addicted to chocolate : Hey all the... - Weight Loss Support

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addicted to chocolate

Nutella55 profile image
46 Replies

Hey all the choco lovers! I’m just staying to get my diet in check As over started to gain weight but I LOVE CHOCOLATE and just finding it hard to stop giving in to my temptations... Any ideas on how to help?

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Nutella55 profile image
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46 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello and a very warm welcome to the Weight Loss Forum Nutella55

There are generally two different approaches to this dilemma, and we are all different so it depends upon how it works for you. Some people find if they give up all sugar completely (including processed carbohydrates) and increase the natural fat in their diet then the sweet cravings reduce. Or others find the denial leads to worsening cravings so have learn a new habit of just eating a small amount, dark plain chocolate is useful for this.

If you haven’t already then please read the Welcome Message (in your inbox) and follow the link to Pinned Posts. In case you missed it here’s the link again here Please read it carefully so you can find all the information you need to find your way around the forum.

As a peer to peer support group we rely totally upon mutual encouragement. Nothing beats joining in, reading posts and replying to others. Our Group Weigh-in and the Daily Diary are probably the best places to start

Best wishes in your weight loss journey

Indigo 😊

Nutella55 profile image
Nutella55 in reply to IndigoBlue61

Thank you very much! I have started the dark chocolate it feels you up so much quicker !

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Nutella55

I take 100 calories worth and cut it up into small pieces, and eat with 100 calories worth of walnuts, feels really decadent 😊

ThisTimeIsMyTime profile image
ThisTimeIsMyTime in reply to IndigoBlue61

Good idea 💡

moxond profile image
moxond in reply to Nutella55

Dark chocolate good for Energy and also helps with cravings due to the flavourniods taste helps with vitality mood

DebbieFleming profile image

If I get a chocolate craving I make myself a nice cup of hot cocoa, I make mine with hot milk. It gives me that chocolate and sugar fix.

It's nicer than those artificial, 'Options' drinks.

A two finger kit kat bar is a good low calorie chocolate bar.

I sometimes buy a small bag of chocolate buttons and suck the buttons slowly so the chocolate taste lasts longer in my mouth.

Failing that, buy some chocolate flavoured cream cheese. Yes really. It might just put you off either chocolate or cream cheese ! I've seen tubs of Philadelphia cream cheese blended with, 'Milka' brand chocolate. I like both, but separately.

Nutella55 profile image
Nutella55 in reply to DebbieFleming

Haha some great advice thank you but I’ll pass on the cheese not a fan I have seen them though! Will definitely take your other options though thank you :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to DebbieFleming

“Failing that, buy some chocolate flavoured cream cheese. Yes really. It might just put you off either chocolate or cream cheese !”

Lol 😂

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to DebbieFleming

Why do you think that is odd? it's just a chocolate no-bake cheesecake, minus the biscuit crust.

Chocolate cheesecake is delicious.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Subtle_badger

I don’t know, it just doesn’t appeal (not a fan of chocolate cheesecake either so maybe that’s why) 😊

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to IndigoBlue61

Sure, it might not appeal, but no one would say "chocolate cheesecake will put you off chocolate and cheese".

Well, someone might; there's always one. 🙄

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Subtle_badger

As they say “up north“ Nowt so queer as folk 😂

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs

Hi nutella,

I like chocolate too and limit myself so I know how much I should be having. I like 85% cocoa but recently got a 100% montasuma one, yep 100% !!! No sugar or anything 👍

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to Bee-bop

Absolute Black; it's a beast, isn't it?

Certainly a good way to find out if you are addicted to chocolate, or maybe it's really the sugar. 😋

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Subtle_badger

It is ! Fantastic 👍

in reply to Subtle_badger

Why have you told me about this? Not helpful? Except I probably can’t get it in lockdown...

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to

Sorry 🙏

in reply to Subtle_badger

Maybe as a treat if I can lose a pound or can plank for 2 minutes. (How hard can 1lb weight loss be?)

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to

I don't think you understand what a beast it is. Order it now. You will not overindulge. I bought it some weeks before lockdown, and I still have half left! I just took a bite of it**, it's very bitter on the tongue but - 36+ hours fasted - it suffused me in a warm glow. The glow and the bitterness are staying with me. I probably won't have any more for a week or two.

My original intention was to make a ganache I could control ever element of, but I am enjoying it's brutal chocolate nature. I think I will nibble away on it over the next few months.

**it's too hard to break piece off; teeth or knife are required.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Subtle_badger

Yes, it is exactly what I was looking for 🙂

Cookie101 profile image
Cookie101 in reply to Subtle_badger

I recently did a Montezuma's order because for some reason, the chocolate shop isn't classed as 'an essential service'. Service was brilliant, post was not too expensive. They are also in the middle of changing their brand to improve the packaging so you may also find some cheaper items.

Nutella55 profile image
Nutella55 in reply to Bee-bop

Where did you get that?

