Starting on Monday: the NHS Weight Los... - Weight Loss Support

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Starting on Monday: the NHS Weight Loss Club

TheEditor profile image
61 Replies

Kick start 2014 by joining the NHS Weight Loss Club and lose weight with other members of the Weight Loss forum.

By starting your weight loss journey together, you'll be able to motivate and support each other and share your ups and downs as you work your way through the 12 weeks of the plan (download it here:

The Weight Loss Club kicks off on Monday 6 January at 10am with the first of our weekly weigh-ins, where members can share their weight loss goals and seek weight loss advice.

In the meantime, download the 12-week NHS weight loss plan ( and keep it safe.

Spread the word on Twitter and Facebook! Recruit friends and family!

For more information, feel free to drop me a line.

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TheEditor profile image
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61 Replies
smiler2012 profile image

Hi I want to start on Monday but will not be here the following week as I am going on holiday.Will I be able to update when I get back.thanks

legs2013 profile image

Well, I will be back on board as of Monday 6th January, having gained 5lbs, I weighed in this morning at 9st 3lbs I'm not worried about the weight gain, I have thoroughly enjoyed this Christmas, it's the first time in 18 years where I haven't been depressed. I Have missed not going to the gym as it been closed since 22nd December but I have tried to look on as a well deserved break for myself and to catch-up on some jobs around the house. It re-opens again on Thursday 2nd and 7am can't wait. My target for 2014 is to be 8st 4lbs.

Hi there, joining to get rid of the body fat that's accumulated from a year of low mood.

Today my bio impedance scales said 68.4kg (BMI 25.1) body fat 36.5%. Waist circumference is 79cm

I'm not too worried about weight but I want to get my body fat down to around 30% and that naughty waist down to under 75cm.

In terms of diet, I'm best setting goals rather than counting kcal so the first goals are having one of my sustaining breakfasts 5/week, taking lunch to work 4/week and having extra fruit for snacks at work in my car to avoid late afternoon hunger.

finchybabe profile image

Hello......I would love to join everyone on monday.....I need help to lose weight......2013 has been a bad year...hubby had an affair which has left me feeling un attractive and not caring about myself.......and now have piled on the weight... :(:(:(

happytobehealthy profile image

I am going to join in on Monday. Really pleased to join The Weight Loss Club to help me motivate myself for 2014.

sparky56 profile image

Hi everyone, A happy New Year to you all. I will defo be joining everyone, this will be my first time with the group having tried many dieting clubs and wasting quite a bit of money to go nowhere has been discouraging to say the least. I have a lot to lose at least 5 stone and need the help and support of everyone.

Legion profile image

Looking forward to getting started on my goals for 2014. I plan to be 'normal' weight by the end of the year. :-O Not being over-ambitious, that means I have a target of losing 1 lb per week. I also plan to run 10 miles per week, having just completed c25k. Unfortunately I've not been well for a few days and may have some diet complications to deal with in 2014, but I've got my sights firmly set on the new me now! :-D

JanineL profile image

I will be starting on monday too, want to lose some weight before trying for baby no. 2. Look forward to getting to know everyone. See you all on monday.

Kristabell profile image

Hi, I am looking forward to joining the weight loss club on Monday -I need motivation to stop buying junk food. Exercise is great as I swim every morning and go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week and play badmington once a week-really need to lose 2 stone (maybe more depending on how much I weigh on Monday!)

Uzma111 profile image

I am ready to start

ceepee73 profile image

Hi all and happy new year. I too want to lose some weight and regain the self esteem that has vanished with a severe bout of depression. About 12.5 kg should be lost. Am aiming to begin running and cycling again too. Come on, this is our year!

HBsMumma profile image

I'll be there! :) I've just worked out how much I have to lose to be in the healthy range and it is a huge amount of weight!!!! It's scary how much I have put on in the last year just being 'too busy' to eat properly and relying on petrol station snacks and juice to keep me going. My new years resolution is to be so much better organised with my food this year! Good luck everyone :)

mld78 profile image

I'll be there on Monday evening. I need to lose weight and went to my Dr. He's advised going to see a dietitian as I have reactive hypoglycaemia. All I do is put on weight as I try to diet!! I also take antipsychotics, that don't help either. I currently have a BMI of 33.something, and am 82kg - would love to get to 73 or 74 Kg, still overweight. but getting down to a BMI of 25 seems too far to go at the moment. Last time I was there everyone said I looked gaunt, and old!! So here's to 2014 - although I started the diet a couple of days ago.

BrideToBe51213 profile image

I have no idea how much I have gained over christmas so will find out on Monday, I dont think it will be good news as came off of health eating at the start of December and went on holiday too. Really looking forward to being back in control and healthy eating again!

kitty-2014 profile image

How do u join the weight loss club that starts on mon 6th

helenhugs profile image

I'd love to join :) I'm not brave enough to put my weight though, especially having seen some peoples replies lol. Will that be a problem?

stewieUK profile image
stewieUK in reply to helenhugs

I think I know what you mean! If it helps I've a very long way to go and hope that publishing my not inconsiderable mass will help my and others' motivation.

