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Newbie seeks advice?

Gentlegi8nt profile image
20 Replies

I have just joined and aim to lose 2 stone. I joined the gym yesterday but always struggle with getting the motivation to go. How do other people motivate themselves to exercise?

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Gentlegi8nt profile image
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20 Replies
lucigret profile image

Welcome Gentlegi8nt , all I can say is it's really hard, but once you start and feel what a difference it makes, you will want to keep doing it. I feel so much more energised when I exercise. There are lots of challenges on this forum that you can take part in to help to motivate you.

moreless is on duty today I think and no doubt she will come along and welcome you and give you lots of advice and places to look for motivation.

Good luck :)

Fran182716 profile image

Hello there Gentlegi8nt , one of the admins will be along soon to give you the "welcome" information, just to answer your question about motivation for excercise, I'd say for a lot of people you have to find something you enjoy or at least enjoy the challenge, because will power will only last so long! If you've already joined the gym it would make sense to give it a try, especially if there is a trainer who will help you work out a tailored programme, but if you find it's not for you don't feel bad, try looking for something you might enjoy more, maybe jogging, swimming, or something that's an active hobby like gardening, hiking, there's lots of ways to tone muscles and burn calories. Good luck 😀

Rignold profile image

Action precedes./ motivation. If you get up and go you will feel good about having exercised, and that will motivat e you to go again. Once you start seeing tangible results that will motivate you to push harder.

Motivation is great. It's a real boost, but it's not the thing that gets you out of the door. It's the thing you bring back with you.

Determination and discipline is what gets you going and keeps you going.

MissAzzee profile image
MissAzzee4lbs in reply to Rignold

Well said Rignold.... never thought about it like that, thanks

pcrw profile image
pcrwMaintainerHealthy BMI

Welcome - you'll find lots of support and helpful tips here. Losing weight is 80% what you eat and only 20% exercise. I bought a fit bit and make sure I walk briskly the recommended 10000 steps a day and also an exercise bike which I use 3 times a week for HIT ( High interval training). Basically you warm up on the bike then crank it up high and peddle like made for 20 seconds and then slow down till you catch your breath and then repeat this another two times so you could do this on the exercise bikes at the gym. By improving your muscle tone you will also use more calories as muscles use more calories than fat but they weigh more so as you increase muscle you may find the weight loss not as great. I now take every opportunity to move more ( I was pretty lazy before) I walk upstairs during the adverts on TV - this has 2 benefits - 1) I expend calories and 2) I avoid the food adverts! I shop more frequently so that there is a reason to walk into town. This has the added benefit that the vegetables are fresher than if I buy them on a weekly basis. If I am working at the computer or other sedentary task I get up every 30 mins.

The fit bit is great for logging your exercise, calorie counting and seeing your improvement in fitness. Your resting heart rate will come down the more you lose weight and the fitter you become. I started with a resting heart rate of 60 and its now down to 54.

I hope these ideas will spur you on and that 2 stone will gradually melt off you.

Best wishes

Dipper profile image
Dipper in reply to pcrw

pcrw what an inspirational post, you make it sound so easy, which I know it's not. Having read your post, I know I have to stop making excuses and do more exercise.

pcrw profile image
pcrwMaintainerHealthy BMI in reply to Dipper

Dear Dipper

It's not that easy but once you start going it does get easy. There is an element of obsession and addiction because now I am unable to settle if I have not completed the step target, but like a dog raring to be taken for a walk.

I am worried what will happen in the winter months when the weather is not so inviting. Still as my husband says you'll cross that bridge when you come to it

I am sure you will come to enjoy what the victorians called your 'constitutional' so get those trainers on

Best wishes

Dipper profile image
Dipper in reply to pcrw

Hahaha thanks pcrw it is just getting started and overcoming the pain. I do exercise some days but just don't keep it up or make it habit. I would feel much better if I did. I am away to shampoo my carpets then later in the day I promise I will do at least 20 mins on my exercise bike and then look through my vast library of unused fitness dvds with the view to using them. I should start making myself post daily the exercise I have done or avoided, this would maybe shame me into doing it more regularly.

pcrw profile image
pcrwMaintainerHealthy BMI in reply to Dipper

Great idea

MissAzzee profile image
MissAzzee4lbs in reply to pcrw

Hi Pcrw, I do HIIT on my cross trainer, sure does get the heart pumping. I hit for 30 sec rest for 90 - nine reps knackered at the end of it but feel good though

pcrw profile image
pcrwMaintainerHealthy BMI in reply to MissAzzee

That sounds a great routine and you are right. Once you get started it's quite enjoyable

Best wishes

dazzle profile image

It is really hard to find the motivation! My gym is quite pricey and because I pay in advance it does force me in to going at least three times a week.

