When does it click : I know what I need... - Weight Loss Support

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When does it click

storm51 profile image
30 Replies

I know what I need to do & I've done it before , but I’m really struggling as it won’t “click” in my head ... I’m the biggest I’ve ever been & I do walk a lot but I’m still overweight & very unhappy about it .. does anyone else feel like this? Many thanks 😊

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storm51 profile image
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30 Replies
Subtle_badger profile image

it didn't click for me. After 3 weeks calorie counting without losing weight, I realised if I just repeated what I had done before, I would lose some weight and then put it back on with a few more kilograms and be 3 years older.

I searched around for an alternative, and found low carb/high fat and intermittent fasting. 9 months later, my BMI is 23.4 and I am pretty sure I can keep it there. I always had my weight in check, but I was never below 25 BMI since I learnt what BMI was.

The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.


BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone

Hello and welcome, storm51 😊

I hope you'll have an open mind about what constitutes healthy eating. I would say that if you've done it before and it wasn't sustainable, it's worth considering different approaches. This is a straightforward plan that's worth considering phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...

You'll find all the information you need about the forum in our Pinned Posts healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... including a Welcome message. A good place to start is by joining a weekly weigh in on the day of your choice, and using the Daily Diary, where members share their meal plans.

This gives you a tour of the forum healthunlocked.com/?tour=true and, along with Pinned Posts, will show you how things work. I hope you'll become an active member and we will see you joining in around the forum 😊

PS the app doesn’t give access to all parts of the forum so we advise everyone to get rid of the app and log on to the full website using the browser on their phone

SofaJockey profile image

Kind of depends on what you are waiting to 'click'.

If it won't 'click' perhaps it's an ineffective diet?

I struggled with calorie counting but found a Low Carb approach 'clicked' for me.

IndigoBlue61 profile image

For me, it was partly fear of where I was heading, (fairly serious health scare) but also finding a plan that was sustainable. I realised I had to make changes, and for me they had to be small, incremental and not especially painful. I also had to decide what I wanted most, the extra helping of dinner or to be slimmer and fitter. So it wasn’t a single ‘click’ . . . More a series of small clicks . . . My advice is take it one day at a time. 😊

Hi storm51, I think many of us have felt like you and been in your shoes too. Look at the positives you have done it before so no reason why you can’t do it again. You have already started, you are on step1. you are walking lots, that’s brilliant. Why not just give yourself a pat on the back, now why not take step 2. and write down what you eat all this coming week, step. 3 modify your diet see what you could change to make it better and healthier. Swap out anything that might not be as healthy as it could be. May be you are already doing this, and you may need to drink more water, cutting out bread, or even adding it in in small does, take out carbs or add them in just see if doing some small changes will kick start you more. Everyone’s body is different and you can do it as you have done it before. Weight loss isn’t a sprint. I’m nearly at my heaviest so your not alone, i have put on 3 stone since last year. I told a really bad white lie on the telephone a few weeks ago. I had a medication review and was asked what my weight was, I felt so ashamed I lied and said I had no idea, then the nurse asked if I could weigh myself and I said no sorry I don’t have any scales. I feel really bad but I didn’t want obesity written on my medical records. I was 8 stone for ten years so you can see your not alone. By the way I don’t condone lying to a nurse it was really wrong of me.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to

Thanks for admitting that.

Are you taking anything that dosage might increase with body weight? I understand not wanting it on your permanent record, but not taking the correct dosage might damage your health, and it's not worth it.

Especially if there is a medical emergency, they will record your weight.

(I am please that my weight is on my GP record, as I didn't keep a record myself, so it's the log of my "journey")

in reply toSubtle_badger

hello thank you for your thoughts no I’m not on any medication that weight would mean a change in dosage, if I was I would definitely have mentioned it to the nurse. I admitted I was probably over weight in my opinion! I just didn’t say I was obese as in 6 months time I probably won’t be and then they won’t ask me for 6 years. I just take inhalers for my lungs, whatever weight over the last 35 years the advice has been the same, x puffs so many times a day, I’m on maximum dose anyway and problem is well controlled. Thank you for your kind thoughts and concern.

