What is NHS?
Explain please thank you : What is NHS? - Weight Loss Support
Explain please thank you

NHS is the National Health Service which provides health care in the United Kingdom
Ohhhh Okay, Thank you
Are you looking for support with weight loss as you have put your query on our Weight loss page? If yes,let me know and I will send you guidance about how our Weight loss site works. I think up till now you have been using other Forums on the HU(HealthUnlocked)site?
Yes, I need help & yes I visit the anxiety & depression forums.
If you need help with losing weight then I hope the following will be useful to you Lucy
See this link for guidance about how to use the Weight Loss Forum
There's a lot there but it's worth taking your time to read,honest!
Keep using the Anxiety & Depression Forum for advice on those issues too.
For Weight Loss we recommend you joining a Weekly Weigh In on the day of your choice, and using the Daily Diary, where members share their meal plans and get useful feedback.
It would be a good idea to check out your BMI if you've not already done so..you don't need a tape measure just your weight and height and here's a link to the NHS calculator
Please also read this information about security, especially as your post is unlocked
A key feature of our Forum is the support between members which you will experience (and add to yourself !) as you join in and chat with others.
All the best on your journey ! 😊
I will look over everything tomorrow, Thank you so much 😊

It's an enormous hole in the ground, into which 7% of the UK's GDP is dumped every year
But we support it anyway, because it could be a whole lot worse ...
I think we have better health in the UK than they do in the USA, for less money.
The NHS is not perfect - and it finds it hard to keep up with demand because it is free (to us patients).
We try to work with the NHS, not against it - and some GPs refer patients here.
Indeed. I wouldn't wish for the NHS to go away or (worse) end up like the USA.
My observation is that the NHS is being overwhelmed by people who are either (1) not sick (2) chronically ill due to lifestyle factors.
1) breaks down into (a) malingerers and hypochondriacs (b) people who have been told they're sick and must be treated and (c) people who have been treated for a nonexistent disease, and are now sick.
2) breaks down into (a) people who just don't care, because their treatment is free and (b) people who have been "doing everything right", and thereby made themselves ill.
I live in a country where medical care is dramatically better than the NHS, and less money is spent on it, even though the basic concept is identical.
They've achieved this with some fairly simple tweaks (and by not handing out stupid diet advice). For political reasons, those tweaks would be impossible in the UK. So we continue to throw money into a hole in the ground.
National health service