Kreeshmw profile image

Please can I join? Currently I weigh 1.5 stones more than I would like. I lost my first 1.5 stone last year but very very slowly! I want to do better this time around! I think my head is in the right place now! :)

Kreeshmw profile image

Please can I join?

stewieUK profile image

Can anyone tell me how the club works? I've got 55kg to lose to get "healthy" so a kilo a week for a year should do it!

OlsBean profile image
OlsBean in reply to stewieUK

You basically follow the 12 week plan which is available at along with mutual online support here within the forums, which includes an online weight in thread each week.

Kazhippo profile image

I will be joining you all on Monday. I have 6 stone to lose overall - so I'm hoping that the 12 week programme will give me the kick start I need.

looby123 profile image

Hi how does it work do I just state my weight

OlsBean profile image
OlsBean in reply to looby123

The NHS_Choices_Fitness_Editor usually starts a new Post/Thread each Monday with the title "#wlc wk(Week Number) weigh in" you post your weight there.

dot-101- profile image

I am going to start the "community" weight loss programe on Monday, good luck everyone.

Loobyloulou profile image

I would like to join this. Presume it can be any time Monday.? I have 2 stones and 3 pounds to lose according to the bmi calculator. My biggest problem is lack of exercise. Having op on knee on 9th jan so hoping to be walking and exercising again by March.....any exercise suggestions for the meantime gratefully received! How can I keep a track of this conversation ?

topsychicks profile image

Hi, I'm new here and starting the 12 week plan. Actually started today, I've got a lot to lose, but am aiming to start off with 10% first, so hoping to shift 17.7lbs over the 12 weeks. Really want to succeed this time - I'm 40 in 2 years time and I don't want to be fat and 40!! I've also downloaded the Couch to 5K, and the strength and Flexibility podcasts, so will *hopefully* be starting those too in the next couple of weeks. Baby steps...

chapter68 profile image

Totally in. Need to lose 20 kilos :-O 2013 WAS a bad year, like someone said earlier!

See you all Monday!

mld78 profile image
mld78Visitor in reply to chapter68

I also need to lose 20Kg, I can't see the possibility of me going the whole way, so Good Luck and see you around. M

Oh dear, let myself down, because somebody told me they liked my round features, and I ate the normal way again and gained over the past half year 8kg again. I will start all over again, hopefully this time more determined to loose pounds again. I will be in the weigh-in on Monday. And please could somebody send me reminders? Or do I have to do this on my own?...

motivated profile image

I will be joining the club on Monday as well and i think this is a brilliant idea :-) i have 1 stone to lose by August 2014, that is my goal! good luck to everyone who is joining!

helw1982 profile image

I will be joining on monday, I've got 2 stone to loose before august and need to try and keep focused and not give into my cravings!

motivated profile image
motivated in reply to helw1982

looks like we both got the August deadline :-) lets stay motivated and enjoy the journey no matter how hard it might be!!!

Loobyloulou profile image
Loobyloulou in reply to motivated

I would love to lose my 2 stones and 3 pounds by August xx going on a nice sunny holiday!

Mum2Lily profile image

I have just come across this, I am looking for motivation to loose the weight I badly need to loose for my health and confidence. I have been too scared to weigh in for months but estimate a need to loose 2-3stone. This 12 week plan may just be the kick I need as I usually start out well with healthy eating and loose interest very quickly. I will be back on Monday :)

newrules2014 profile image

I am looking forward to this. New rules bring new challenges and losing weight is something which is at the top of my agenda.

Happy 2014 everyone !!! I'll be joining you all on Monday for the start of my 2 stone shrinkage campaign :o)

Lizzieloo profile image

Hi, I will be joining you all on Monday, I have slowly been gaining weight and would love to join a slimming club but due to finances I cannot afford to, so hopefully I can get my act together and by joining you all here will get to my goal ..

Loobyloulou profile image
Loobyloulou in reply to Lizzieloo

I am the same. I was going to join weight watchers, but cannot justify the expensed so was pleased when I found this. Just got to try and keep motivated electronically / virtually!

in reply to Loobyloulou

Hi, I was last year with weight watchers; the expenses are hurting, especially one is buying their home brands as well to eat nice snacks with a low point counting and other items as well, such as cooking books etc.- I finished my membership.-

LucyCat profile image

Hi All - I will be starting the programme on Monday too. I have soooo much weight to lose. My current weight is close to 16 stone. I have to re- gain control and I'm looking forward to this challenge. I want, eventually, to get to 11 stone - although my target loss will be 3 stone to start with - phew. It makes me feel better to reveal my weight online - liberating - as not many people know it, even my closest friends and family members. Does anyone have any thoughts on how frequently you should weigh yourself in order to stay motivated?

