Hi everyone,
This is my first post here and I just wanted to talk about something I’m going through that makes me sad, and know if someone has a similar experience…
I’m 33, 68kg, 1,66cm. I’ve been lighter and heavier than this is the past. When I got to 72kg, I was not feeling well about my appearance and joined weight watchers. I was excited and motivated to lose weight and reached 65.5. Put on a bit of weight later, never seriously tried to lose it again. I just try a bit, but without putting real effort.
The thing is that I don’t think I really want to lose weight. I’m more or less confident with how I look right now. I don’t think 68 (or 72) is too much. I eat healthy and love to eat. When I lost weight, it took me lot of mental and social effort. I did it in a healthy way, and made sure to have at last one social event with no food/drink concerns per week, but still, this all took such a big mental space that would be really overwhelming now that I’m juggling more things in life.
The problem is that I have a feet issue since the age of 17 that in the last years it evolved to ankle osteoarthritis. It’s getting worse and sometimes it feels so debilitating… and not easy for my friends and partner to understand why I can’t walk for 10 minutes. I’m just really sad. Not much to do but some physio that doesn’t help much, pain relief medication for crisis and carry as little weight as I can. Then try surgery once it gets really bad.
No doubt it would be good to carry less of my own weight. Any kg counts really. I’m trying to find the strengths to do it.