Hiya I’m wanting to loose weight could anyone give me some ideas we’re to start what is the best things to eat and what exercise would help me along the way.
Weight: Hiya I’m wanting to loose weight... - Weight Loss Support

Hi and welcome, Kavos
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Hello Kavos and welcome to this wonderful community. Firstly, I hope that you have consulted your doctor regarding any condition which might necessitate a speedy change of diet. Otherwise, you might begin by finding yourself a nice notebook which is to be your private diary about what you eat and what you want to achieve. The first few pages are a wee bit of a tough experience, because if you can bear to, write down everything you eat regularly, and if possible, how much. Then identify one or two things in that diet that you know are bad for you and resolve to cut them out.
Notice I haven't said 'everything'. While eventually you will want to address all those harmful foods which have contributed towards your challenge the best way to go about this in my experience is gradually. So, for instance, I had to recognise my foodie addictions and cut one out at a time. This is why it can take a while, but be confident that each and every Bad Foodie Thing you take out f your diet is going to make you stronger and more able to cope with the challenge.
There are lots of people on this forum besides me offering meal advice and recipes. Tune into those because they will help a lot. Also I have written something about 'The Daft Joy of Exercise' for those of us who can't stomach the idea of the gym and others have super ideas. Take some time to browse this site; you have help here aplenty, at your fingertips.
All Good Luck to You! BB
Hello Kavos.
In respect to excercise, it depends on what you want to do, what you do already and whether you feel you have any health concerns which might affect your abilty to do certain excercise.
First if you have a health concern check with you GP first.
If you are completely new to excercise, feel a bit embarressed, or something like that, then you could keep it simple by walking or taking the stairs or even chair based exercises.
Never feel intimidated by anyone!
Also lits of advice (good advice) suggests that excercise has a limited effect on weightloss and is certainly not a substitute for healthy eating.
However excercise can make you feel great. It can boost your immune system improve your bone density cardio vascular health and keep you motivated.