Just a little message to say hi. I was an infrequent member of this board about 4 years ago. I now hope to become a frequent member because i need the help. I had a baby 18 weeks ago and have gained a lot of weight. I want to lose some weight and feel better about myself. I've avoided the scales and I'm not actually sure what I weigh. I will dust them off and get on them for a weigh in this week.
I am exclusively breastfeeding so can't really diet per se because I need the calories to make breastmilk.
I found our last week that my baby potentially has an allergy to something I've been eating and been getting into the breastmilk. Her paediatrician has told me to cut out the most likely culprits from my diet - cows milk, eggs and soya. I can't just buy lactose free items because it's the milk protein she might be allergic to, not the lactose. I'm therefore really struggling with meal planning. I've been having to check the ingredients of everything I buy.
So if anyone has milk, egg and soya free recipes id love to hear them.
Thanks and see you around!!