Im going on holiday on July 15th, and I want to lose 3 stone at the max. 2 stone at the least. I cant go to the gym because they say im too young. I don't know what to do. If I don't lose this weight for holiday, im going to end up having more rolls then gregs :') Haha. Please help me. Must appreciated x
Weight Loss: Im going on holiday on July... - Weight Loss Support
Weight Loss
Too young ??? How old are you ???
Who said that to you.... If your overweight then you need to take control!!!
This is the best place to help.
You don't have to go to the gym to exercise, but it would be best to exercise with someone at your age. Can you go running with a friend or family member? If that's an option look at "couch to 5k".
Normally I would say that exercise won't help you lose weight much, but at 13 it's probably your best option. If you can get into some sport, running, dancing, acrobatics etc you'll soon get much fitter and probably lose some weight.
If you are thinking of restricting calories, get checked out by a doctor first. He'll give better advice than we can.
Thank you so much! I already do dancing quite a lot, and I do running an jumping about every Tuesday when I do PE, but on the other days, im always running around school, walking, climbing up and down stairs. And I always walk around my Nans everyday. Plus I go swimming for an hour every Monday, Thursday and Saturday. I also go out walking with my other friends, whether it is just to the park or to town
Good on you for wanting to lose weight. You need to go and see your GP/practice nurse and they will support or refer you to weight management, if you don't use what is on offer on this site. You don't need to go to gym to exercise, walking with jog for 2 mins then build up time you are out is just as good as gym. Plus swimming, dance in your bedroom. Do all the things a 13 year old should be enjoying, some of your weight may come off as you get older but watch what you are eating now, look at contents on packets i.e. sugar and fat content.
Try not eating between meals as that's why most people are larger nowadays. Good for you for aiming at being slim - but don't overdo it.
OK at 13 your body is constantly changing, have you spoken to your mum about this? You don't say how overweight you are, sometimes we may think we weigh more than we do. You need to speak to your mum, after all she's the one who will be preparing your meals for you. Agree with not eating between meals and you seem to be getting plenty of exercise but PLEASE speak to your mum and see your GP if you really are overweight.
Hello. At 13 you should not worry about losing weight, and 2/3 stone seems an awful lo for such a youngster. Exercise wise, you seem to be doing all the right things, so I would not bother about going to the gym, where, if you are not careful, and do not understand the machines, you could do some damage to yourself. How tall/heavy are you? Have you had your BMI checked. If you are very overweight, then low carb, high protein and plenty of water should help greatly, coupled with the large amount of exercise you are currently doing on a weekly basis. At 13, I'm guessing you eat crisps, burgers, etc. and drink fizzy drinks? Cut them all out and in a couple of weeks you should see quite a difference, and in four months should have lost two stone at 1.5lbs per week.
Keep us updated and don't worry too much.