Read4 profile image

Hi you have summed up exactly how I feel. Thank you because it’s great to feel that I am not alone. I know exactly what I need to do but as you say it just doesn’t ‘click’ in my brain and I don’t know why. If ever there is a time to lose weight it is now with this dreadful virus around. Obese people like me are 40% more likely to die so I keep hearing on the TV! If I’m unfortunate enough to catch the virus and become really ill, I keep imagining the Doctors and Nurses looking at me and thinking “Oh no here comes another obese one. Why didn’t she lose weight to give herself a better chance?” That’s something I ask myself everyday so come on let’s do this! We can all do this together!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toRead4

Hi and welcome, Read4 :)

This is a nice simple eating plan healthunlocked.com/api/redi... and probably a little different to what you think you should be doing.

All of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... and I hope you'll be joining all the Events, Challenges and Clubs that we run, especially a weigh-in and the daily diary.

If you haven't already taken it, here's a tour of the forum healthunlocked.com/?tour=true

We've found active participation to be key to successful weight loss and, of course, it's a good way to get to know people, find inspiration and share support and encouragement.

Wishing you all the best :)

in reply toRead4

Hi read4, just have to say this morning I read your post and it really made me smile. “Oh no here comes another obese one” I did my walk this morning as usual and couldn’t stop smiling, every one smiled back which was nice, down to your post! Then later sat and ate my lunch and realised the T-shirt I have had on half the day was inside out! May be that made them smile😁xx

SofaJockey profile image

There are many people here who have walked in exactly your shoes, who are more than willing to outline paths forward if you are willing to walk them.

I'd recommend using the forum regularly, tell it as it is and take small steps. 😊

TheProf profile image

First thing is...don't give up. Whatever diet you do make sure it works by doing it for long enough. There are many factors that zffect weight. For me, hot weather slows down the loss. Drink lots of water. Don't snack - it's just a habit.

TheAwfulToad profile image

If it isn't working, the simplest (and obvious) explanation is that you've chosen the wrong method. Don't worry about it. We've all been there! Time to try something different.

When you get it right, it'll feel completely natural. Your body will find its own groove and weight loss will just happen naturally.

Remember, whatever you do to lose weight has to be sustained for the rest of your life. If you find that an ever-increasing amount of willpower is required, it ain't going to work longterm (and it's probably not healthy, which is why your body is rebelling against it).

Donna06 profile image

I find I am either really good or really bad hence a life of yo-yo ing. I'm looking to shift this thought pattern permanently and stay good! I joined this forum today to read similar posts and not think I have to "go it alone" My rational brain says just do it and stick to it..I'm just lacking motivation right now and will hopefully find it here! Good luck Storm

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply toDonna06

Hey Donna,

It's food, it's not a moral issue. It's not a moral failing to eat the foods you know are wrong, it's a failing of your metabolism. You know the Pringle's slogan "once you pop, you can't stop". That's not just a slogan, but the specification given to the their food scientists. They have deliberately designed the food to make you binge on it. The same is true of almost junk food: it's either engineered for bingeing or that happens accidentally (they make more of the ones that sell better).

The way to move away from this, is to give up the foods that make your body behave like this. And try stop telling yourself that you are bad when you fail.

Donna06 profile image
Donna06 in reply toSubtle_badger

Thanks Subtle_badger...never thought of it that way before...good advice, thanks!

zinza profile image

Check intermittent fasting and LCHF. I would also suggest the amazing book "The Obesity Code" which was recommended for my GP.

Lillykims profile image

Some days I click and some days I don’t I call it mindset. But my best days seem to be staying in my calories and lowish carbs......i always lose on my good calorie days but overeat if I try IF although I miss lunch some days and have a bigger calorie dinner. Everyone is different and you just need to find what works for you and stick with it on the days you can. Good luck.

Chromble profile image

I know exactly what you mean about it not clicking. I see the effects of obesity quite close to home and I know all the theory of dieting, but it still didn’t make me want to lose weight. I can’t explain why, but I woke up one day in July and thought to myself, what exactly are you waiting for. I applied the same effort and urgency to calorie counting that I do to work (I’m a bit obsessive - though not good for me). I almost think of it as a project plan I have to achieve, and you lot are my project board to whom I have to report each week😁. But way kinder and helpful than board members at work!!

There are some brilliant suggestions on this thread, so have a go, even if it’s just starting with a small change each day.

