I’ve lost round about 4 kilos since just before lockdown but have plateaued for the last three weeks at the same weight. I’m keeping to my daily calorie allowance the majority of days and exercising more than usual. I’m getting a little discouraged. What am I doing wrong?
No change after several weeks - Weight Loss Support
No change after several weeks

Weight loss isn't linear, Scruffs and periods of maintenance are common and should, in fact, be built into any weight loss programme, to give your body time to adjust. This may help healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...
Have you got your calorie allowance from the NHS BMI calculator, as eating too little can hinder weight loss just as much as eating too much.
I would definitely advocate looking at what you're eating and not just how much you're eating and wouldn't rely on exercise for weight loss, although it's important for health and well-being.
If you regularly log your meal plans on our daily diary, we'll be able to offer better advice and joining a weigh-in will keep you motivated, supported and informed.
Onwards and downwards!

Hi Scruffs - if you have a good plan which is delivering calories within the NHS range and which you can follow then stick to it. One of the things all successful weightlosers have to do is ride out plateaus.
I do a long term study of my weight and other things, using one of those scales which send elektro-shocks through your body.
30/05/2019 - 108.3kg 29.8% BF (BodyFatPercentage should be 20.1-25%) 51.2% BW (BodyWaterPercentage should be 50-65%) 8.3% BM (BoneMassPercentage should be 7-7.8%) 37.1 MM (MuscleMassPercentage should be 40.4% - 49.7%) 30.3 BMI (BodyMassIndex should be 20-25)
09/05/2020 - 97.2kg 26.0% BF (BodyFatPercentage should be 20.1-25%) 54.0% BW (BodyWaterPercentage should be 50-65%) 8.1% BM (BoneMassPercentage should be 7-7.8%) 38.5 MM (MuscleMassPercentage should be 40.4% - 49.7%) 27.2 BMI (BodyMassIndex should be 20-25)
It really slowed down recently and due to the lockdown, working from home and limited movement outside, I gained 1-2 kg in the last month. Just before lockdown, I saw 94.X on the scale.
I try to run 4-5 km twice a week, 20 push ups every morning (started with 10 about one month ago, due to lockdown), walk to shops, run in the kitchen up and down.
Over one year, I still do really good. It is not something you can rush.
The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
I was in exactly the same situation as you, and decided it was a sisyphean task and took a completely different approach. Switched to LCHF and IF and lost 7kg and 10cm in the next month.
I think it's important to make progress, otherwise you are at risk of giving up. I don't know how many weeks you can stick with something while getting no results. For me, 3 weeks was my limit.
sorry what is LCHF AND IF?
Low carb high/healthy fat.
Intermittent fasting.
Basically I do not eat any sugar, most fruits, no grains, no starchy veggies, little or no processed foods.
I fast each day for 16-18 hours, having two meals between midday and 8pm.
I started off by reading Michael Mosley's Fast800, so calorie restricted for the first few weeks with spectacular weight loss, and then gradually let myself eat to satiety. It works pretty well, as long as a limit how much cheese I eat.
Hello and welcome to the weight loss forum, laffy
I see Subtle_badger has answered your query. There is plenty of information and support around the forum so do ask anything you want and members will explain the plans they follow.
You'll find everything you need to use the forum in Pinned Posts healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... A good starting point would be to join a weekly weigh in and use the Daily Diary, where members share their meal plans.
Active participation can give a great boost to your own efforts so I hope we'll see you joining in with our activities, clubs and challenges