Is this the right place to note my weigh-in?
Do I note my daily/weekly weigh-in here? - Weight Loss Support
Do I note my daily/weekly weigh-in here?

It can be found under 'Events' on the right hand side after clicking on 'Home'. But you can find it here for now...

I wish you well with your weigh in..

If you missed Sunday's weigh-in, you can join Monday's, or if you want to stick with Sunday you can wait 'til next week and state your two weeks.
Good luck with the eating and weight loss anyway
If I wait till Sunday do I use exactly same post as yesterday's or is there a brand new one created on Saturday in readiness?
There's a new Weigh-in created each week. If Sunday is your option, you can find it Sunday morning and it runs 'til 10 in the evening. There'll be an opening post that tells you what to do but essentially it's posting your start weight, weight last week and weight this week (if you've missed a week, just say you're reporting on 2 weeks). You can add anything else you want, about how your week's gone, plans for next week, short and long term goals etc. And - most importantly - give some feedback and support to your fellow posters, as they will for you.
Enjoy your week