ish, supper around 6'ish with lunch somewhere in the middle. That's a 10 hour eating window, in order to shorten it all we need do is have a later breakfast.
I'm not in the UK,I have breakfast around 9.30 ( I don't skip breakfast)and I never have supper before 7.30'ish. Giving me a 10 hour eating window and ,as mum said, my tummy gets a 14 hr rest
I don't get up for a snack at night. I'm more concerned with what I eat and drink.
What do you think Hopalong1
Resting my tummy sound fab. I coast up and down with IF, it is just my pattern. I have a pot of black coffee for breakfast. So far today, I watched a film and walked instead of lunch and ate late in a two hour window at tea. If I am hungry I will eat again.
I like the idea of autophagy fasting. This piece is from the Cleveland Clinic
" Can you induce autophagy?
You can induce autophagy by stressing your cells to send them into survival mode. You can induce autophagy through:
Fasting: Fasting means that you stop eating for a certain amount of time. Fasting deprives your body of nutrients, forcing it to repurpose cell components to function.
Calorie restriction: Restricting your calories means decreasing the number of energy units, or calories, your body consumes. Instead of depriving your body of calories completely (as with fasting), you limit them. This forces your cells into autophagy to compensate for the lost nutrients.
Switching to a high-fat, low-carb diet: This type of diet, commonly referred to as a keto diet, changes the way your body burns energy, so that instead of burning carbs or sugar for energy, it burns fat instead. This switch can trigger autophagy.
Exercise: Exercise stimulates processes that increase the activity of ATGs, such as stressing your skeletal muscles. Exercise can induce autophagy, depending on the type of exercise you’re doing and its intensity. 23/08.2022 "
All the best
I think this can be done by starting 1/2 to an hour at each end to pull the window into a smaller frame x
I agree with the idea of shortening in the eating window a little at a time,in order to achieve a longer "fast".Personally I would be ravishingly hungry at breakfast time and possibly bedtime, too. Drastic IF just doesn't suit me
Are you up for the challenge?
ForestryPine6 gman1961 GosportNancy29 Hidden Imustdothis jennilou Kickupbum LifeIsNow2024 Lytham misstippytoes Momo53 MonLew PippiRuns purplemisty purple_ums_2
Yes I'm in coming at it from all fronts (and I have a lot of those) I am going to record all my walks and gardening hours and probably housework too. I am going to enjoy Easter without being a glutton , then guilty blah de blah. Food wise I will play it by ear but record as I go. I eat two meals a day with a snack in a 6.5 hour window so I guess that's IF? Also cut down my daily protein intake, I think quite often it is over the 113g daily.
Great to see you on dawnz I think we should have a pass for Easter. I already have a couple of things on the calendar involving food. That is before a leg of lamb! I think we could make some room in our clothes before then 😊😊How have you cut down your protein? What do you eat instead? Good luck with the challenge! 🤞🤞🍀🍀🌠🌠😊😊x
I have become lazy about weighing and measuring, so back to basics. . Veggie stir fries are a go to when I am starving and no time to faff; Chinese leaf or pak choi and any other veg , little drop of oil and water to heat through then any dressing or pouring sauce to serve. Saves me wasting a pack of stir fry sauce as O.H is not a fan. Scrambled egg in a pitta if I want the carbs. Good luck to you and thankyou for doing this. Big shout out to everyone
Thanks, Hopalong!
I'm up for this. I don't want to give up anything though lol
Thanks for your support. What are your plans, Nancy, for the next thirty days??? x
I'll just carry on doing what I'm doing
Is that with your Weight Watchers? I think a group like this can help us stick to our plans. 😊😊🍀🍀🌠🌠🤞🤞All the best x
I am just using Weight Watchers as a way of logging my meal plans and so on. I can also see what changes I can make when I need to do that , just by going back through my log to watch for patterns
One thing I have changed for this challenge is having a veggie bake for my last cooked meal of the day. My veggie bakes are made from sliced-up fresh vegetables, including courgettes, leeks, onions and peppers. I add a veggie stock cube and garlic then add tomatoes and mushrooms later on in the cooking. The whole thing is baked with a little olive oil until it looks like it's done.
It's also a good way of using up all the odds and ends in the fridge and my veggie rack in time for the next lot of groceries to be delivered
That's a good idea. We have tuna bake, heavy on the veg with cream or coconut milk and cheese. This week all my leftover veg went in a curry + mince curry and egg & cauliflower. This fed us for three days. Ideas from Delia's Frugal Food for the last two dishes. x
Yes, count me in.xx
Bet you have been having a big think about your challenge 😊😊Posts are now turned on x
Are you up for the challenge?
Rabbit81 Remmie Salcheq Schoolie Sheepfan SMITHYC Sunrisetabby TheWolverine0492 Wine Wlgirl Yorkshirepud Zezes-nan 16carolann 191253summer 2bfabnfitagain
yes i am up for this forgot about it missed your link but here I am thanks for this...what i want to do is not over eat one day a week any more or at least not as badly...also I want to keep active but strength wise and keep the cardio to a minimum until I get to my goal weight...i want to increase my protein and fibre...and cook more from scratch and eat less processed and minimise my caffeine....and bee happy so i get my dose of dopamine without having to resort to processed sugar which got me big on the first place...i never want to be big again as i couldn't move and i love my exercise now
Hi my friend Wine! I wondered where you were, it's great to have you join us with all your happiness emoji 😉
Your enthusiasm is infectious wherever you post. Keep bubbling 👏🧘♂️🤩😜🤣💃🏃♀️💃
shucks thank you....i am going to do some meditation tonight ...see what happens...how are you enjoying the yoga
I've joined a local group for seated yoga. Most of the other ladies are around the same age as me. They've been doing it for a year so they're quite good at it. I'll keep going until August, when everything stops, then in September I'll see what I can find. At the moment it's fine 🙂
I was wondering where you were, pleased you made it x
Great to have you with us, Wine . I think we should all record our thoughts on UPF next Monday, it keeps popping up. Calorie deficit has to be a must, whether low carb or not. Sugar sure is a nasty in my book. New week, new start. Good luck, Darling 🪻🪻🌼🌼🐥🐣🤞🤞🍀🍀🌠🌠x
I'll have to count local plonk as an upf, I can't find anything else 🤣
Calorie deficit is fine by me, as I had to drop the pure lchf. My brain tells me that I'm still allowed healthy fats but MFP's counter doesn't agree
I wasn't thinking that far ahead with the red wine, I thought it was a health drink. Oh no!!! Night,night x
adding Ceebee4 and SugarPopple who have expressed an interest
I want to stop overeating so much, and get back to calorie counting...
