So this is week 3. Week 1 went great. I lost 3.5lbs and was feeling good. Week 2 was not great. Lost my motivation and snacked on rubbish. So I started this week feeling I need to get back on it. Which I’ve felt every morning and it lasts until about 10am and then the snacking begins. Meals aren’t so bad. I’m managing to keep them reasonably good but it’s the snacks. The cravings for sugar. 😫 it’s doing my head in! I can’t easily limit what’s in the house as I’m not the only one here. So I need to change my thinking somehow. Anyone got a magic wand?
Help! I need a motivation boost - Weight Loss Support
Help! I need a motivation boost

Hi am on bus at moment so cant write much, random suggestions
Are you eating enough? Check your meal plans(try Daily Diary?)
Have a glass of water/ brush your teeth (good distractions and healthy too)
What are you buying thats tempting you?
Get some healthy alternative snacks to have at hand
Maybe wean yourself at a more gradual pace if that helps...
Please dont beat yourself up, you are changing long standing habits: it wont happen overnight but keep going....think of the you at the start of this journey and why you wanted to begin eating in a more healthy way and picture you in the future grinning at yourself and urging you on...
Sugar cravings are normal and can and will subside
Do try the Daily Diary today for more support😊 and all best!
I’m using fitness pal to log my calories and am having around 1300 - 1400 a day. Eating more veg and protein. It is a very long standing habit. I’ve always had a sweet tooth and never really tried cutting down so much before. I’ll try all your tips. Thankyou for taking the time to reply 😀
Quick update from lunch break!!
Have a look at this and note the extract from the article that I've added..calories,yes take note of amount but it's the food source of the calorie that's key
“By this thinking, a calorie’s worth of salmon, olive oil, white rice or vodka would each be equivalent and each expected to have the same implications for body weight and body fatness.”
ie calories obtained from one food source dont have same impact on body as other food sources..etc
Don't give up I'm just the same as you when dieting I crave sweet which is weird as I do not normally. Here is my tip suck a sugar free mint, it works for me I think it has something to do with time and the strong flavour.
Hi . I’m new and I also have a sweet tooth . Why not make yourself a sugar free jelly . Before it sets you could chop a banana up in it . I will be giving up sweet things for lent this helps .
Some great advice given, don't give up.