Also, I find by booking classes in advance I feel I have to go!

I also chose my gym because I pass it every day to get home. If I didn't I would know I wouldn't go.

I do think once you get into a habit of going it will become a way of life for you and you feel you have to go.

Good luck!

James40Cheshire profile image

I agree with dazzle, I chose my gym by location above all else. I too pass it on my commute, so it rules out many excuses! The cost is another motivator for me, but the reality is that now it is part of my routine. It took a few months for that to happen, but now it feels strange if I don't go. Good luck with it. James

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello @gentlegiand welcome to the Weight Loss Forum

Here are a few suggestions on how to get the most out of the forum. Please note if you are using the new HU App many of these features are not available so I suggest you use the full website version.

The first place to look is at the Pinned posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile), read the Welcome Newbie thread first and move through to the challenges, where we hope you'll find at least one that will appeal to you. Move down to the Topics, to find a variety of threads, collated into specific topics for ease of access and we ask that you also 'file' your own threads, so that others won't miss your important news

Have a look at the NHS 12 week plan, as many people have had success with it. Also use the BMI checker to find your target calories, it's important to eat enough. This was a major turning point for me, realising I could eat anything I wanted as long as the calories are accounted for. Don't forget to take your starting measurements and a 'before' picture, as they can be very motivating on days that the scales refuse to co-operate

The forum also have group weigh-ins every day, as well as a new Daily Diary, if you wish to take part. The posts can always be found in the Events section on the 'home' page. And if you just want to chat, to say hello or share any news or struggles then look out for What's Happening Today thread.

You'll notice a grey box next to people's names, these are achievement badges, and as a new member you have a 'Newbie' badge. We've found that to get the best out of this community, we need to be active on the forum, as it's where we exchange information, get motivation and inspiration and make friends. We hope that you'll join us here, regularly, too. If you have any questions please just ask

Best wishes


Fizzylizzy13 profile image

I think you need to find an exercise that you really like and be the best you can be at it. If you can find a gym buddy that also helps with both motivation to go and some healthy competition whilst you're there.

Good luck :)

I've tried to lose weight & get fitter lots of times & I think you have to find an exercise routine that you enjoy.

I've tried the gym, but to be honest I hated it 🙁 Now I've finally found something I like & it's made such a difference. I've never been as focused as I am this time 😀

I also give myself small targets, half a stone, then under the stone mark (say from 11 stone to 10 stone 13) if you get what I mean.

Good luck 🤞 ☺️

Vickytom profile image

I too, have a Fitbit and I log all food and intake on it. I set it to 10k steps a day and take moderate exercise, usually by walking for about 10-20 mins a day and about an hour each day at weekends. When I began, I had a resting heart rate of 54, now it's 48, and I do have a lot more energy and actually want to go out now, rather than, going home to go to sleep! I drink a lot of water and maintain 1700-2000 calories a day, but aim to burn 3000. For me, that keeps me at about a 2lb a week weight loss. I eat cake as a treat and go walking after, to burn it off!! I also find it all a little obsessive and think of the winter months, but I really don't want to put it all back on, so I am hoping that is determination enough ! My main problem is osteoarthritis which restricts what I do, but I am doing it!

Good luck!

MissAzzee profile image

Welcome gentle giant whilst I haven't joined a gym I exercise at home by doing step aerobics or cross training. My motivation is the feeling of pride and success I feel after I've finished.... I've also got some new clothes hanging in the wardrobe which I am determined to get back into. I try and exercise daily but don't beat myself up if I don't. Funny thing is the hardest thing about me exercising is putting on my trainers as when I'm actually exercising I luv it. I've got to use little tricks to get me out of bed in the morning such as putting the alarm on and leaving it downstairs- the noise goes on and on until I get up and turn it off. Once up...... I'm good to go. What also motivates me is the future.... I want to be around for a while longer and sitting on my butt doing nothing but using my right arm to lift the TV remote control or a plate of chips to my mouth was not exercise enough xx

Hi gentle this forum is a great motivator n support for all things losing-weight related. 😊

DRS54 profile image

Never been a gym girl for long, I need to do stuff I enjoy and preferably outdoors. But perhaps you can buddy up with someone to go together 'cause getting out of my armchair and into the gym used to be my biggest stumbling block. If you go straight from work, take your kit with you, so you don't get tempted to change your mind, If you are an early riser and go before work, have your stuff packed and ready the night before. Once you are there, it's very unlikely that you turn around and go home without doing anything in my (limited) experience. And don't overdo it at the start - nothing like aches and pains or getting injured to stop the gym becoming a habit.

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