Hi, Thanks for kicking us off. I think week one will get us in the groove. I nearly went to the local shop today(they have had a refit and there are just sweets galore). I knew it would be a catastrophe. So I planned for the week, actually there is enough food for 11 days, apart from a few fresh things. Sent son instead to shop. I know you shop on-line, where you only get what you order. I think this is a plus, but I truly enjoy the rainbow of shopping.
For me
1 Stick to the list
2 Plan
3Track those carbs
4 Get outside every day
For thirty days x
Good luck, that's a great plan!
I did deviate from the list with dog biscuits and dry shampoo(on offer). With it not being food I am calling this a win! 😂🤣Hope you are doing ok x
Definitely a win! I'm okish thanks, just finishing off my ocado order for tomorrow.
Ooo Hopalong1 you must have been on my shoulder 👀 . As I go round the supermarket, head down, looking at the list and muttering, "I'm not buying that, don't need it and it's not on the list anyway ". You've always been good with planning and I'm sure Roy will take you outside 🐾🐾🩷
Here's to a good 1st week
Good luck purplemisty, you're always good at sticking to your calorie allowance once you've decided.
I hope so, I haven't done well this year so far...
Neither have I I'm sure that we'll both be back on track before the 30 days are over
We are going to be kind to ourselves this challenge and look at the big picture. I have kept 42 pounds off since 2/2019. There is a bit of a rollercoaster in there, but I am healthier. How about you 🎼🎶🎵🎶🎵? x
Ooh, this has come at the perfect time! I think I'm going to have 30 days without drinking fizzy drinks. I mostly drink Pepsi max. Obviously it's zero calories so it doesn't particularly slow my weight loss. But since I'm in maintenance now I don't need to worry about that. In 2024 I've been able to limit it to just evenings (last year I was having a can almost whenever I felt thirsty). But I really want to cut it down a lot farther. In the weekly weigh in thread I talked about reducing UPFs and this is the easiest switch I can make. I think it will improve my health.
The one exception I've decided to allow (I've been pondering this since I read the original post a few days ago) is if I go out for a meal. I don't think it's realistic for me to give up fizzy drinks in that situation and will lead to me failing the challenge.
Good luck everyone!
Hello @Fiadh79, These are great changes. I drink caffeine free pop, but if I have Coke in a pub I have trouble sleeping. There really are some nasties in our food and drink that I hope we can expose in the thirty days. Welcome and good luck! 😊😊🤞🤞🌠🌠🍀🍀
Good luck Fiadh79. Sometimes I get stuck in a rut with my choice of a drink. Enjoy your Pepsi when you're eating out
Yes, I think part of it is just habit. Fingers crossed this 30 days will break that.
How are you doing so far? x
Fine so far. Saying that I was working late on Monday and yesterday was out at a hobby - I usually take a can do drink in the car but I didn't. However that hasn't been a challenge particularly. Tonight is my first evening at home. Should be OK though.
How are you getting on?
Thanks for starting a challenge for us. I want to start meditating once every day and exercising 3 days a week instead of two. It would be great to lose 1.5 kg in 4 weeks but I seem a bit stuck at the moment… so will focus on the mental side - and I know meditation and exercise helps me with that ❤️
Hi Pippi, Thanks for joining us. Remember at Christmas Challenge weight loss wasn't a focus, we just let it melt away in the background. Weigh tomorrow and forget about it. I hope you might lead us in a meditation. I am off to the DVD cupboard to dust off tai chi. All the best for the 30 days x 🤞🤞🌠🌠🍀🍀😊😊
Nice one Pippi Are doing guided meditation and for how long? I tend to drop off after a bit 😴
I agree about the weight loss, I'm stuck too. I think if I can think about getting other things going, the weight loss should be a side effect.
Good luck Pippi 🍀
Hi Hopalong1 well spring is truly just round the corner and if I could kick my own backside I really would. What a great time for a challenge to focus on. For this week I'm getting back to counting those peske calories and double checking my daily allowance and getting my steps up. Have a fab week x
Hi misstippytoes, just a suggestion that I've made to someone else: it helps to be more specific e.g. a brisk 20 minute walk 4 times this week. Being specific about calories, it could be checking the recommended range (it's never a single number) for whatever your current weight is and not going above or below that range for this week
Hi BridgeGirl I think you're quite right with being specific so this week I'm not having crisps as when I'm feeling snacking as I have no off switch when it comes to them and I'm doing 16:8 fasting as it feels normal now for me, I've checked my calorie range and it's between 1400 and 2000 so I'm going for 1550 a day and will use 50 either way as a buffer and see how that goes. I walk to work every day anyway so I don't count that as exercise as I'm doing it anyway. Hope you're having a good week so far x
That sounds more concrete Like you, I'm not good on 'in moderation' so I need to steer clear of certain things - bread, ice cream, wine: I get the little single glass bottles of wine if I really fancy one
Hi Miss, Good to see you on. Do better with a challenge. I count carbs, but the cals come up too on tracker so I can see I am eating enough as well as not too much. All the best, Buddy! 😊😊🍀🍀🌠🌠🤞🤞x
Morning Hopalong, this sounds like the perfect challenge for spring and for me.
1.I want to start walking the dogs every morning before work.
