Here to lose weight and maintain the loss !
Newbie: Here to lose weight and maintain... - Weight Loss Support

Hi, Rottygirl71 , Welcome.
Many find that maintaining is the difficult part - will you be counting calories?
One of TeamAdmin will be along to give you the "Newbie Pack" - but probably not till tomorrow.
Welcome it’s my second day. Loving it

Welcome RG. I’m glad to see another member here with a maintenance mindset! I’m guessing you’ve lost the weight before and know that maintaining the weight is just as complicated? I lost weight in 6 months in 2016 by taking up running and counting calories. I maintained throughout 2017 by running 25-30 km/week and then spend 2018 gaining almost the whole thing back because I got injured and couldn’t run anymore! This time I’m determined to lose weight in a sustainable and maintainable manner. I don’t do anything to lose the weight that I won’t be willing/able to do longer term. To me that means no drastic measures. No completely cutting out food groups, no fasting, no extreme fitness activities and I have recently accepted that I’m not going to be able to count calories for the rest of my life without resentment, but I can do it every once in a while
I haven’t figured out how to do it yet, but I will. See you around.
You will
Use the nhs site for your calorie allowance......then you are away!
I'm an expert calorie counter (using the range given to me by the NHS BMI calculator, and tracking in MyFitnessPal) but it is not sustainable for me because I really don't like it 😄 Talent without passion is useless in the long run, so I have to find a different approach.
Hi, PippiRuns
I had been "not eating in the evenings" long before I ever heard about "Internet Fasting".
Maintaining without counting is about portion control, selecting the dieter/OAP/small plate options in restaurants, avoiding snacking... and, of course, regular exercise helps.
Just check into the Maintainer's group every month, keep an eye on the scales and adept you "rules" to maintain.
I am organising my campaign so I will have to make only subtle changes to my "weight-loss rules" to turn them into "maintenance rules".
Hello and welcome to the Weight Loss Forum 😊
Sorry for the delayed response but I see you had some nice replies last night 😊
Please take a look at the Welcome Newbie Post for advice about how the forum works and all the things we have on offer. Read it carefully as it has lots of important information, and just ask if you have any questions.
Best wishes and have a good first week
Indigo 😊
You will....this site is brilliant!!!