Until I got to this point I really looked forward to retiring. Now not so sure,but onwards and upwards try to get fitter and lose some weight about a stone would be great
Retiring is scary: Until I got to this... - Weight Loss Support
Retiring is scary

You will never regret it
Hi and welcome Soofy Wishing you all the best with your retirement, I am sure in no time at all you will wonder how you ever had time to work
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Wishing you all the best
Hi Soofy
I agree about retiring. When I retired many of my work friendships fell away and I missed the camaraderie ( I was barrister)
But now I love it and at last I have started losing weight and getting more active . I was joking with my husband that it is almost a full time job. Swim30 mins, walk 5 miles 1 hour 30, exercise cycle 30 mins, shop for fresh vegetables, cook .try to sleep 7/8 hours ( I never slept properly before I retired, visit children and grand children, do the garden , meet with new friends, play golf ,, I don't think I could have fitted all that in and lose weight
Happy retirement and best wishes for your weight loss
Don't panic - there is a whole new life awaiting you out there! Getting fit is really the key to an exciting "3rd age". I can't wait to retire...we have bought our "forever home" which we are doing up; not living there yet as have to sell our business. Longing to get out in the garden, go horse riding everyday, walk the dogs, have coffee with the neighbours, have friends to dinner, drive to the coast....so much to do and so little time to do it all in! Roll on retirement I say!
Hi Soofy nice to meet you,
I'm retired too and would echo what others have said. I had worked all my adult life, only taking the minimal time off when my children were born (I was lucky to have close family to help look after them). I loved my job and had been with the same employer for 30+ years so retirement frightened the life out of me. The first week at home I cleaned my home from top to bottom, all the cupboards got emptied and cleaned, windows, carpets you name it, if it didn't move I cleaned it!
I do miss the banter and camaraderie, but I love that I now have time for my grandchildren, they can stay during school holidays and I can meet the younger ones from school. Would I like to return to work? Maybe...if I could just work a few hours each week.
Happy retirement, it's the next chapter of your life so enjoy.

I have been retired for four years, the first year I was a carer for my mum who died in 2014. That felt like work so I count just the last three years as retired.
I had been asked over the years many times to go back to help out so in Feb I decided to give it a try as I was feeling a bit bored and thought the money would come in handy. I was so surprised that everything was the same as I left it, people sitting in same seats, having the same conversations and arguments! I felt as though I had done loads in the three years and had a much more interesting time. It cured me of ever wanting to go back! I love being retired.
Roll on retirment, I am one of the unfortunate ones that had my state pension and retirement changed, be 66! Saying that I like my little job gets me up and out meeting new people, can walk there and back, wil continue this as long as I can 😊
Congratulations on your retirement. Take one day at a time, gtradually build up your activities and interests which should also extend your friendship groups. I'm sure that in no time, you will wonder how you had time to work. You might also experience increased energy levels and fitness. Enjoy it😀
Thank you to all that replied re my fear of retirement. I guess I am a little unusual in that I dont have a partner and for medical reasons no chance of grandchildren from my two great kids. Anyway have taken on board all your kind advice and will do my best to enjoy it.