motivated profile image
motivated in reply to LucyCat

Hey, someone one told me that you should weight yourself once a week! I am planning to set day/time aside for weighting and measurements and I plan to do it once a week! all the best :-)

bubbles654 profile image
bubbles654 in reply to LucyCat

Hi I am planning to start on Monday too and am a similar weight to yourself. I would only weigh yourself once a week but I also take measurements sometimes you might not loose mucg weight wise but it may show more in measurements.

kattzina profile image

Good luck to everyone starting on Monday. This is the motivation I need.

motivated profile image

I just have seen this lady on BBC News that has lost 20 stone!!!! what an amazing result! the discussion they have is around taxing fatty/sugary foods... but would it really help the situation? the problem is not with the price of it but with cravings that we sometimes struggle to control!!! this lady is good motivation for everyone starting on Monday and so is for me!!! :-)

dziundzia profile image

is there anybody who needs to loose considerable amount of weight? I need to lose about 58 kg (9 stones) what is a weight of another person. I want to change my life not to lose cosmetic amount of weight. Is anybody like me out there? Thank you...

Hi, I have started the NHS 3 week plan to. Need to lose 2st.

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI

I have just come across this - this is what I need to stay motivated! I have at least 2 stone to loose but feel ready to tackle it! Need to look at all areas really - increase exercise, cut out junk food, take food to work instead of grabbing something on the go, increase self control...

determination25 profile image

Hi, joining this group to help keep me on track and help motivate others. Just want my confidence back, be a healthy bmi and be a good example for my little ones. Weigh in monday here I come!!

Teresa-k64 profile image

hi everyone, im new to forums , I will be starting on Monday, I need to loose around 4 stone, cant wait to get started , im going for a steady 1b a week

trim42014 profile image

I woul like to join, am really feeling the effects of the festive season! Aiming to lose a stone. Good luck everyone!

bubbabach profile image

Hey everyone I'm definitely starting this 12week plan on Monday as I need to lose around 3st, I've dieted before but nothing's stuck long term as I love my food too much, but hopefully this plan will!!!!

mld78 profile image
mld78Visitor in reply to bubbabach

I'm hoping to lose the same amount, I hope that I can encourage you to keep on track, as I will need encouragment too!

Fifstar profile image

Hello everyone :), I'm joining too. I just need to start living a healthy lifestyle in general, I plan on starting the couch to 5k programme as well. Hope it goes well.

Fattyboomboom profile image

Happy New Year!

I'm in....To start Monday. I have ideally 5 stone to loose as I'm presently 15 st.

Feeling uplifted to start as I'm making myself believe it is possible to loose the weight!

See ya Monday xx

bubbles654 profile image

I'll be there with a comfortable life I have let the weight pile on and now weigh around 15st I would ideally like to loose between 5 and 6st and have started the year with a new determination to do this. I have started eating much healthier this week and have also started the couch to 5k but I still need some motivation. FINGERS CROSSED...

JCS44 profile image

How do I join? I have searched the website for information about this and found nothing. I tried emailing a response to this email and got no answer?

ShaiWhisper profile image

Hey all, I am new to the NHS site. I would like to join in from monday too.

I did my BMI and healthy weight range which as you can see I have a way to go.

You are obese.

You have a BMI of 53.4.

Losing 14st 12lb would put you in the middle of the healthy weight range

A BMI of 18.5 - 25 is considered healthy

I don't usually share my details with anyone, I decided to this time because this is how I am walking around everyday.. It's as plain as day. You can actually see it. I am tired all the time physically, tired of always being the biggest person, tired of not going places because I wont fit, some of you might understand that. I also would like to share my journey so that maybe someone is like me who loves life but is so scared of failure that can't get motivated to even begin. I thought that maybe the NHS is probably a good place to start.

I want to get fit and I want to be healthy. I want to start so many new adventures and there is only one thing that is letting me down and that is my weight. I could make excuses that it was giving up smoking, which I did or having children, which I did but realistically it was the fact I don't know when to stop eating, I love food but often over eat the delicious things and also I do not exercise ever. So there are really no excuses for me except that I have become a lazy eater and a lazy person. I know if I put my heart and mind to it I can do it and I will do it..

I am hoping that this time I actually can achieve a goal. I am aiming for 1 - 2 lbs a week loss, but my first mile stone is to lose 18lbs which is 5% of my total body weight. I think that is a small enough goal to reach yet a signicant amount to make a difference.

(Sorry for the big intro)

bubbles654 profile image
bubbles654 in reply to ShaiWhisper

Your story sounds very familiar I never know when to stop which is half my problem good luck to you.

Elizabeth16 profile image

This is last years post... I'm confused.. Please explain ???

Elizabeth16 profile image

These are all old posts why are they here ?please explain ?

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