I have various ailments that make it difficult in managing to do my housework. It is quite depressing to see things need doing and I can’t do the things I want. I start off but then need to stop so I have to do things bit by bit. How do you all cope with day to day living and doing tasks ?
household chores: I have various... - Weight Loss Support
household chores

Hi Vampyre, welcome back to the forum. Sorry you are having health struggles that affect your daylife like and tasks. I'm in the same position myself and have to do things in 30 minute blocks with lot of rest in between - even walking the dogs means i have to take a break while we are out. I hate it and its frustrating, but for now i just have to live with it. The house and garden won't be perfect but there's nothing more i can do. I thnk part of the struggle is accepting a new normal, it takes time
Are you still on a weight loss journey? Here's a link to our pinned post to give you a head start with the posts you can get involved in. We always suggest members start with the Weigh In and the Daily Diary as they offer great support and advise.
Looking forward to seeing you join in.
If you get stuck just shout out xx
Hi I use a chore list and break the jobs down and do them one at a time with plenty of rest in-between. If people don't like my home then they don't have to visit again and if they that bothered they can always help. Don't beat yourself up about it just do one little Job at a time write them all down and do what you feel is important
Welcome back, Melhinchcliffe
Great advice!
If you're still on a weight loss journey, all of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts healthunlocked.com/weight-l...
Onwards and downwards

I also have health issues that affect my ability to do things. I have found having a little timetable helps me. I have a routine written down that I aim to stick to. Mondays I clean the bathroom, wednesday and saturday the sitting room, on thursday I clean my bedroom. Everyday I load the dishwasher, clean the hob and kitchin sink and wipe down the tops. On Friday I have a pamper day when I put on a face mask, wash my hair, soak my feet etc.

Hello Vampyra, first step to keeping on top of housework etc is to make adjustments to make it easier for your needs. I have a floor steaming, try one room per day or half , I only iron the really creased items if you spin on a slow spin in the washer then hang up to dry I use a clothes dryer indoors, shower tray if you spray it before you shower then the water from your shower cleans it without lots of rubbing with a cloth. I could write a book on tips buy not streak glass cleaner , its slightly dearer but saves your energy and does not effect breathing. I now have a cleaning lady and a window cleaner that does all the doors windows and sills once every 6 weeks or so inside too of course, dust and spiders making cobwebs are the biggest enemy , I have an extendable feather duster plus many other gadgets but I still can only manage about 20 minutes of standing or bending at a time and no high up jobs. But i manage to keep on top of most things if I take my time. little steps can lead to big leaps. Message me if you want more tips. Good luck
Thankyou everyone. I was on this forum around 2020/21 but relapsed. Lol. I am back for a second round and trying to find my way around again. It’s nice to “chat” to everyone. I have tried so many different weight loss methods and regained every time. I think losing weight will help my joints, give me more energy and breath. Here’s to onwards and downwards. Hope you are all doing well and feeling as well as you can be this morning. X
If you keep regaining you might want to join me in overeaters anonymous. it is the only place I have met people who have lost weight and often lots of it and kept it off for many years. You can do this as well as this forum. I have lost 70 pounds so far and am not what I would call dieting.
Good going, 70 lbs. Blimey well done. I don’t over eat per se and currently we’re trying Hello Fresh but it’s lack of exercise. I damaged my knee nearly a year ago and despite NHS led exercises it’s still difficult to walk I might give the group a look in tho see if it’s helpful. Thank you.
My knees play me up as well. I had a car accident many years ago and one of my knees is pretty grim. I use gusto, great food but a bit expensive for every week for me, so just do it when in the mood and have the money. Are you doing the 'escape pain' course. It has helped me a bit. NHS phsio recommended it for me.
Isn’t it frustrating when you feel things are not as you would like them to be. Me too, circumstances prevent that ‘big clean up’ that used to be a weekly habit. I have been inspired by those TV programmes to try to cut down some of my clutter, and reduced the frequency of some tasks. I expect the occasional spider enjoys those dusty corners, but I will work round to him soon! Well, that’s a start - but still some way to go. Be kind to yourself ‘Bit by bit’ is a great technique. Best wishes
Hello Latinia,
That's good advice, especially the "be kind to yourself".
Are you on a weight loss journey yourself? I've popped a link to all the groups we have on the go at the moment so you can have a look. If you want to join in more generally, after having a look, let us know and we can give you more details. For now I'll add a "visitor" badge on your profile for Weight Loss Support.
All the best chasing that spider
Thank you for your welcome message. I am on the brink of restarting a weight loss journey. Planning to begin on 1 September. My weight went haywire some years back after an illness which necessitated steroid tablets for a while. I spent a very long time getting pretty much back to normal, then came lockdown. Not too damaging because we were still permitted to take regular walks. But no regular dance\exercise class. The end of lockdown coincided with my husband being admitted into a Care Home. So nowadays I spend all my afternoons just sitting quietly with him. I am pretty careful about food (well not too bad) but get no exercise opportunities, so I need to remedy my current weight gain. Kind regards.
Here's to 1st September Latinia. It's great to have a plan, and it gives you time to fully explore all the different groups on here. I'll change your "badge", from visitor, to starting now. You won't have to do anything else other than join in
Good luck 🍀