When life gets in the way.... - Weight Loss Support

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When life gets in the way....

40 Replies

Hi! Very new to this... but here goes!

32 year old woman with a partner and step son... life’s been a bit crappy... with one thing after another been on anti depression meds and just recently came off as feeling more positive about things... however my weight has crept up and up and up!

I can’t seem to control it .. I’ll loose a few pounds and put them back on... the thing is I am a binge eater ... I have SEVERE sugar cravings and I also think about it when I first wake up too! I need to break this viscious cycle and road I am going down as I am just getting bigger and bigger!

As we all are I’m sure... feeling the pinch so cancelled gym membership etc but I do enjoy excercising.. walking the dog etc so it’s not that I don’t excercise ( I also spend all day looking after 4 very constant children) I just can’t be bothered after a full day!

Please someone help me and give me that kick up the butt I need to do something about it for good this time as I’m feeling more and more disgusting each day ... ♥️

TIA - Aimz x

40 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, amylouise88 :)

I'm going to give you a few things to read, to see if they'll help you.






There's plenty of information here to help you on your journey, just follow this link to our chat thread and a list of all the activities we run. We've found active participation to be key to success, especially with our weigh-ins and Daily Diary.


To make navigating the forum easier, we've put all the information you'll need in a newbie pack and here's the link


Please take the time to read it carefully, so that you're able to enjoy everything that we have on offer.

We ask that you also read this important information about internet privacy and security.


Wishing you all the best :)

S11m profile image

Hi, Hidden , welcome.

If you "slim smart" weight loss is not so hard! It is not all about motivation and masochism.

Some of us here find that what works is a combination of The Low Carbohydrate, High-Fat (LCHF) diet (see the forum here on Health Unlocked) and Not Snacking All Day AKA Intermittent Fasting (IF). See:


in reply toS11m

Thankyouu .. I’ll take a look! Xx

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to

I hope you'll also take a look at the information moreless has posted for you. That could get you on the right path :)

alegeglessaligator profile image
alegeglessaligator2 stone

Welcome!! Consistency is key to get it off and keeping it off. I'm 4ish months in changing my lifestyle and I'm still working on cutting down my sugar intake. I've slowly been lowering the amount I add to things (tea, syrup on yoghurt, cereal etc.) and bringing in no added/reduced sugar versions of things I eat. I think it's the thing that's most helped me not to binge/give up as I have done in the past.

As for not wanting to exercise at the end of the day have you thought about doing it at another time of day? Or if you aren't motivated to go outside (and who can blame you atm!) and walking the dog what about following a youtube workout there's pretty much everything you've ever thought of and it's free!

in reply toalegeglessaligator

Thankyou so much for your advice... yes all of those things I have pretty much thought about but again it’s having the will power to do it and I am really struggling but know I need to get motivated !!

Yes the YouTube thing sounds great Thankyou I’ll give that a try aswell as walking the dog etc... longer walks but again motivation .... maybe I should buy a nice pair of jeans of something to give me motivation!

Sounds like your doing a great job yourself it’s so hard at first as I find reducing all of those things is sooooo hard ... and your body craves them more when u don’t have them !! :( but u have to push past that I guess!

Thanks so much ... in it together ❤️

alegeglessaligator profile image
alegeglessaligator2 stone in reply to

For me having a supportive home environment was the most important thing. So I stopped keeping chocolate and crisps (my biggest trigger foods) at home, if you don't have it you can't eat it, if you can't do that then at least keep them out of reach and put healthier options out in the open such as a fruit bowl. It's been shown that people are more likely to eat what's easy accessible then going for something packed away.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone

Hello, nice to meet you :)

Why not join the Advent Action challenge and choose one thing to do each day up to Christtmas? Here's today's healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

in reply toBridgeGirl

Thankyou I’ll take a look, so much to interact with ! Not sure I’ll have all of this time 🤣🤣 but I’ll have a go x

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

I view time spent on the forum as an essential part of my health routine, me (and my body) are worth it 😊

in reply toIndigoBlue61

Hoping once I get into a routine I wil too :) x

Rosaleenlevick profile image

Your not alone.... im exactly the same. U have actually described me... really need kick up butt too... I'vetried every weight loss pill out there... now need try old fashioned way... but hate exercise... feel like i need a miracle

in reply toRosaleenlevick

Then we can be weight loss buddies if you like ... ❤️

We can do this we just need to get motivated to start small now and then in the new year ... we will be already on the road to amazing weight loss ( hopefully) x

Rosaleenlevick profile image
Rosaleenlevick in reply to

Hope your right... think the antidepressants put the weight on. Ive ballooned past year... need to start...

Going to write everything down...

