Want to lose 3kg
Want to lose 3kg: Want to lose 3kg - Weight Loss Support
Want to lose 3kg

Happy new year
Yes but that is where my mindset is that I want to lose 3 kilos
I had lost weight when I went to hospital in may and I was down to 64 kg and I got used to being at that size I weighed myself recently I was 67 kg and 5ft 77
I still think that I'm overweight

You say youwant to lose 3Kg why that number? I need to lose 37 Kg that is to get my bmi down to the middle of a normal bmi at just under 23 so if you find an easy way to lose weight I do not eat excessively when I get up I have a cup of tea with a few (4 to 6) rich tea biscuits and that is it until sometime from mid day to early evening when if I rember I will have something from a frozen meal to a sandwich and that is it until I go to bed between 19.00 hrs and 21.00 hrs the only other thing I have is either water or very week lemon or lime squash once in bed I have sherbet lemon sweets to stop my mouth from drying out due to all of the meds I take most are pain killers to help with my broken back, I admit I get very little exercise as movement causes extra pain along with most of my meds say weight gain can be a side effect.
So if you find a way to lose weight let me know as I need to at least stop gaining more I do have odd days when I think sad it all and eat anything i feel like but they are not that often.
Regards Poppy Ann

Walking in the park helps, if they're not very mobile it is harder to lose weight not impossible but harder