2. Exercise at least 4 days a week.
3. Cut down on alcohol at weekends
4. Make time to do something just for me at least 3 times a week, like going in the hot tub or reading a book.
Wishing everyone all the best 😊xx
Hey, good to see you mate! X
Thanks Lytham, good to see you too, I wondered where you were hiding. 😊xx
Ha ha ! Life just got a bit busy lately, hope you and the dogs are well x
Yes we're all good and we now have a crazy cat. 🤣 Hope your all good. 😊xx
A cat? That'll keep the dogs amused! Lol 🤣 x
Luna (tic) the cat, keeps the dogs in order, lol 🤣 x
Ha ha ! All three of them? X
Oh yes she thinks she's in charge of the whole household, Boris is terrified of her, She sneaks up on Merlin, whose eyesight isn't great anyway and she even holds her own with Blue,lol. 😂xx
Lol! That's hilarious! Put a picture on of her x
Here she is trying to make someone turn the tap on for her, she is obsessed with water.🤣xx
Ha ha, awe bless! I thought cats didn't like water? X
Number 4 sounds ideal: we spend too much time beating ourselves up, when a little self-kindness can boost our mood and help in all areas of life
Hi Loraine, Hope you have a bright, sunny day to begin the challenge. Glad to have you in the group. Roy(my dog) really helps with the steps. What exercise have you planned for the week please? Alcohol is my nemesis and it usually leads to chocolate. So, for me, one to avoid. Loving the me time. Good luck with the challenge! 😊😊🤞🤞🌠🌠🍀🍀🪻🪻🌼🌼
Hi Hopalong, yes dogs are great for getting us out and about, I know my 3 are always up for a walk. I've just been on the spin bike and planning to get the dogs out from tomorrow every morning as an extra, also hoping to go on the spin bike Wednesday and Friday after work and do some virtual reality workouts on Tuesday and Thursday. I would also like to get into the garden at the weekend if the weather and babysitting duties allow. I also find alcohol leads to poor decisions with food, so try to limit it as much as possible. 😊xx
Oh I can't wait to get back out in the garden, I have lilies waiting for April to be planted out and it can't come soon enough x
Oh I love lilies and they look gorgeous, can't come soon enough for me either. 😊xx
It looks lovely out there now but it's still cold x
Just got back from Scarborough, could have just done with a second layer at 5pm. Spring is just about here xx😊😊🌼🌼😊😊
Sorry H1, I couldn't resist a trip to Scarborough Fair🤣🌌🎶🎵🎶
I used to enjoy walking the dogs before work, it's a lovely bit of "me time ". I'm sure your pups will be only too happy to oblige 😆
Good luck Loraine.
Hi Hop, great challenge! I'm in ! Weighing in at 13st 4lb this morning after being on holiday last week, OUCH!!! 🤕 X
Get those Spring plans going!!!
We can get that off. Importantly you have had a fab break before the challenge. I am hoping for half a stone off(3.5 stone badge), but it is all relative. I have a bit more than you to lose. Have some lovely new scales as old one's were deviating by 4lbs 😂🤣 All the best, Buddy 🌼🌼🪻🪻🍀🍀🌠🌠🤞🤞
Oh that would be great if we could both get our 3.5 st badges back before summer ⛱️ 🌞 x
Hi Hopalong1 , I'm keen to set a 30 day challenge -
1. Decent exercise every day
2. At least three early morning exercise sessions per week
3. Seriously cutting back on alcohol consumption
4. More intermittent fasting
5. Eating healthily
6....... and I aim for half a stone off in 30 days time - so from 15 st down to 14 and a half!
Starting today.........a wee bit of football tonight.
Good luck with it all
A tip from when we ran the DrinkLess Club: it helps to be more specific e.g. alcohol only on X days this week, or no more than Y amount at any one time.
Nice advice, makes sense, thanks BridgeGirl
Good tip. It will help me on Thursday. Every 4/6weeks I meet my dear old friend's (sadly passed) husband and friends. A couple of glasses of red would appear essential to the party x
Yayy, loving the plan and the determination x
I am desperate to make this work
We'll get there. Ten minutes every day on the site cheering us all on can make a big difference. Is there anything you would particularly like to see in group in the next 30 days, Ceebee4 ? 💞
As you say, plenty encouragement and positivity and I'll try to stay the course! I need to pin down what I mean by 'decent'!
Hi Ceebee4 Great to have you on board. Thanks for mentioning the alcohol, which always leads me to poor eating choices. Hoping too for half a stone at this end, small steps. Good luck and keep posting! 🌼🌼🪻🪻🍀🍀🌠🌠🤞🤞x
Good morning, Hopalong I'm in.
This week, I'll aim for ...
- a 'to do' list every morning (might stop me avoiding the jobs I don't want to do)
- two new recipes
- strength exercises for my ankle: I'm not going to say every day as I'll probably fail but 3 times this week would be progress
Here's to us and a bright and springy Spring
Yay, great to have you with us. Am a list maker, so I am loving the to do list and the recipes that I hope you will share. I will be checking on those physio exercises. I am supposed to walk up and down the stairs more for my knees and point toes then right angle. The latter I do most. Keep postin' 🤞🤞🌠🌠🍀🍀🪻🪻🌼🌼😊😊x
Thanks for posting this Spring Challenge Hopalong1. It's a great idea to be reminded that this weight loss malarkey isn't all about numbers, it's also about some serious changes.
The last time I took part in a Challenge I managed to stop eating chocolate 🍫 and crisps. I dropped the choccy mainly for my dental health. I'm still choc free but the crisps have crept back into my life, usually washed down with local plonk. 🍷
This time I'm:
Avoiding crisps, at 470 kcal x 100g they're far too expensive calorie wise.
I'll allow 1 glass of red if I can "afford " the 150 calories and the meal merits it. Boiled eggs and salad don't need red wine.
I'm going to stop having slices of sour dough bread toasted and flooded with evo. I may have a couple of slices, once a week but just a drizzle of evo. Extra virgin olive oil is a healthy fat, but it's pure fat and the calories are epic!
