Start weight - 79kg
Last week's weight (or date of last weigh-in) - 64kg
Weight today: 63.5
Loss/Gain/STS: - 0.5kg
Total loss: 15.4kg
I gained 6kg after having surgery then Pandemic hit and depression set in- restarted my journey at the end of May when I found the joy of walking again. I restarted the Low Carb Programme to reduce my blood glucose levels and get back on track with the weight. Only recently joined the health unlocked after starting the Couch to 5k - I’m a nurse and didn’t even know this site existed! I shall be telling everyone from now on..
Is it me or is it difficult to write on the site? I use an iPad/iPhone and find posting extremely frustrating as I can’t go back if I find a spelling or grammatical error but have to delete the whole thing!
I have now started writing ✍️ in my notes 📝 then copy and pasting long winded way but prevents me from giving up which has happened several times over the last few weeks.