Be accountable for what goes in my mouth


in reply toRosaleenlevick

That’s a really good idea and when your super slim.. you’ll look back and be look omg! How did I eat that much ... honestly I’d need a whole book just for one day the rate I’m going.... 🙈

Keep in touch we can do this. ! X

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply toRosaleenlevick

Hi and welcome, Rosaleenlevick :)

I hope you'll follow all the links I've given amylouise88 and will also become an active member of our community.

Onwards and downwards! :)

Lzlycraft profile image

Sounds like you have had a rough time, life is tough for most of us in one way or another. Social media can make it seem that everyone is having a brill time when in reality they are facing challenges too.

I am 61 years now and here is my bit of advice:

Firstly, don't let the buggers grind you down!! . You can eat healthy and well reasonably cheaply if you plan ahead. Don't diet, they don't work, aim to get a mindset of healthy lifestyle, sounds like you are nearly there. Treat sugar like alcohol, cut it right down and only eat in moderation, its not of value to your body like other foods. Look for quality, not quantity. Have lots of little none food treats for reaching milestone goals. You can take control, this is the one thing in your control. Treat your body like a princess, only good stuff going in. Don't expect huge weight loss, aim for slow and sustainable. Make wise choices and focus on what you do have. Good luck. Xxx

in reply toLzlycraft

Yes it’s not easy... but in no way am In any different situation to others .. we are all feeling it in some way or another ♥️

Thankyou so much for your advice I am going to try to cut down sugar this side of the new year and then start more excercise and planning better meals etc after... as I feel that’s going to be more manageable for me at the current time ! Xx

Lzlycraft profile image
Lzlycraft in reply to

The articles suggested are very good and explain why it is good to cut down on sugar and refined carbohydrates. I have been giving it a go, and it is working. Good luck x

in reply toLzlycraft

Stay in touch and let me know how it’s going I wish u all the best u can do it !! Xxx

BerlinBetty profile image

Such good advice here.

NOT good that you are low, so comfort eating. Gym money is a complete waste of time if you are guzzling rubbish between meals. For me this is the key thing to change and you need to chuck it all out and go for the attractive fruit bowl as suggested here.

I'm sticking the grizzled auld turkey-neck out over the parapet here. I hope you aren't expending time and energy anxiously trying to over-compensate the step-child. Of course they need love, support, affection but so do you: from the step child and your partner. Most of us find things so much easier if we are being supported and the care isn't going all one way.

It's easy to say and not so easy to do, but for your own sake you need to Get In the Way of Life, and not the other way around.

This isn't about being a monster of selfishness but more a matter of putting yourself right before you can look after the bods you love. You deserve that, and so do they.

p.s. When you binge, remind yourself that you are using building bricks towards ill-health and maybe even an early end. Sorry but it's likely to be true. We concentrate so much on the way we look sometimes that we forget that long-term poor eating leads to long-term poor health. You deserve so much more than that at your age. You can turn it around! Good luck. You can do this!

Love Betty xx

in reply toBerlinBetty

Thankyou so much..

Yes your right I feel things have just all come at me at once the last few months and I have shut myself down and taken to “eating my feelings”

The situation with the step son is good but I think I feel ( although I love him very much and love having him here for the last 5 years) he has stood in the way of my lifelong plans - having my own family... or fostering as now there’s no room... But I guess this is something I need to deal with myself.

Thankyou for your advise your right I just need to put myself first and get back to how I was before and cut the crap! Take life by the reigns again... however when your in a mindset like mine it’s very difficult, I’ve come off the anti depressants and am struggling in all honesty.

Social media has a huge impact and I teach the kids I look after abo this and help with body confidence ... but have none of my own which is ironic!


todayitis profile image
todayitis7lbs in reply to

It's hard with a family to look after too, but like you, i've decided its time to think about my needs first for once when it comes to food, and plan our meals to fit with what i can eat. One of my sons doesn't eat much whatever i make anyway so he wont be any worse off! They are mourning the loss of the crisp cupboard though! Good luck xx

in reply totodayitis

It’s so hard yeah but I guess sometimes u do have to do what’s right for you! Hardest thing is that I don’t want to punish the others in the process x

BerlinBetty profile image
BerlinBettyVisitor in reply to

Life is full of challenges, isn't it? I personally found that if I gave myself weekend treat days, not only did that give me 5 clear days a week without alcohol, chocolate crisp etc but the weekend was really something to look forward to: a special treat. I'm not sure how it works but I felt less like bingeing if I only ate Naughties on Saturday and Sunday. I think it's partly because you don't want to spoil the enormous effort of sensible self-denial you make in the weekdays. But there's another angle. If I have 5 abstemious days my partner seems to follow suit more easily than if I just cut back by 50% every day, for instance. When I did that he just carried on with his 100% Naughties while I had much less. Now that I have 5 alcohol/chocky/crisp-free days a week, he often quietly follows suit. I never comment on this or try to get him to feel as I do; he just does it.