I'm also having a go at 🧘♂️ yoga. This is completely new for me. I doubt that I'll be much good at the physical bit but I'm curious about the mindfulness, concentration aspect.
I'll try to pop in a couple of times a week
I was scrolling down the thread, hoping you had joined and yay, result, TTC! That is great you are going to try something new. I am hoping to get my tai chi DVD on today, but there is a yoga one too. We can compare notes, right leg over left ear🤣😂 That ship might have sailed! Crisps and sourdough, that sounds like torture. Husband and I go to a bakery and soup comes with sourdough and butter. I used to give my bread to my beloved, but lately I have been eating it. So, 🤞🤞new week, new habits. Glad to have you in the group. Best of luck. Perhaps week 3 we can talk a bit about exercise??? 🍀🌠🌼🪻🌠🍀🌼🪻x
Well done on remaining choc free! Good luck avoiding crisps, and cutting down the wine. Bread is so tempting! Good luck stopping the bread and evo! Yoga sounds good, I hope you find an adapted version maybe?
Hi Hoplong, my challengers are.
1 Go for a walk everyday even if ts only to the newsgagent's about 1/2 mile away.
2. Go back to having just 2 Gin and Tonics on a Saturday night cutting out the extra ones that have been creeping in a Friday night. No excuse now all the party's ar out iof the way.
3 On the days I am not swimming to do a fitness video.
Good Luck to you and everyone else we can do this.😄😄xx
Hi Momo, Here you are and you have me looking up T S Eliot, brill! 😊😊. You are my last reply before going out with Roy. Yesterday I stayed in all day. So there was room for improvement today at this end. I had forgotten about G & Ts. Am out on Thursday, it is a regular thing and in Christmas Challenge they thought I was a strange being. Bridge has counselled me to planned red wine. I have dusted off tai chi dvd. Good luck with your endeavours. So glad to see you in the group x😊😊🪻🪻🌼🌼🍀🍀🌠🌠🤞🤞
I'm in!I'm in a few groups that are having Spring Challenges but this one starts in the same day as another so those are the ones I've decided to join.
I need to get back to eating real food so my goals are:
1. Fewer processed foods and more real foods.
2. Drink more water. I really slack off on that in colder weather, I find.
3. Exercise EVERY day! I've fallen out of my daily workout habit and need to get back to it!
4. Continue to track everything. I've already been doing this but, let me tell you it hasn't been pretty!
5. Should I add a fifth? Get over my fear of using propane! This will make cooking so much simpler!
Onward to Spring!
Brilliant Etriker, snap to the shock after tracking everything
Good luck with the propane. I'm sure that you can do it 🍀
Hi Etriker67 Good to see you on. I think less processed food would be a good topic for week two, what do you say? It is decidedly spring like here in Yorkshire today and I have been out more and drunk more water. I am not sure I have ever used propane. Must have. Little and often, sharing what you cook everyday. We made three curries today, they were lush! Never had egg & cauliflower curry before, but I would eat it again! Good luck for the next thirty days & beyond x😊😊🪻🌼🌼🍀🌠🤞🍀🌠🤞
Day two - we made it! Tuesday 19th March 2024
Well, looking at the forecast, tomorrow is a good for the coast. Look after each other. I will be back for tea and replies. Wednesday tai chi and some rain. Hope you have a great Tuesday, whatever you do. 😊🌼🪻😊🌼🪻
i like the idea of meditation so i will do it after my resistance bands tonite to mellow out
Here's the first of my two new recipes for the week. Not very low carb, because of the chickpeas, but I did enjoy it bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/kal...
Picture to follow
Very enjoyable
I was also successful in writing my to do list today. I was a lot less successful in doing much of it
That looks delicious, well done writing a to do list, great start. 😊xx
Ah, then there's the 'doing' bit of the 'to do' list
I used to make 'to do' lists and they were so long that I got overwhelmed and never really did the 'to do' bit. Now I make ongoing 'to do' lists, the really important things go at the top and I try to do them and when the list gets a bit shorter I add another one or two things. I'm not sure how well it works, but the important things seem to get done or maybe I just feel like I'm doing things. 🤣🤣xx
Hi Hopalong, how do we report our progress on the challenge? Just here? I managed to do a guided meditation this morning before work and this week’s first exercise session is in the bag!
Edit: I should have read before writing… I get it now 😃
Well done. On the guided meditation and exercise Pippi. Have a great Tuesday x
Hello 👋 siggie here for the challenge! The name change is significant as I was getting hung up about the perfection bit, but I'm now focusing on the progress. My aims for the month are:
Restart my daily yoga ( I did a 30 day program with Adrienne in January and then stopped) I was improving in getting in the positions but it wasn't pretty😂😂😂
Increase my running mileage to 15 miles a week
Drink more water
My daughter gets married in 10 weeks so any lost weight will be a bonus, but its not the focus.
These are smashing challenges. How many miles did you do this week? Wondering if you will gradually increase over the month? All the best 🍀🌠🤞🤞🌠🍀x
Nice start to the day, Progressoverperfect I'm a bit behind on my day 2! That's a good running challenge, nice one.
Morning Hopalong, just back from our walk with the dogs, which was lovely and has set me up for the day, so started the day well. Yesterday I exercised on the spin bike as planned and made time for me and read my book, so all going well so far. Have a great Tuesday everyone. 😊xx
Insoiring to hear of activity up with the lark, Loraine518 One for me to think about now mornings are getting brighter. Well done.
inspiring I mean of course!
Doing great Hun, off to a strong start x
Good start Loraine😀😀xx
Well done, Loraine. Getting some more steps in here, but the weather was fab. I had vouchers for £13 off a £20 book. Egged on by husband, I parted with my pennies! Have a good night x🌼🌼🪻🪻🌠🌠🍀🍀🤞🤞🐣🐣😊😊
Kind of working a day behind, so yesterday was my day 1. Watched the food - porridge for breakfast but not until 11am. Smaller portions during the day but quite a big spicy pasta and chicken dinner - could do better. Anyway, my exercise challenge started well - an hour of football burning 689 calories. Either a bike ride or swim later on day 2!
