My Oxford interview is next Tuesday. I’m a grown woman of 40 with an excellent academic & professional record, yet all I can think about is what they will think about my size and how I Iook!! I know it’s bonkers but that is where my head is at today. I just wish it was like ITV’s The Voice blind auditions i.e. my interviewers wouldn’t see me until they’ve made their decision. How do you work on your body positivity?
Uni interview worry: My Oxford interview... - Weight Loss Support
Uni interview worry

I'm not sure that body positivity is it: maybe it's 'you-positivity' that you need to draw on: the whole of you, the you that has earned this interview and that has so much to offer.
lucigret posted this a while ago: it says it better than I can
Go in there and show them they'd be lucky to have you
Thank you for your support BridgeGirl - I’ve checked out the poem & have printed it off to put on my notice board. I think you’re right; rather than focusing on what I look like, I’m going to try to push through the negative thoughts, feel positive about how far I’ve come in life and follow my dreams.
Interviews are nerve racking! I'm sure you'll do really well and your intelligence, experience and qualifications will shine through.
I over prepare for interviews and was told in my last one that I answered everything very well but forgot to show I had a personality. 🤣🤣 I still got the job so that just shows that personality isn't everything. 😆
I'm sure you will look great too, your size won't come into it, have you got an outfit picked out? I don't like my appearance either but have learned the hard way that it's better to choose comfort over style (especially in terms of interview shoes!)
I bought a better fitting smart A line dress yesterday and have tried it on a few times to feel more comfortable in it. I have a practise interview tonight with a colleague who’s become a very close friend, so hopefully that will help.
I have no advice to add about weight, I just wanted to say "Good luck" and I hope it goes well. 💐
I have a habit of travelling to an interview with a positive, life-affirming-type piece of music in my head, as a kind of soundtrack to how I will triumph. Also useful if kept waiting when you get there. 🙂
Hi YoYo80, you want to feel good about yourself when you walk in the room - you already have the dress. You're not a young student but already a professional like themselves, so dress and be the part. As well as the dress, do you have jewellery or a scarf that is eyecatching without being over the top, expensive perfume that is not overwhelming - subtle elegance and a calm exterior Good luck!
I'm just going to try to be my authentic self - unfussy minimalist. Going to wear my late mum's plain gold chain - I wish she was still around to see how far I have come. It's moments like this that I really miss her.
My mum always used to give us her locket to carry when we had exams. You're only 40, you've lost your mum too early - me too, I was only 28 with a new born baby, when she passed suddenly. I have missed her for more of my life than she was with me here. But she is ALWAYS with me. I wear her eternity ring on important occasions.
Good luck with your interview. Are you interviewing for a job or are you going back to university? I think the most important thing is to decide you are going to actually enjoy the interview process.
🙏 It’s a part-time postgrad educational research course I’ve applied for; I will be continuing with my usual HE teaching and studying this on the side

They’ll be lucky to have you!
Ironically, the better-rounded you are, the better for chances of getting in to Oxbridge! Sorry, that pun just appeared as I was typing... 🤓
But seriously, in my experience, senior academics rarely notice what other people look like. 🤣
Does any of this help!? 🙈
Thank you Smartoak. Yes, all words of encouragement appreciated (I have a wicked northern sense of humour, so love a pun🤣). I was too scared to apply for my first degree there, even though I got straight A*s in comprehensive school and 4 As at A level, but I feel like now is the time to get over my working class ‘imposter syndrome’ - I just need to get over my weight stresses (harder task than any exam I’ve had to sit!)
All I know is that if you are applying at Oxford, I am so impressed with your knowledge base!! Know that I am so happy for you no matter what happens! Think of all the things you have accomplished and how you are just an amazing contribution to humanity. Thinking positive for you from afar!
Hello and welcome, great to have you with us ! Lovely wishes
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It's about you - Be yourself and things will be fine .It's not about your body. If you over think things that won't help.Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Hi YoYo80,
firstly all the best with the interview, I'll being keeping my 🤞 for you.
In the short time you have been here I have come to see some of the intelligent and passionate person you are. You have so much going for you and you just need to let that shine through 👍
So don't fixate on body image, go in confident and show them just how wonderful you are 😀