the nhs have been doing trials of diet for weight and diabetes and its proving very succesful with peeps loosing large amount of weight and diabetes going into remission it hasnt been fully rolled out yet but reading what the diet is i have tried it and its working but very extreme and not for everyone needs monitoring also trialed something called endobarrier therapy which was done at Southampton hospital sos for long links but found it interesting read there again its not been rolled out but are getting good results a lot to it than the diet but not invasive hope this may be of interest to some
diabetes and weight loss nhs trials - Weight Loss Support
diabetes and weight loss nhs trials

Hi Pauluk60. Thank you for sharing this, but your links aren’t actually working. 😕 I think it’s the review of the very low calorie diets being trialled by the NHS in England, which was on television recently.
From what I’ve heard, weight loss in itself (by any method) will help diabetes but in my opinion, for permanent results it has to be a weight loss regime you can stick to long term. However, any scheme that has input, support and encouragement from NHS professionals is good.
hi indigo what i seem to find with all/most peeps want the weight shifting from day one and the only way as i see it is a very strict diet i know there's all kind of pitfalls with this way but i find it the only way i loose my bulk and feel better i would 90% of give up if weight not dropping off i would say get rid of weight especially if its causing major probs then understand when done you cant go back to overeating
I understand what you’re saying, but in my experience trying to lose weight rapidly leads to yo-yo dieting, losing then gaining, each time causing further damage to the balance of hunger/appetite hormones, insulin production, and all the other bits of bio-chemistry that we are only just learning to understand. (What many call “metabolism”)
In the TV programme I saw about these Very Low Calorie Diets, a major reason for their success was the one-to-one support the individuals received.
We see lots of members having excellent results with losing weight and keeping it off but there has to be a shift in mindset and a total commitment to permanent lifestyle change.
But most people want to keep the weight off, not just lose it, and I'm sure you've told us that you've lost a lot of weight, more than once, and regained it.
In my view, that's not a great recommendation for the very low calorie, rapid weight loss approach.
bridge girl i am 10/15st to heavey how long eating healthy will it take to get there b4 something else gets me these are nhs trials and by the sounds of it there getting very good results i need the weight off yesterday any weight off is good i was honest and you about regaining weight but being older and wiser i would hope that would not happen again these are nhs trials not mine google nhs diabetes and weight loss trials
If a person is Diabetic, they have to consult with the doctor before starting a new diet/weight loss plan so that they don’t get severe low blood sugars ( hypoglycemia).
hi the diet i am on are nhs how many peeps who come on here are asked if they are diabetic which is more likely if you are overweight
It’s fantastic to lose weight quickly, but it’s hard to maintain low calorie and once you begin eating ‘normal’ you put the weight straight back on. Being older and wiser makes no difference. I understand totally what BridgeGirl is saying. Change for lifetime but change to an eating plan which you can continue with for life not just to lose weight.
I agree wholeheartedly IB . My partner who was diagnosed as pre diabetic has just started an NHS programme for 9 months and I've just been reading his introduction pack . He is already active and barely a stone overweight but the advice seems to be standard : low calorie, and ( wait for it ) low fat. 😕
I have and maintaining the 1:1 diet that your talking about, it's worked for me and I've got the sports back into my life I thought I'd lost and new ones too C25k.
Positive outlook
Good mental health 🤗
Good morning, Jellylegs1, and welcome to the forum 😊
It's good to hear you have had 1:1 support as it's clear that the very low calorie approach needs that, plus a plan for long term weight maintenance.
I can see you've been on the forum before, offering support to others, which is very much in the spirit of the forum but you haven't yet been given the welcome pack explains how things work and how to find your way around so here it is Please take your time reading it so you get the best out of your time here.
You'll find a list of all our activities on the daily chat thread here I recommend joining a weekly weigh in on the day of your choice.
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Wishing you every success in reaching your goals 😊