Hi, a good friend recommended this site to me as I’m struggling with my weight, type 2 diabetes and more recently dangerously high blood sugar despite medication.
Up to the start of the pandemic I had just about reversed the diabetes, had started to lose weight via a low GI/GL diet and intermittent fasting. I really thought I’d got everything sorted and felt great.
I’m ashamed to say that living on my own and being in isolation for a year has really set me back, weight has piled on, diabetes meds have been increased to beyond the levels I was on when I was first diagnosed with T2 and my ‘get up and go’ has gone.
From today I’m going back to intermittent fasting (daily from 6pm to noon the following day) every day, follow a GL diet and keep a food diary. I would like to say that I will exercise but I’ve never enjoyed that, I will try though.
Any advice would be appreciated.