What's the best way to lose weight? - Weight Loss Support

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What's the best way to lose weight?

txid_fred profile image
23 Replies


This is a topic that I'm really sad to talk about and i'd like to get some help from the community!

I want to lose weight, this isn't good for me. It's actually starting to bother my health and my social life.

I am currently 19 years old

I weigh 85 kg (187lbs)

I am 180 cm (5"9)

Can someone please tell me how I can lose weight? What can I do to train and burn fat (I prefer not go to the gym, is running okay, or powerwalking to start off?) What can I eat? Thanks everyone!

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txid_fred profile image
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23 Replies
Maxi3 profile image

Hi-sure the admin will point you in the right direction but for me, I’ve used the nhs bum calculator to work out how many calories I can eat each day within a range....I can eat whatever I like, as long as I track it. I tend to track my eating and any exercise on MyFitnessPal app. There’s certain foods that keep me fuller for longer, so I try and stick to them. Exercise-try and do as much as you can of whatever you like! All the best, welcome to the group:) whenever you feel you’re tempted with going off plan, log onto this page and see what’s happening....will help you see us all struggling up the same hill....we’re all here to succeed:)

txid_fred profile image
txid_fred in reply to Maxi3

I just used the nhs bum calculator. It said I should intake 2000-2500 calories. Do you think running or powerwalking gives better results? I feel like running is very hard for me right now

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to txid_fred

Welcome txid_fred

Weight loss is going to be about 80-90% food management and around 10% activity.

Activity wise, find something you like doing and you're more likely to stick to it. Anything that gets the heart rate up is going to be good for you. You can even find things to do just staying at home if you search Youtube.

Good that you've found your calorie range. Stick to that and you will see the weight drop off.

in reply to Tiggerr

Agreed to you, I also believe in "Eating better is more important than counting calories for Weight Loss". Food and regular exercise can help to get our desired body.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to

When I started here over a year ago if you'd have tried to get me to eat like I do now I'd have walked away. Expecting someone to move from black to white is what can turn people off when there are so many shades of grey in between.

I originally lost a lot of my weight whilst eating desserts, chocolate and boozing but by calorie counting. Allowing myself to eat that way prevented my mind from rebelling as it has done so many times before. I didn't eat a fraction of the vegetables and fruit that I do now and my menu was carb heavy.

Maxi3 profile image
Maxi3 in reply to txid_fred

Lolll ooops I meant bmi....blumin autocorrect on my phone-lol!!!

I’d def go with powerwalking, you can walk further and faster and not too much of a chore. Measure ur time or distance and try and increase a teeny bit every week....an extra min or 100m here/there and you’ll feel progress:)

rozwalts profile image
rozwalts in reply to Maxi3

Mwhahahahaha, don't ya just love the autocorrect. :) At least I don't have that problem with my laptop, but I have threatened to kill my Kindle Fire on more than one occasion. I've had the thing over two years, you would have thought it would have got the message by now!

rozwalts profile image
rozwalts in reply to txid_fred

The best way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories. Exercise does help to tone one up, though do be careful and don't do what I have done, do too much. My poor old knees now don't know what hit 'em. :(

The BMI calculator is a good indication as to what one should eat. And with at least 2000 to play with, means you won't go hungry. At least you shouldn't providing you don't use those calories on unhealthy foods. You can have a treat of course, this is a life changing diet, not a once the excess poundage is gone I can go back to eating what I like.

It takes time to lose weight, in that time you will learn new eating habits. Good luck, and remember, we are all here to help.

FATBAR profile image
FATBAR in reply to txid_fred

Get a walking buddy, start off gently, and encourage each other, that helped me

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

Great to have you join us txid_fred

Welcome and enjoy the forum...

Please check with your health professional regarding your actions to lose weight and get their support locally to compliment this wonderful forum...

I'd like to invite you to read our Newbie Pack - which is what I call the sat-nav to the benefits of the forum, here's the link:


Please also read this about the importance of locking your posts:


Cheering you on to reach your goals 🎉🎉🎉

katy9617 profile image

welcome doll! I too recommend the power walking as it can be very enjoyable if you walk somewhere nice and will be very effective too. Tiggerr rocks so listen.. it is more about the eating than the exercise but the exercise will make you feel good as it releases good endorphins in your brain! I have to watch my food more than exercise as I have trouble with my feet and ankles. remember, losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is the best way to do this as it will help you keep it off for a long time. good luck!

IvanTheHorrible profile image

You don't sound drastically overweight (I was about 85kg at my heaviest, although I'm a bit taller than you). And you're young, so you probably haven't developed serious insulin resistance. I assume from your username that you're male, so you have plenty of hormones that'll help you get back in shape. In other words, you're starting from a pretty good place.

As tigger said, this is all about diet, not exercise (you can't "burn off" fat by exercising, at least not in the simplistic sense). So basically you need to drop the junk food. Stop eating stuff like white bread sandwiches, cakes, biscuits, pasta, potatoes/chips/crisps, and pretty much anything that comes in a plastic packet. No sugary drinks (including fruit juice). Start eating a lot more vegetables, eggs, meat and milk/cheese (in approximately that order - although watch out for allergy symptoms with eggs and dairy). Avoid anything that says 'low fat' on it: it'll be full of sugar and other crap that makes you fat.

