So I been on this short journey process of losing some weight and I notice a weird kinda depressing feeling going on and I was wondering is this normal? Because this is the my first time trying to lose weight and I guess my body is trying to Adjust to the dieting and Frequent exercising.??
Losing weight for the first time ☺️ - Weight Loss Support
Losing weight for the first time ☺️

Hi Jamescrider and welcome to this amazing forum.
I suggest you spend some time clicking about to find your way around. It's easier if you have a lap-top as there are several threads.Have a good read of the pinned post “Welcome Newbies” and follow every thread.
Here’s the link to the pinned posts,
Here’s the link for the “Tour” of the forum. If you haven’t already taken it.
I'm sorry you're feeling depressed, I see that you're already a member of the Anxiety and Depression Support forum perhaps they could help you with that.
You don't mention how much weight you would like/need to lose or if you have a plan in action.I strongly suggest you read and contribute to the Daily Diary and participate in a Weekly Weigh in. You will find there's loads of tips about better eating, from other members. Sharing your daily menu not only helps you stay committed, it can help other members too.
Good luck I hope to "see " you around. 🍀

Hai welcome to this forum Group. I wish you all the very best to achieve your weight loss goal. Please follow your food diet and regular workout without take any gap. This will surely supports to lose weight and make your body fit.
Thank you guys so much for the reply’s ☺️
Hello James, sorry to hear about the depression which you are associating with trying to lose weight. Because of my own tendency to fall into depression or to get anxious, I am wondering which is coming first? Certainly when I am in a low mood or anxious, I reach out for comfort food and put on weight. Then, when I’ve put on weight I feel depressed about that! Also, when I summon up the energy to lose that weight I really suffer with withdrawal symptoms ( from sugar) and cravings for anything sweet. This time around I have been on a weight loss programme since Autumn. My weight loss has been depressingly ( at times) slow but with a healthier diet, exercise and somewhat slimmer I certainly feel fitter and, more importantly, mentally in a good place. I think what I am trying to say is that weight and mental health are intrinsically intertwined for me, losing weight is hard and dispiriting but, stick at it, and you will feel better in the long run - especially as you will be helping your body battle against all the illnesses associated with obesity! Good luck with it all!

Hi James . I started to feel better when I knew my efforts were being rewarded but it is hard when you are thinking of a familiar snack or a Cafe where you would order anything off the menu. Could you exercise or walk with someone or join a group not even associated with anything to do with food ? A distraction . I am starting swimming as my worst time is evenings . I have started recording programmes so I don't see adverts and shop after my meals so I don't buy junk but Xmas was difficult when I was left with loads of cal dense food.
Try You Tube for exercise when you can't get out .
I am unsure about what weather is like where you are . My son moved from UK to Sacramento and the sun shines a lot there which motivated him to buy a bike. He has lost 9kg just cycling at weekends and eating just 3 meals a day . He sent me a photo recently of before and after which was such a transformation .