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Nutella55

Healthfood shop 👍

blindinglights profile image

Have you tried the skinny whip bars from home bargains as a chocolate treat, depending on which ones you buy they are between 75 and 99 kcal and if you put them in the fridge they last a little longer, they are my chocolate go to fix x

Nypd512 profile image

Hi Nutella chocolate is my downfall too. I just can’t resist it especially when bored or stressed. Just about all the time currently! I have a small stash of 70% cocoa choc which hits the spot but also find that chocolate crispies are good as they just seem to last a bit longer. If you keep them in the fridge and just take small bites it helps. However I am also baking and have choc caramel slices in the freezer so do indulge in them. Not such a temptation frozen because they sing “eat me” if I keep them in the fridge. Hope that helps as if you are anything like me I can’t live without chocolate. Good luck 😉

Nutella55 profile image
Nutella55 in reply to Nypd512

I just can’t live without it haha! These tips are great thanks guys!!

Cookie101 profile image

Depends on what type of chocolate your eating. If you can easily buy it in any shop for cheap prices. What your getting is sugar and fat with a bit of chocolate on the side. Good chocolate is worth spending a bit of extra money. I eat less chocolate now because I changed the type of chocolate, I don't feel like I'm missing out and I don't have the cravings I once had.

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to Cookie101

This is so true. I am sure I could power through a lot of Heroes or Celebrations in a sitting and I don't think I have ever bought a twix or bounty bar and put the second half away for later, but a good quality chocolate from a chocolatier (eg brought back from Brussels) or a truffle I made myself (see below) then it is not hard to limit myself to one a day. Indeed that is all I want.

Nutella55 profile image
Nutella55 in reply to Subtle_badger

My weakness is the massive bars of galaxy 🥰

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to Nutella55

If this was a serious question

Any ideas on how to help?

then I have an idea: stop buying giant bars of galaxy!

MintTeaMascara profile image
MintTeaMascaraHealthy BMI

I'm only going to echo what others have said - I usually have a mug of this at the end of the day (gently melted in a pan and mixed with date syrup, and then really slowly add the milk so it comes out smooth and not grainy). Or one or two bars of Aldi's MoserRoth dark salted chocolate throughout the day.

If I eat milk chocolate or anything else with less cocoa content, I end up eating loads in one go - Boosts, Reeses Pieces, Oreo eggs, Malteser Bars, Happy Hippos.

If you don't like dark chocolate try the salted one from Aldi after a meal. It's worth a try to see how you go. Also, try Urge Surfing when you're in the supermarket before you put it in your basket. If you find you've been overwhelmed or confused by different advice and methods to try, choose the one you think will work best for you and go with that one.

Hope to see over the next few months that this pattern is starting to change for you :)

All the best


in reply to MintTeaMascara

I'd second the Moser Roth recommendation! I really like the mint one too.

Alf1gem profile image

Hi, love chocolate too. I dont think cutting it out will ever be a realistic or a good idea. I find having chocolate after a meal helps curve my pudding craving. Ill often have a coffee and a chocolate biscuits after dinner. Don't cut it out just think about your portion size.

monday1957 profile image

Hi Nutella55 (great name btw!)

I’d got into the habit of having 2 squares of dark chocolate every evening as a reward for eating healthily all day (doh 🙄).

So a few weeks ago I decided to knock that on the head as I was nearing my 52 week ‘deadline’ (not really a deadline, but you know what I mean). I’ve realised it’s not necessarily chocolate I crave, but foodstuffs that are vaguely sweet and brown!!

So I’ve started having half a small glass of Alpro cacao oat milk (6.2g carbs per 100 mils) when I get that craving. It works for me.

As a treat, I make Deliciously Ella energy balls that are mejdool dates, almonds, almond butter, coconut oil and cacao whizzed up in the blender. V sweet and v brown ☺️

misswobble profile image
misswobbleMaintainer in reply to monday1957

Yes, me too. They are lush. I only eat such things if I’ve done the exercise

The thing that got me to stop me eating choc almost entirely is to store it in a box upstairs. If I want a piece I have to go and get it I did it to stop My husband keep pinching it I only eat a square every so often but he eats it all 🤨. So I hid it. I’ve still got nearly all the bar left

Out of sight, out of mind 🙂

I used to eats lots of things to excess but you can break the bad habits If you really want to. Eating sugary things can be weaned off quickly, and that includes choc

monday1957 profile image
monday19573kg in reply to misswobble

Yes, I totally agree with you.

So many of my former (poor) eating habits were linked to a stubborn mindset on my part - not eat spuds? or pasta? or bread/toast? Never!!!

But gradually Ive shifted away totally from having carbs whereas before all my meals would have carbs. I've 'trained' myself the past year to the point where they never feature in my meal plans now. I'm not saying I'll never ever eat them again, but as I near my goal weight, I want to get there first before I consider reintroducing carbs occasionally.