It might be easier for you if someone in the family follows suit in the same way?

Always more diffy with a young one in the house, of course!

BB x

in reply toBerlinBetty

Yes it’s very hard right now especially as I’m in an overcrowded house due to my current situation too with 3 younger ones !

Very tricky but today I have purchased low fat yogurts and cut back less... so your plan to cut back weekdays and then treat at weekend is a good idea thanks :)

Your all so kind of I can get it going before Xmas I’ll be well on my way into the new year!!!

Aimz xx

BerlinBetty profile image
BerlinBettyVisitor in reply to

We are here for you when you'd like to chat xx

in reply toBerlinBetty

Thanks so much ♥️

focused1 profile image

With 4 kids ....wow you are busy and probably don't put yourself first very often . Hard to cut the sugar out straight away but try fruit ...maybe half a banana in the morning . Save the other half for mid morning when you feel like a biscuit . Fruit yogurt is also an alternative until you feel more in control of cravings or a low cal hot choc drink which you sip .

Gym for me is an escape = me time . I joined classes ..think how much you spend on snacks ..in fact just do the maths . Your reward for less snacks = keep at the gym . Try applying for the NHS Paris scheme by explaining you are battling depression and understandable stress of 4 children and need some support. This is a 6-18 month gym programme which gives you access to a trainer and is given at a reduced cost ..I think free to some but I paid about half price and could swim too .

You will start feeling betterwhen the first couple of pounds are off . I only weighed once a week and at same time in morning . My confidence has grown and you will get into 'those' jeans but I didn't buy any until I actually felt I could get them on .

Enjoy Xmas ....I loved it when my 5 sons were younger . Xmas lunch for me will be loads of veg ..turkey is low fat ...and I will have a roast potato ...small !

Tell friends to please ...avoid buying you chocs but I am sure like me if they are put on the table they will go very swiftly .

You are important . You matter . In a large family Mum is usually the rock . Your children will be proud of you too.

Thankyou for your amazing message! This is so helpful and yes I will get through it .. the 4 kids aren’t mine I am a registered nanny and look after them all week for another parent - but they are basically my own as I have them all the time ! 😂 they do keep me on my toes ... which is good but constantly exhausting lol!

I will try all of your tips! The half a banana sounds great ! I have started drinking a cup

Of tea with a quarter sugar... which is helping me to lower my sugar tbh... which is a start!

Thankyou I hope your Christmas is going to be amazing... we have just been evicted from our house also so ANOtHeR kick in the teeth so a bit hard to be Christmassy but I will make it a good one for my little family that’s for sure ❤️❤️❤️

Icandoit2019 profile image


Can I just say well done you for facing your struggles it’s so easy to let it spiral. Brilliant advice here and not much to add but just to say how supportive the forum is and you’re never alone, always good advice and support given when asked.

Good luck in your journey and wish you all the best. X

in reply toIcandoit2019

Thankyou for such kind words ❤️

U fortunately things just spiral out of control so fast and before u know it your 17stone and asking for help ...

Hope to see your progress next week too and look forward to the interactions!! Thanks so much xx

Craftyperson profile image

Well you've made a good start coming on here so well done for that. Don't think of it as dieting but starting a healthy eating plan for life. Take things in small steps and set small acheivable goals. Read the info admin sends choose what you think best for you and sign up to a weigh day just in time to join us Wednesday wobble warriors you will get a lot of support that way . As for sugar don't go cold turkey and try to stop all at once but gradually decrease. Good luck

Thanks for the help... I’m confused at how this works to be honest...do I just post here again next week ... am I able to pin posts so I don’t lose them?

It takes a bit of getting used to and I think it’s hard as there is so much on here ! Lol

Thankyou for your kind words and advice... I will take it one day at a time ❤️

Wishing you all the best too... #wobblewarrierstogether

Aimz x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

As this is your own post, amylouise88, you'll always be able to find it on your own profile. Just click on your avatar to get there.

However, don't limit yourself to updating one thread, meet people and continue your journey, by joining in all our group activities, especially a weigh-in and the daily diary :)

in reply tomoreless

When I comment on other things though how will I get back there... that’s where I am confused x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

You can see every reply you make on your profile too and you can save threads, by clicking on 'Save Post' at the bottom of the header of the post.

To find them again, click on home (picture of the house), then click on Saved Posts/saved.

I hope that helps :)

Thanks yes much better ! 🤣 Thankyou x

hanna89 profile image

I can say that despite all the diets, the best way to lose weight is to eat only half of your normal meal portion and have some healthy snacks during the day.


And SPORT of course. Without sport it will be extreamly hard. Go to the gym or search some training programs on site like this: gym-expert.com/

Good luck :)

Thanks hun you too x

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