Hi all, last week I mentioned in a post I had been passing my time during lockdown/isolating by crocheting Xmas bits for friends, family and of course myself which not only passed the time, stopped me snacking too. I was asked to post pics but didn’t know how as not done it on here. Lucigret very kindly advised how I did this so here you are, and hope they make you smile, take care all and keep safe.
Passing time in lockdown.: Hi all, last... - Weight Loss Support
Passing time in lockdown.

That's a very jolly reindeer
I think he had had a tipple too much as should stand up but refuses, and sits on his butt, but every time I see him he makes me smile and yesterday I put the Xmas trees/decorations up, so he is sitting on the shelf now looking down on us. 👍

I love the sheep 💕💕

These are brilliant. The reindeer makes me laugh too but the snowman is so cute 😍 Well done xx

These are lovely. The reindeer is cute. I love his smile. I would love to learn how to crochet.
Thx, just in process of making another cheeky reindeer, and so far this one stands!! Some great tutorials on YouTube, just remember if you have a go a lot are American and their stitches are different to English, again you can see comparisons on YouTube. I’ve been knitting and crocheting since a young girl but still find I sometimes have to refresh and YouTube been a godsend.