Excellent start with the football ⚽ x
A hour of football would burn plenty of calories. Smaller portions is good.😊
Hi, I too could do better on a treat day to Scarborough, but we are only at the start. We will be fantastic by Day 30!!!😊😊Well done on the footie ⚽⚽⚽I got some extra steps in too. We are doing just fine 🤞🤞🍀🍀🌠🌠🌼🌼😊😊Keep postin' 🤠🤠
Great start Ceebee4!
Thank you PippiRuns - I apprecoate the encouragement. Keep running yourself!
Thanks 🙏 I wish I could but I’ve had to stop running entirely because of an arthritic hip 😭 maybe I’ll change my username to something more accurate…
Thanks Hopalong1 for the challenge, I do love a challenge.
I'm aiming to cut the sugar and caffeine out and try and get back to cooking more and relying less on package food even though work is stressful and once the treadmill is back upping my exercise but that's still a week of waiting for that so will have to report back.
I'm starting the challenge at 88.5kg so will see where I am by the end ey.
Have a great week everyone x
Hello purple_ums_2 Glad to have you in our group. I seem to do better with a challenge too. We are going to look at UPFs next week and that should have us all cooking from scratch 😊😊Like you say, there is that work/life balance. Well done on the treadmill. I have a little house and youngest son has returned, so no room currently for treadmill. I am trying to walk more and do some tai chi (tomorrow). You know I am in your corner cheering you on 🍀🍀🤞🤞🌠🌠🌼🌼🤠🤠
Spring is nearly here
I make it Thursday. Has your spring sprung??? According to the daffs at the Castle Museum we are already there x🌼🌼🪻🪻🐣🐥🌠🌠🤞🤞🍀🍀😊😊
Yesterday (Monday) went well. I got in a 30 minute seated workout (no room for a walking workout in my caravan at the moment), walked around the property, visited with my daughter for a bit, just really tried to be more active.Only one processed food item yesterday!
Drank more water and plan on drinking more today.
Hi Hopalong and fellow challengers, So far so good, I have stuck to plan and I have been for a good walk in fact I have had two walks because we have taken our son's dogs out as well. I haven't done the video yet but I will do, I will do it when hubby goes in his 'man cave' to watch a film I am not interested in. Good luck everyone.😀
Hi Momo, sounds like you're off to a great start with two walks, I bet the spaniels loved seeing you. Hope the video goes well, I'm doing my VR exercise later when hubby is otherwise occupied. 🤣xx
Good job our men are interested in things we can leave them to. Husband bought four books today I will never read 😂🤣Well, get you with the extra steps, Momo! And your plan suits you😊👍I hope you have had some good weather😎🌞x
Day Three - Wednesday 20th March 2024
What have you got on your diary for Wednesday? We have wet weather plans, tai chi, cinema and hopefully walks with not too much rain🤞🤞All the best x
Morning Hopalong, Off to a good start for day three, I went for an early swim and when I got back it was spotting with rain and because heavy rain is forecast for the rest of the day I decided to get my walk in so dropped my swimming gear off and went straight back out. I walked for 20 mins and could have carried on but the sky was getting very dark so turned around. So challenges complete for today.😊
Happy hump day fellow challengers 👍💪
I'm off to get the car MOT. On the way back a quick supermarket visit for some chicken. Wiggles has decided that she doesn't want "dog food " anymore 😕
Chat later 🤩
Happy hump day TTC, 🤞 the MOT goes well and you find some chicken Wiggles is happy with that doesn't break the bank. 😊xx
Chicken is much tastier! Lol x
I've never tested the dry stuff, 😆
She's just dusted off a chicken thigh 😋 Tubbs is doing his starving labrador act
Tuesday I didn’t manage a meditation session but I did get some extra exercise in - went to a concert and managed 16800 steps.
Tomorrow I will make time for the meditation 😌
Morning Pippi, well done on the extra steps, hope you enjoyed the concert, 🤞 for the meditation today. 😊xx
Hi Pippi, well done on the extra steps. I hope you manage to meditate today. That is an amazing step count.😊
Morning all, Tuesday went well, I got in my 60 active minutes of exercise and did some reading in the evening.
Today we went for another lovely morning walk with the dogs, which we all enjoyed, hoping to get on the spin bike later and planning to go in the hot tub this evening and then a relaxing bath.
Have a great day everyone. 😊xx
Well done, Loraine518 - up sharp, impressive!
Thank you Ceebee4, especially as I'm not a morning person, I don't think mornings should start until about 10am. 🤣 Sadly my boss expects me to be at work by 9am and I have a 45 minute drive, I am actually enjoying the walk, once I'm up though. 😊xx
Sounds like you're on a mission, go you! X
Morning Loraine, well done on your 60 mins active exercise. Enjoy the hot tub this evening and that relaxing bath.😊xx
Day 2 done yesterday - did an hour out on the bike, walked the dog and did some house clearing which was hardest of the three; I'm giving myself 2 out of 2 so far!
Weds 20th March I dud my walk outside and yesterday did meditate.... I chose breath and it was delicious.... Doing it again tonight. Maybe the body scan this time as I love that one too.... Yesterday ate healthy so I had a great Tuesday... Love you Hopalong01 for doing these challenges for us... Never 2b missed
Well done on the meditation. Hope your body scan is a hit. I have taken a few minutes to do my body scan too. We are charging off each other. Love you too x😊😊🤩🤩🌠🌠🍀🍀🤞🤞
the body scan from nhs is totally different from the one i have somewhere else so will have to find that one but even so it was great to be in the present and notice how my body felt
This is my favourite guided meditation. Thanks again to you and PippiRuns for bringing me back to this 😊😊
great ,love his voice,, brilliant share, i will keep the email and set another box for meditation ....its a really great way for me to calm down the chatter in the evening thank you both PippiRuns
Excellent! Glad to have inspired you both to revisit your meditation practices. I often feel overwhelmed by my own constant overthinking and self doubt, and a guided meditation really helps me let go of thoughts and regulate emotions.