BigRedDBA profile image

I think Lockdown made it click for me. I had been trying to go low carb but always felt I had to eat at set times. Being stuck at home since March I no longer have to get up at 6am. I'm now LCHF diet (diet in the sense of what I eat, not a weight loss program). I eat when I feel hungry and this is normally between 11am and 2pm. I very rarely snack but will occasionally have a crisp or sweet if offered one.

My one downfall is alcohol, beer in particular, and I don't feel ready to give it up yet or swap for a healthier G&T.

Leyth profile image

Hi Storm 51, l know that feeling, that's exactly where lm at now. I've started another Monday diet today, see how far l get. You do have to have your head around it and like yourself it's not been happening for me either. Fingers crossed for us

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply toLeyth

Hello Leyth and welcome to the weight loss forum.. May I suggest that you follow all the links you've been sent in your welcome package It's best to use the website as opposed to the app.

I hope you join the Daily Diary, there's lots of delicious ideas there. When you have decided your “weigh in day”, join one of the weekly weigh ins.

If you are counting calories please run your data through the NHS site, to calculate your BMI and with that obtain your calorie allowance.


Good luck with your weight loss journey.🍀

Leyth profile image
Leyth in reply toTheTabbyCat

Thank you, l will do

DAFFS-IRISES profile image

I am in precisely the same place. Even my doctor suggested it wouldn’t hurt me to shed a bit and that has made me think about it more but not galvanised next into action. I need to focus and get my mind on it I know, but where is my willpower ....

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply toDAFFS-IRISES

Welcome back DAFFS-IRISES 😊 I don’t think it’s about will power, more about choice, and choosing to be healthier rather than choosing the second helpings or whatever it is . . . It’s also about habits, and knowledge

Have a read through these replies and you might find a solution that works for you 😊

CautiousK profile image

Hi Storm51,

I think things clicked for me when I looked at my reasons to lose weight.

I know I will have slip ups and bad days and I wont be friends with my scales on a lot of occasions but i decided that only I can do something about it so i have to stop moaning to my family and stop talking about how healthy I am going to be on the Monday and eating a big Dairy Milk bar on Tuesday.

I started to look at the impact that my impending health issues and the effect it would have on my family and friends if I became a burden.

I need to do this for me and my family.

Have a think it really does help to know the reasons that you want to get healthy for.

I have lists everywhere too and reminders to drink more water and not to snack etc.

You can do it! 😊

storm51 profile image
storm51 in reply toCautiousK

Thank you so much - you’re very right!! A friend said to me she walks every day as one day when she’s older, she wants to be able to get off the toilet by herself .. which spurred me to walking .. I will definitely have a good think cos ur right, I don’t want to be a burden ... I can really identify with what you said about moaning about it - I do the same .... thank you so much 😊 x

Pink4eva profile image

Hi storm51 , I know exactly what you mean by waiting for it to ‘click’. After loosing weight with SW, I then put 60lbs back on over the past 15 months. I have a problem with binge eating and was desperately trying to stop this and loose weight again. When I joined this forum and started LCHF way of eating, the ‘switch’ in my head went ‘click’. It was such a relief when my cravings virtually stopped and I finally found a better way to loose weight again. I have lapsed on a few occasions, usually after drinking alcohol, but overall I am back on track and feeling a lot more positive. We are all different, but this is working for me. Hope this helps, good luck with your weight loss journey.🙂

storm51 profile image
storm51 in reply toPink4eva

Hi Pink4eva, thank you so much for your reply ... I might try LCHF - I need to look into it as I’m not too sure ... someone else on here said the same ... I’m so pleased that it clicked for u 👍

I also did SW - it worked d first time but a bit less d 2nd time ( both after having my boys) but d 3rd time, is out more weight than lost & I left as I couldn’t see the point ... I then met my now ex & he was very good on nutrition & calorie counting & I lost 23 kgs ... I’ve since put it all on again ( after I split up from him & also injured my knee) sounds like I’m making excuses ... like u, I also binge - at night usually ...

thank you so much for sharing & keep up your good work 👍😁

Pink4eva profile image
Pink4eva in reply tostorm51

Your welcome🙂 I know it can be so disheartening when you wake up and remember the binge from the night before. It’s usually binge on chocolate, biscuits, icecream, anything sweet really. I did slip up and had a chocolate binge last week, nowhere near as many calories as with previous binges though. I am 57 now and I can’t keep going through this yo-yo dieting. You will get plenty of support and information on this forum. Am happy to chat🙂

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