fell off the wagon - hi all has anyone had a similar experience, for last 4 years of my life i was clinically under weight obsessed with diets and exercise, i developed an eating disorder but i was happy being thin, the last year i gave up with exercise after receiving some very negative comments when working out at the gym. i have been refereed to as a dog . i am not an attractive woman and no matter how fat or thin i am i can not change my face- this has lead obsessive binge eating very low self esteem and general lack of self care, suicide thoughts and major anxiety and depression, i risk losing my job and health has suffered and my relationship. i have went from 7.5 stone to 9 . 5 in a year, have little motivation to improve. desperetley sad alone .
fell of the wagon : fell off the wagon... - Weight Loss Support
fell of the wagon

Hello again sky84
I’m sorry you are battling your food demons, and I’m afraid there is no easy answer. From reading your other posts I see you’ve had some wonderful supportive answers and suggestions, I was wondering if you’ve had chance to follow up any of them? You were going to look into a thyroid check, and also an asthma clinic.
I don’t know how we change negative body image, but trust me, you are not alone. And there isn’t any rhyme or reason to it, I know slim and attractive people who have low self esteem and others, who don’t fit in with what society perceives as beautiful, who have good self assurance.
I’m a strong believer in the power of the mind, maybe you could try doing some mindfulness, focus on health rather than beauty, and maybe join in with the Happiness Challenge. healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...
Can I also remind you about the importance of locking your post (see here healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...
Best wishes
Thank you for your reply and advice, i do not seem to have an over or under active thyroid, but the asthma has become a problem and is not improving, i have apportionment with the asthma nurse next week.
Im not sure how to lock the post,
Thank you again for vert supportive kind words
No one can change their face, unless you involve yourself in plastic surgery. I'm not a handsome man myself, but I go to the gym not to change my face, but my body and my mind. When people look at you and make rude, they themselves have something going on inside. So it's not you, it's them. The point is that you are beautiful inside. Don't hurt yourself over what others think.
Is changing gym an option? Or, rather than giving up exercise altogether, have you thought about trying something else e.g. pilates or swimming ... or even just walking a bit further than you have to?
Hope you find a way out of the rut x

Hi, so sorry to hear your story. Could counselling and learning techniques to better cope with anxiety work for you? Depression can be very debilitating, talking could help, peer support groups.
Keeping therapeutic diary of food, behaviour and how it left you feeling.
Exercise can be addictive, yet at same time can do amazing things for your mental wellbeing, really about balance and enjoying not over doing it.
It important to start believing in your self, valuing and respecting yourself.
Take care😊

Thank you very sound advice and much needed 😊