Happy Wednesday! Yesterday was a good day. Got some things done and have more to do today.
It's very cloudy but no rain, as yet. I'm going to clean out some more of my outdoor planters. It's still too soon here to plant much but I want them ready when the time comes.
I'm still struggling to drink water, but it's going better than it was.
Day Four of Spring Challenge - Thursday 21th March 2024
Have you spotted any changes? I am feeling a bit more optimistic with spring upon our lovely group. Keep postin'!!! Have a great day x 😊🤩😊🤩😊🤩
Hi Challengers!
I tried a ‘transport’ meditation this morning on my bike ride to work!! Of course eyes wide open and fully awake and focused on the traffic - present in the moment. I think it was great to meditate on the traffic around me - it’s not that different to meditating on your breathing or on a body scan, actually.
I also changed an ordinary meeting to a walk’n talk, so got 11700 steps in today 💪
Challenge day 4 ✔️
Good effort, keeping up with the meditation. Walk & talk is fun. Guess I did that with husband after watching an awful film, Drive away dolls. One to miss! But the character Curlie was a legend. Keep on steppin' and postin' 🤠🤠😊😊🤠🤠x
I've stuck with my daily to do list, and it does help - especially if I take any notice of it! One new recipes down and I plan to do another, but not sure what. I haven't got going on the planned exercise, so I need to get moving on that
You're better than me! I haven't written the "to do " list yet I did manage to clean the enormous bedroom windows though. 💪😅
Our days must still be short, blink and I have missed it ! Congrats on getting on with the to do list. I keep an appointment diary and get a tick for each item. It is a 19 out of 22 sort of day! I still have Tai chi to do, but that is why there is 30 days right!?! Happy Thursday x💐🌸💮🪷🌹🌺🌻🌼🌷🪻
That's right I have my Tai Chi class tomorrow - it's new to me - well, a few months
Ooo Tai Chi is very oriental
Enjoy BG 😋
it's one of the newer groups in my local u3a. I'll join anything that takes my fancy
Should have mentioned, I'm getting a Holiday Italian started in a couple of weeks. There are 10 of us, following a BBC course
I had a great day today ☺️. The car passed the mot 👍I bought chicken for Wiggles with 10% discount, I went to the park and parked further away. I walked further to the bar where I paid my membership fee so that I can participate in any activities they organise. It was 20° here, the 1st hot day.
I'm feeling fitter than I was on Sunday 😋
I'm waiting for the 3rd week for the exercise bit🏃♀️💃🤸🏋🚴🧘♂️xx
You sound very positive and perky!
Thanks BG, I had to join this social club so that I can do yoga there. It's only €10.00 a year. I was really surprised how welcoming the 2 I met were. I've been invited to join the theatre group and I've been added to the WhatsApp group 🤣
I took Wiggles who's now completely cream crackered and had a lovely afternoon. I feel like I'm coming out of hibernation
That sounds great! Sounds like you're in, there. Making those connections could open lots of other opportunities.
Morning Everyone, How was Wednesday? Mine was 2/4. No Tai chi, so I am going to put my DVD on this morning, oh yes I am and track my food for the day. Later I am meeting some friends and plan to have some red wine 2/3 glasses and other than that soda water. Fingers crossed I don't dance on the tables! Have a smashing Thursday whatever you do x💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺
Have a great evening and watch out for splinters in your toes.😀
yes please can I join you
**Stop press** I did half an hour of Tai chi, whoop, whoop 🧘🧘♂️🧘♀️x
Hi Hopalong. Day four has gone well. I went swimming again this morning so no need for exercise video. I did however go for an extra walk as well as taking the dogs out. I must say this extra walking is going well I am enjoying the fresh air Tomorrow will be more of a challenge I will have the fitness video to do plus the walk and saying no to alcohol. Good luck everyone😀
Another decent day, yesterday. I didn't get my workout in but I did cook chicken in my air fryer. Today I have a slow cooker meal planned, so I'm doing well on eating fewer processed food. Still working on drinking more water and getting back into a regular exercise routine.
No propane for the stove, as yet, but soon, I guess.
Hi Hopalong1, thankyou for your good advice to me yesterday in the weigh in. I decided to earn my blueberries today!I am not thinking about fasting totally, not even for one day. My meal pattern today is egg in wholemeal pitta with 2tblsp baked beans 2pm. LF yoghurt and fruit 4pm. Fish pie, cod poached in s.k milk with leek and cauliflower topping 7pm. I spent over three hours replanting some Hebes and planting spring bedding. Cutting back buddleias and weeding digging out brambles etc . I am lucky that my O.H happily makes a menu plan for the week and a shopping list so I know what I will be eating and get time to find good replacements for some ingredients. My problem is the non replaceables; cheese just love it..... carbs I avoid as much as possible but I do dream about cream cakes - could buy them but I know the love is fleeting so I rarely bother. I have knocked the wine on the head since January but I love a beer - I partake when an Albion match is on tv. , If I don't have stuff to pick on I don't feel hungry with my meal pattern, so most days its fine. So, day 2 for me and feeling good
Well done dawnz . That can’t be very often you’re tempted, Stirling Albion are hardly ever on the telly. 😜
Hi Danwz, That fish pie sounds champion. We are making burgers today. My husband took early retirement a couple of years ago. Keen to economise since the cost of living crisis, he came home with 4lbs of mince this week, after I had already bought 3lb of mince. It has been mince on alternate days this week 🤣😂 Curried mince was tasty! Well done on giving the wine up. Alcohol gives me the munchies. I am a low carber mostly so snacks are piece of cheese, coffee, handful of nuts, berries & cream. But I try to add these to my meals. What about you? The gardening sounds good. Have a great Friday! x
Oh boy, that's a lot of mince but its a great basis of so many meals, we have it at least once a week, and really good value for money. We usually have rice or pasta with it but often O.H makes a savoury which is all the veg he can get in the pan! Like you I low carb which makes me enjoy these meals even more. I have trained myself to not pick, that was my real downfall. So I tend to have l fat yoghurt and fruit, usually tinned in light juice. I call it a meal because it is in a dish and that removes the 'keep going back til its all gone' impetus I used to have. I love food!! Cheese, all sweet things buffet food ... I do find it odd that the food that deemed best for health to consume is the most expensive, Zero added anything is exorbitant strange world! Hoping your day has been a good one
I’m delighted with the challenge. Day 4, an hour of 5s, well almost. Off to wind swept Skye tomorrow - I’ll try to behave!
