Anybody who can explain why everytime I start exercise, I put on weight? Not a lot though but it is still frustrating. I don't eat a single thing more, same amount and same thing before.
exercise but putting on weight - Weight Loss Support
exercise but putting on weight

This may help, Evafuballet

Hi Evafuballet and welcome back to this amazing forum. You don't mention if you're trying to lose weight or just aiming to maintain a healthy weight. If you're on a weight loss journey, sometimes it helps to change our usual meals, we may be eating too little or too much.
It's great to see you back. I'm sure that you can remember your way around but if you can't I suggest that you begin at the pinned posts. Just click on the link below, scroll down until you find a post which interests you, click on the title to open the post. If you want to see another one just start again.
As always we find that participation is the key to success. The Daily Diary and the weekly Weigh In are very good places to begin.
Good luck 🍀
Exercise doesn't lose weight, calorie reduction is the way to go. Exercise by all means to improve fitness
Dear Evafubattet
The fact that you gain or you are gaining weight is because you are consuming more calories then you burn.
You will have to tip the calorie balance by eating less, moving more and fasting intermittently to the point that you start losing weight.
It is safe to lose 1-2 lbs per week. And you can easily achieve this by simply eating a 1200 calorie diet with or without exercise. Exercise has several benefits other then losing fats, maintaining muscle mass and bones.
Keep it up!
The "eat less, move more" message has long been discredited but, unfortunately, keeps being repeated
Hi BridgeGirl
I understand that it's not individual's fault to have a high BMI. There are several other factors working in the environment and within the body like genetics and hormones, any physical problems and any such medicines one may be taking that eat less move more doesn't work for everyone. There are several other ways then to lose weight like intermittent fasting, keto diet, drugs and surgery.

You may be storing water or gaining muscle, or you may be eating because exercise makes you hungry, look at your intake. As Bridgegirl says eat less move more I have found works for me. But if you genuinely are only 5lb overweight then maybe you are building muscle?
I am on slimfast diet so I am sticking to 2 shakes (with unsweeten soy milk) and 1 meal a day, even though I add on cycling to work everyday now. Today the weight come back down so maybe it is as you say I am gaining muscle. Cycling to work feels fantastic in where I am (subtropical area), it is doing good for both my body and the planet
Muscle is heavier than fat so it may be as you build muscle some gain may be seen. The cycling is good for mind and body and like you say, the planet too so, hopefully your weight will level out now 🙂
Muscle may be heavier than fat, but muscle is a store of glycogen which reduces the ammount of glycogen that the liver can turn into triglycerides (the building blocks of fat). The slimfast shakes may be the reason why you're putting on weight rather than loosing it. They are after all a commerial company to if they solve your problem they'll lose a customer. Try 'The Pioppi Diet' which is a refined version of the mediteranean diet. The book is written by an NHS consultant cardiologist.

I don;t have the slimfast drinks myself
Excercise will add muscle and may increase your appetite. I had the same problem. Ideally, you want to combine exercise with reduced calorie consumption. The fastest and easiest step is to give up sweetened drinks like soft drinks, juices, and milk. These all have a lot of sugars and carbohydrates. I had an addiction to coca-cola. A typical cola drink contains almost 200 calories. I used to consume 3 per day at least. That's 600 Calories per day. Over a week that adds up to 4,200 calories. They say that reducing your calories from 500 to 1,000 per day will help you lose about a pound a week. So just giving up that soda, can help you lose 4lbs a week. Breaking long-standing habits is hard so I took advice from a psychologist who wrote about breaking habits. I started drinking unsweetened ice tea. I got the caffeine that I needed without the calories. It wasn't easy but the ice tea kept much of my habit of drinking something cold all day which made it a bit easier than going fully cold-turkey. Hope that helps.
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