If you're eating a proper diet, exercise helps make your body more efficient at using fat for energy, in various inscrutable ways. Running is very good for improving your aerobic fitness. Don't overdo it at first though - take time to develop a good running style. Rather than just maintaining a constant pace, try interval training: jog for a bit, then run as fast as you can for a minute, and drop back to jogging until you've got your breath back. Repeat. This is very effective. Incidentally: no 'stretchíng' prior to exercise. The latest research shows that it does indeed make your joints more flexible ... but this leads to MORE injuries, not less. I used to get all sorts of aches, pains and strains after exercise until I stopped doing that five-minute pre-workout stretch. Just warm up with a gentle jog.

However, you really need to do some strength training, which puts muscles in the places you've lost fat from. If you really don't want to go to the gym, try some bodyweight exercises. Check youtube for ideas. You might need some basic equipment such as a pull-up bar. The only problem with this kind of exercise is that you need to be quite strong to begin with, so I really would suggest trying the gym. Is there any particular reason you don't like it?

txid_fred profile image
txid_fred in reply to IvanTheHorrible

Thank you for the answer! I learnt a lot of reading the above :)

Dt_RiyazKhan_Hyd profile image

Hi, Your BMR is 1850 calories. Multiply this with 1.2 = 2200 calorie.

So 2200 calories is what your body needs to maintain its weight.

But if you want to lose weight you have to bring down your diet by -500 calories = 1700.

So your target calories consumption should be about 1700-1800.

In addition one hour of powerwalking will give you a burn of about -350 calories.

All put together you can lose 2-3 kgs per month if you are able to stick to this food and exercise routine.

However the Key Issue is your personal motivation. Why do you want to be fit? What is driving you towards fitness? What will help you keep this discipline?

Food + Diet + Self Motivation is what will get you there.

All the best!! Just Do It!

txid_fred profile image
txid_fred in reply to Dt_RiyazKhan_Hyd

Thank you man! Appreciate it. Will try it out

Pickle_77 profile image


I think losing weight is not cut and died and there is no perfect way of eating ... cutting out or drastically down on sugar will help big time .. processed sugar

Fruit is fine ... as far as I can see ... people demonise the stuff ... but it’s better to eat two bananas than two big bars of choc ... pineapples slices pre packed are amazing for a sweet fix .. I don’t calorie count ... I have been doing dechox March since Feb lol for heart foundation .. and my sons wedding in May ... I walk walk walk as much as possible and safely .. look up sugar free diets ... ( hate the word diet )

Also my emotions were not good when I began to put on weight ...so I think this should be taken into account ... comfort eating etc is a factor for sure for many people ... good luck ..... oh yes and wheat ... this is very addictive also ... can spike blood sugars apparently

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Pickle_77

Welcome Pickle_77

Just tagging an administrator IndigoBlue61 so you can get an official welcome to the forum.

Good luck!

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Tiggerr

Thank you Tiggerr 😀. I see Pickle has had an official welcome now 😀

Pickle_77 profile image
Pickle_77 in reply to Tiggerr

Thank you Anna61

Gaynor123 profile image

Hi welcome , you come to the right place for advice and support , try the nhs 12 week plan , and all I done for the first few months was walking , anything is better than nothing . About 2 to 3 times a week I’d walk to my local

Park and walk for about half hour and just increase when you can . I also walk up and down stairs a lot , good luck xx

EmilyOC1 profile image

calorie counting is a good start, wright down every calorie you have in your food, kcals should be found on the back of packagies, avoid slimming world or weight watchers as they are a fad diet and dont work, take 30 minute walks every day, cut out the snacks and swop them for pieces of fruit, have one treat day a week and be strict the rest, trust me, there is nothing like good old fashioned calorie counting to keep track of how much you are consuming.

EmilyOC1 profile image

you dont actually need to cut out anything as long as you dont snack, so here is what i eat on a daily basis and i still lose weight:


2 wheatabix with 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 table spoon of jam


ham sandwhich with wholemeal bread and light cal butter, with a light cheese baby bell, a piece of fruit and a low fat yogurt

Inbetween meals:

I have pieces of orange, water melon, peaches, grapes, kiwi, plums, nectoriens


Depends on my mood, sometimes i have beans on toast, spag bol, tomatoe pasta (pasta has alot of carbohydrates which is not entirely bad but you need to burn it off or it will create fat) practicly anything within reason.

You dont need to go on a special diet, you dont need slimming pills, just watch what you eat and drink plenty of water and excercise because the more kcals your burn off the better. Oh and fibre helps you feel full for longer, you can get fibre in vegatables, pasta, bread, cereal, oats and nuts.

Hope this helps

Pickle_77 profile image

Thank you everybody for your replie:0)

I agree cutting out stuff is often not sustainable ... doing dechox March has helped calm my choc cravings as I proved to myself a lot of my cravings were comfort eating... my only problem is I hate fish ... I can only stomach cod and plaice and at a push sea bass ... I’ve tried mackeral and please don’t mention Tuna lol ...

It’s a pain as it’s so good for you but it’s a no go for me no matter how hard I try


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