Thursday was good. Again quite a bit of walking but no meditation yet - I’ll do one in a sec.
I’ve decided to step down from a board position that I hold at the next general assembly. I simply have too much on my plate! I informed the chairman today and I feel relieved already.
I’m learning to say “no” and put my own wellbeing first. Not an easy thing for me.
Morning, I've been up every morning and walked the dogs before work and got in at least 60 active minutes each day, which is my goal. I've also been doing things for me most days and finding time to relax a bit more, even though this week has been busy.
I'm starting to feel healthier and seem to have a bit more energy and it's helping me feel motivated to keep going, which is great.
Hope everyone else is having a great day.😊xx
Well done on getting those active minutes up, Loraine. I too have got outside a bit more. We have been lucky with weather. I am glad you feel more motivated. Happy Friday! x😊😊🌼🌼😊😊🌼🌼😊😊
thursday I did the meditation you suggested and i loved it ..i wanted it to keep going ...it wasa lovely 5 minutes body scan..lovely...i have stayed to my meal plan and no processed sugar and so I feel brilliant...i have kept doing the March Matness from the strength and flex forum and it was circling the legs today needless to say even with modifications i wasnt quite there yet but it was good to do it....now going to make baked oats
That is great you are feeling motivated. What are baked oats, do you have a recipe please? I am off for a walk. Catch you later, Wine xx🌼🌼😊😊🌼🌼😊😊
Well I modified it by adding extras but this is the lemon baked oat recipe75ml of liguid
50g porridge oats
1Tablespoon caster sugar
Lemon Zest and juice
Combine and stir all the ingredients..
Divide mixture between 4 holes of a silicone cupcake tray...
Bake for 20to25 mins...
Remove from oven and turn out to cool on a cooling rack....
Decorate with remaining Zest...
I did the combining in an oven proof dish and added banana flaxseed tbspn, and cashews 😋and microwaved initially 5mins 900w oven then did another minute half as I like it less moist
Basically make it your own and it is very filling
I love baked oats and I'm going to try your recipe soon! Thanks for sharing!
One question:Did you use just the microwave or did you use an oven?
(It won't let me edit my previous reply for some reason.)
Hi Etriker67,for future reference, if you scroll your reply down to the bottom of the page, you should be able to edit. Yet another glitch
i had to scroll to find this there's a glitch on my devices... so the link doesn't go straight to where i want it to go...the first bit 20 to 25 mins is in a regular oven the 5 mins is in a 900w microwave...i microwaved mine and it was great...surprised me that i could cook cake in a microwave ...i do my banana pancakes in the microwave and frittata so fast and ready in minutes and very small washing up which is a bonus
I really think that I need a challenge. I've let things slip recently. How will this challenge work?
Hi Hopalong, Day five and I have met my challenge every day, Today was not a swimming day so I have done a fitness video instead, part of my challenge, I have had an extra walk, part of my challenge. the biggest test will be this evening when hubby gets himself a drink while watching TV will I or will I not resist a G&|T. We will see tomorrow!!!😄🤞
Just checking in quickly before my Lenten group guided meditation begins. I'm doing well except for the exercise. I think the weather is against me!
I lost weight this week-5 pounds! I know it's mostly water weight due to the sodium and carbs from family birthdays and St Patrick's Day, but it was still nice to see!
Hello its Friday, my third day of this Challenge. Had a bit of running around to do, blood test, checked Spring clothing at the local retail centre - it seems gingham and flounces and puff sleeves are a thing? So I will skip purchasing anything just now, being short and appley I'd look like a table collapsed on me! Had a trying time in sorting serious mistakes (financial) with the local authority so ended up a blubbing heap and didn't even take the hoover out of the cupboard. Just a normal day though a bit on the quiet side. Had a banana about midday, then ham and salad at 2.30. dinner is oven cooked fish and peas with curry sauce at 7pm. Approx 900 cals for the day. I am finding that when posting, the days are not in order so my posts might be missing the current day? Don't know, I am in a strange place today. Tomorrow all will be well! Hope everyone is happy with progress and decision making thus far
Gingham lol! Sorry to hear you have had a difficult time with your finances. Hope all is sorted now. I am trying to put a picture and the date for each day if that helps. All the best to you x🌼🌼🧘♀️🌼🌼
Sounds a bit of a fraught day. I hope things go your way on Saturday.
This forum does weird things but, as Hopalong says, there’s a date marker each day so scroll to the bottom and you can catch up with what everyone has been doing 😊
Day 6- Saturday 23rd March 2024
Friday I managed to do 8100 steps and a warm water workout but unfortunately also succumbed to chocolate cravings. I’ll do better tomorrow
2/3 ain't bad, as Meatloaf sang. I am still not there quite with low carb. Ate a sandwich for supper, after salad and Bolognese with no spaghetti. Today is a new day. If we managed it all in the first week there would be no need for a thirty day challenge! x 😊😊🧘♀️🧘♀️🌼🌼🧘🧘🪻🪻😊😊
Morning Hopalong Just a quick visit this morning because I will be out most of the day. I did skip the G&T last night and had a ice coffee instead can't say I was impressed with it. No time for a exercise video today but will be doing lots of walking. Apologies to everyone for not being able to chat today. Have a great day and good luck on your challenges.😀xx
Well, its been a pretty good day. I was slow to get going, but determined to shake my tail! I feel I have achieved my 'to do's' ;spent an hour or so outside planting spring stuff and clearing a space for an azalea and a rhododendron. Lot of clearing to do but good fun. The wind and rain added to the energy and I feel so refreshed . Laundry done, bit of housework, bolognese for dinner made. Shopping list and menu for next week complete. I think there will be a rainbow before too long - the sky is navy blue and the sun is so bright. Hope everybody shook that tail - I have a wonderful image in my head.. Have a lovely rest of the day and thankyou as ever for the support.