Well done to you for hiding the chocolate and only having it if you really want it. 🌞

Sewneat profile image

Hello there. You’re not alone and it is very difficult to resist something you love.

I daren’t buy chocolate because I can’t trust myself to leave it alone. Same with crisps and peanuts!

Good luck. Be positive and find something else eg fruit to help get past the craving.


Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs

Hi there StillConcerned,

Dark chocolate actually lowers ghrelin ( the hunger hormone) and Chocolate contains some iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium as well as vitamin E and B vitamins.

The darker the better 👍

Lilaclady24 profile image
Lilaclady24Restart Sept 2023

I find that good quality unsweetened raw cacao helps me. (Cacao not cocoa). For breakfast, I make several types of plant based smoothies with it and use it to make hot chocolate. Just google for recipes. It is low in everything bad (no sugar, low low fat, low carb) and has health benefits. Gives me something to look forward to and satisfies the chocolate addict in me. Can be bought in some supermarkets but I buy mine in a health food store. Good luck and let us know how you are doing.

Mimirossi profile image

I find if I have a small amount of 70% dark chocolate in the morning and the afternoon I manage to stick to that. However the minute I allow myself any additional chocolate I completely lose my will power! I also can satisfy my cravings with an organic hot cocoa drink. I have no sugar in it, mix with a bit of milk and make up with hot water. It hits the spot without the sugar!

amykp profile image

Agree with Subtle Badger--you want to find out whether it is chocolate or sugar you are addicted to? Eat unsweetened, or 96% dark. A twix bar is just sugar. So is nutella.

Here's what I do: I mix a heaping tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder into my coffee (you could melt in a square of unsweetened chocolate too.) I add plenty of cream, and a touch of monkfruit sweetener. It's very chocolate-craving-satisfying!

I eat low carb/keto, so I use full cream and don't limit myself---sometimes I have it four times a day...decaf at night. But if you were counting calories you could stick to the cocoa powder and use almond milk or something--you could still get away with a lot!

amykp profile image

Here's another trick...ONLY if you are doing keto/low carb

You can make your own fudge sauce with unsweetened chocolate and heavy cream. Heat about a cup of heavy cream until almost boiling. Add about 1/3 cup well-chopped chocolate (This depends on how thick you like it.) TAKE OFF THE HEAT.

Again, sprinkle in monkfruit sweetener (or splenda, or stevia...just don't add too much) to your taste, and stir stir stir until it comes together. Store in the fridge.

You can do this with Lily's sugar free chocolate chips, too--don't add sweetener!

But here's the best trick: take a big spoon of natural (unsweetened) peanut butter and a spoon of your fudge sauce and put them in your mouth together. Do it again.

I know, this sounds pretty naughty, even if it is on the diet. I can't believe I just put it in writing. :o)

Subtle_badger profile image
Subtle_badger in reply to amykp

I did something like that.

What you are describing is a ganache, and if you roll it into balls it becomes truffles, and doesn't feel so - um - disordered as digging a spoon into a pot of chocolate in the fridge.

amykp profile image
amykpVisitor in reply to Subtle_badger


I'm just not organized enough to roll it into balls

Weightloss30 profile image

Everyone has given some great alternative, but if you want chocolate, you want the real stuff and not some other option. It’s all about portion control! You mentioned you love galaxy bars. An individual galaxy bar is around 240 kcals which you can fit into your daily allowance - if you track and log the calories you can include a few treats here and there and still make progress!

razshlomian profile image


I heard this question a lot so I decided to give my opinion on that…

Let’s start.

First of all, if you want to lose weight

you have to understand that the body needs

to be in calorie deficit everyday

for at least few months.

I talked about that a lot of times in this facebook page:

But that doesn't mean you mustn't eat more chocolate, hamburgers, pizza, sushi or anything you like to eat. 🍔🍕🍣

On the contrary, the goal of a diet is to succeed in sustaining it long-term, in order to see significant results.

So from time to time, incorporate some foods you really like in your nutrition plan

even if they aren't considered "healthy" (of course, depending on your daily calorie intake and don't forget to make sure you're still on a calorie deficit at the end of the day).

This will help you keep on a long-term diet.

Trust me.

In addition, don't be afraid to try eat new healthy foods or healthy foods you didn't like in the past.

You will be pleasantly surprised

and you can add these foods to your menu and create a variety of foods in your nutrition plan.


Eat balanced portions from everything. ⚖

This is the key for a proper

and healthy nutrition! 🔑

If you apply what is written above,

You will create healthier eating habits for yourself in the most easiest

and funniest way 😀

You will also feel much better overall, more alert and with more energy during the day. 😄

And most importantly, you will move towards to healthy body goal.

And one last thing.

You are probably agreeing with me that you should apply what I wrote here for you 😉

And I have something especially for you just because you read until here.

This is the first step in order to achieve healthier body.

Click here now for all the details>>



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