After my gain this week, I'm struggling to find my get up and go.
So wanted to hear what people's main motivations for losing weight and keeping going is.
I know the ultimate goal is to be healthier etc etc etc. But I'm sure for a lot of people there was that trigger event/moment that made them shift a gear.
I had been talking (emphasis on the word talking) about trying to lose weight for many years, probably since I was like 16 - now 24! I somehow managed to stay the same weight/size for years, till I broke my ankle on holiday a couple of years ago, gained 1st through just not being able to get around and it's been a constant struggle ever since!
I went through the death of my granddad, my emotionally abusive/controlling partner splitting with me, the prospect of being homeless, potentially losing my job (which is still on-going) and some physical health issues preventing my beloved running, all in the space of 12 months last year.
Needless to say, I went through the grieve diet of eating more and putting on weight, the breakup diet of losing weight (most impressive was 7lbs in one week...) to coping with emotions by eating what ever I wanted as I went through the whole, no one else actually cares, so I don't care either.
Then came the holiday I booked in October - panic of not having lost anything for the holiday and the potential to look like a beached whale on the pool side. This came with my very slim friend announcing her annoyance of having to be beach body ready and the whole holiday spent bragging about how amazing her life, boyfriend, job etc etc is going, whilst I'm there like, I couldn't feel any smaller as a person or fatter if I tried!
So this ultimately sparked my goals. I'm on the thinking that I can't massively control what's already happened event wise, grief does some strange things to your body and emotions. I can't help that my ex is a bit of a jerk. I (largely) can't control whether I manage to find a new job in time.
But I can control my self esteem to some extent. It is difficult, after years of being made to feel like you'll never be good enough, it's not something that just flips if you've lost 7lbs. But I know my whole issues around my weight is a very big drain on me and I CAN do something about it. I'm getting tired of just talking about losing weight and still feeling down about what size I am and what I see.
Unfortunately in this day and age, we do pin a lot of our self happiness on looks. Losing weight for me in a sense is something I can control compared to many other things. I'm not losing weight for a revenge body (that will just be an added bonus to the process) or just to please someone else, I'm doing it for my self happiness.
I don't want to end up like my overweight mother who physically cannot do anything because of weight related physical problems. I will not be like my younger sister, who is fast following in my mother's foot steps. I don't want to be restricted when having kids, because I can't run around and chase after them. Also fed up of being the 'fat friend', not 100% sure why all my friends seem to be size 6-10s!
For me it's control and learning to like what you have, the satisfaction of knowing I've worked hard for what I have - which it will be hard work, because I adore food just a little too much! Weight loss isn't a straight downward line - still waiting for that magic, genuine NHS approved weight loss pill to be invented.... But I think it can teach (perhaps me at least) patience and to take responsibility for your actions.
So anyway, please don't think this was a pity post, I just love hearing about why people are on their journey, I think there is more to it than just wanting to lose weight and be healthier. There are reasons behind it, I believe anyway.
So please share, what is your main motivation for losing weight?