Good heavens dawnz,I'm exhausted just reading that little lot. Well done for writing rhododendron 🤣
I hope you can have a little me time and put your feet up
Good evening everyone and Hopalong1. This is the 2nd time I'm writing this, the 1st version got lost when I got caught up in a long winded phone call
I had a very busy Saturday morning, with an early start. The weather is beautiful here at the moment. We, Wiggles and I, walked through the market, picked up a couple of things from the €1.00 staĺl on the way. I had my espresso at the bar and then we walked back through the short cut.
I had a quick trip to the supermarket for some special offer chocolate flavoured "tea". Well it's 0 calories and it's Easter after all. I found that I needed some special ingredients for tomorrow's lunch so I crossed the road and braved the 12 o'clock market to get them😋
I've been reading up on UPF so that I can avoid them next week. Are we considering Processed Foods, too? It seems incredibly limiting when I think about it 🤔 😅
I hope everyone has a great Saturday evening, I'm going to watch my favourite talent show 💃🎹🎶🎙
I’m sorry Tabby but I don’t remember what your challenge is- is it avoiding processed foods?
I agree with you that it’s very difficult. I just try to avoid ultra processed foods. I don’t want to cut our especially dairy 🧀🥛🧈
Hi Pippi, my challenge is to remind myself that I've been chocolate free for about 18 months, so I don't need it.I was crisp free, too, but those have crept back into my life
I mentioned ufp because Hopalong1 has suggested that as a theme for the 2nd week, beginning Monday. This week began with intermittent fasting The feed is becoming difficult to follow because it's very heavy now with 400+ replies and also there's a HU glitch, the alert bell doesn't always take you to the correct reply.
I've been reading up on UPF because I've just realised that I really don't know enough.
Most quality, dairy products are not UPF, they've just undergone the necessary processing to make them available.
Enjoy your holiday
That sounds like a good walk with Wiggles 😊👍🐕 I am going to NOVA food classification and see what members think. I'm telling you the plot!!!! Have a fab Sunday x
Good morning Hopalong and fellow challengers. Saturday was the first day if my Easter break. I’m alone in my cottage by the sea. I didn’t actually meditate but just being outside listening to the sea and the birds gives me the same calm and clear energy. Every time I’m here it makes me think I ought to move out here and leave the hustle and bustle of the city behind. But realistically I’ll probably stay in the city until I don’t have to go to work every day.
Exercise was 8500 steps and a lot of digging 👩🌾
A cottage be the sea sounds perfect for Om. Happy Sunday! x 😊😊🌼🌼😊😊🪻🪻🌼🌼
Morning Pippi, your cotage by the sea sounds idyllic, well done on the steps and digging. I hope you have a lovely break and get time to relax and do some meditation too. Have a great Sunday. 😊xx
A cottage by the sea sounds lovely! I live near a lake and a stream and though I can't see them from my place, I can hear and see the birds and have seen deer strolling through the property to the wooded area. I love it!
Morning Hopalong, I did do plenty of walking yesterday which was good but I also shared a pizza with hubby not so good. Today I intend to go for a walk after lunch which we are eating out. Hopefully I will try to fit in my fitness video but a busy day ahead so I may fail that part of my challenge today🙄
Good morning, I didn't get on yesterday as things were manic, but I did get time to relax with a good book in the evening.
We are on annual leave from work next week, although we still have granddaughter before and after nursery on Monday, I have booked an escape room for hubby and myself during the day.
My youngest daughter and grandson are staying Tuesday evening until at least Thursday. We are hoping to go out with them to the zoo on Wednesday, but not sure how relaxing the week will be. We will also be babysitting grandson probably Friday night and Saturday, so might need another holiday by then. 🤣
Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday. 😊xx
Good morning! I got lots done at the old place with help from my daughter. Almost ready to sell!
I had a sugar free caramel macchiato from Starbucks which out me about 100 calories over, but it was SO good!
Guy more walking in and plan on getting more in today weather permitting.
Still working on drinking more water, though.
Isn't it lovely to have a peep into each others lives? I just love reading these posts! Off to do the weekly shop this morning, it was not too busy so we were back home and packed away by mid morning. Spent some time clearing and cutting back the verge that runs along our service road - the cow parsley is on steroids and swamped everything else so I have thinned it out. I do love it it is so pretty wafting about but not so good for driver's vision. I turned the earth over so hopefully the birds will drop wild flower seeds on their way through. Quiet afternoon now, the sun is still shining but it is getting chilly again. Lunch was fishfinger, egg and beans at 2pm. Prunes and yoghurt 4pm Dinner chicken vegX3 Yorkshire pudX1 and gravy 715pm. Looking forward to the focus on unprocessed or least processed foods next week. Have a good rest of the day folks
Hi dawnz You seem to have settled in just fine. It is a lovely group. I could live with your menu. We have had lots of rain and everything seems to be growing. Have a good evening x 🌼🌼🙂🙂🪻🪻🙂🙂
Love your meals
Week Two is a new thread. You can find the group continuing later tonight on
Just sneaking in with the second new recipe I promised myself this week. peaceloveandlowcarb.com/cre...
Overall, I enjoyed it but it could have done with a bit more paprika and maybe a touch of chilli. I didn't have sun-dried tomatoes so I used cherry tomatoes and a blob of tomato puree. I had kale for veg and decided to stir it in.
And I've no idea what's Tuscan about it - certainly not Parmesan!
Well done to everyone who has completed week 1 of the Challenge. Week 2 is open now.