Scared Newbie: Will I ever stop binge... - Weight Loss Support

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MissAzzee profile image
23 Replies

Will I ever stop binge eating?

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MissAzzee profile image
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23 Replies

Course you will it's a matter of working out your emotional connection to food and seeing it more as a fuel source, also eating the right foods at the right time helps also.Hope this helps, they're are lots of people on here who will give you better advice than me but I'm happy to chat if you need to.Take care.

MissAzzee profile image
MissAzzee4lbs in reply to

Thanks Sjm really was encouraging to read your reply. I just joined today. I'm on hol in spain and felt like a beached whale, what did I do? Had a kit Kat and a coke of course

kiwikyd-nz profile image
kiwikyd-nz in reply to MissAzzee

Could have been worse :) If you can't stop drinking coke can you trade regular coke for diet/zero? Small change but it's a start.

Maybe bump up proteins and space them through the day to help with cravings.

Find the easiest food/drink that you know you could do without or trade for a healthier alternative and work on that.

Little changes can make a world of difference :D

Good luck.

MissAzzee profile image
MissAzzee4lbs in reply to kiwikyd-nz

Wonderful advice and I'm really looking forward to today. Never thought of a trade off, thanks.

in reply to MissAzzee

Hi Azzee I meant to say welcome and don't feel bad about having a kit Kat and a coke we have all done it.Others may disagree but I would suggest not trying to lose weight while on holiday, relax and enjoy yourself and build your mental strength for when you come home to start your weight loss, I know you can do it.All the best and enjoy your holiday.

Hi and welcome

Take a look at the Pinned posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile), or in the drop down on the 'Posts' page (it says 'arrange by'). Read the Welcome Newbie thread, then move through to the challenges, where we hope you'll find at least one that will appeal to you.

Move down to the Topics, to find a variety of threads, collated into specific topics for ease of access and we ask that you also 'file' your own threads, so that others won't miss your important news.

Have a look at the NHS 12 week plan, as many people have had success with it. Also use the BMI (can be found in the pinned Newbie post) to find your target calories, it's important to eat enough. This was a major turning point for me, realising I could eat anything I wanted as long as the calories are accounted for 😊

Don't forget to take your starting measurements and a 'before' picture, as they can be very motivating on days that the scales refuse to co-operate 😊

To the right of the HOME page (bottom on a mobile), you'll find Events. In there, you'll find links to our daily Weigh-in's (you will choose just one day per week), our Daily Diary, where we post our menu and exercise plans, for accountability, advice and support - which is great to get ideas of what other people are eating and I have to confess to nicking some of their menu's and our “What's happening today” thread, where we pop in for a chat.

Be aware, that the HU app doesn't give you access to all of our important features, so we advise that you use the full website page

We've found that to get the best out of this community, we need to be active on the forum, as it's where we exchange information, get motivation and inspiration and make friends. We hope that you'll join us here, regularly, too 😊

Wishing you all the best on your weight loss journey

MissAzzee profile image
MissAzzee4lbs in reply to

Thanks really am looking forward to the future

nteapea profile image

Hi MissAzzee binge eating can be a scary thing ☹️ When you get home try the NHS 12 week plan as that is all about breaking habits but if you still find yourself binge eating talk to your GP And perhaps get some professional help like CBT I wish you luck and determination 😀

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Morning MissAzzee

Welcome to the forum. I agree with others, try to enjoy your holiday but maybe focus on eating proper food with enough protein, and gain some control over the emotional eating.

And then look at the 12 weekplan when you get home 😊

Best wishes


MissAzzee profile image
MissAzzee4lbs in reply to IndigoBlue61

Thanks Anna - I've had a look at the plan and will try it when I get back.

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024

Hi mizzazee,

You will now you have joined this forum.

Massive support advice and encouragement.

Good luck.


MissAzzee profile image
MissAzzee4lbs in reply to gman1961

Thanks Gary- Forum looks great. So glad to read from others that I can relate to.

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to MissAzzee

You will be fine , don't worry.

Take care


Hi MissAzzee and welcome! Binge eating is a really tricky habit/ compulsion/ disorder, that I am familiar with!

I'm certain it can be cracked! Yes, binge eating healthy foods and low calorie substitutes will at least improve calorie intake, and even nutrition depending on what you eat. But it doesnt solve the real issue, which is a disordered attitude to food. We should see it as lovely, health boosting fuel. Not a crutch or a self harm tool.

I think Hidden hit on it there, the emotional connection to food has to be looked at. What way this is done is an individual thing. I am going at this with a 2 pronged approach ha! Firstly by reading good information on how to heal pschologically (books, articles, psychiaty journals), and secondly by imposing a routine on myself where I dont let myself binge and hope that also cracks the habit part.

It's a tough one for sure Azzee! The forum helps. Planning helps. Blood sugar regulation helps (no high GI carbs). Exercise helps.

MissAzzee profile image
MissAzzee4lbs in reply to

Oh wow- HappyBeee, who would have thought I'd be looking forward to the day ahead.

MissAzzee profile image

Thank you - suns out already and I'm looking forward to what the day brings. I'll try and have some water alongside any cans of coke I drink- here's hoping.

matets profile image

Welcome MissAzzee to this wonderful forum!

I overcame binge eating by starting to eat well balanced, healthy, nourishing and satiating meals, three times a day. I realized that my tendency to binge was caused mainly by hunger, sugar cravings, boredom or emotional imbalance (stress). Once I started to eat healthily, I would ensure i ate till am satisfied especially for my morning and lunch meals without calorie counting and by evening I would still be full with no cravings whatsoever to indulge. I also dropped mindless snacking during the day, if i had to i would opt for a sweet fruit like a banana or apple.

Once I was comfortable with the routine, I then started to watch my portions and upon joining this group five months ago, I realized the importance of calorie counting and it has served me well. The weight has been dropping off and I no longer crave or binge on the foods that I should be avoiding.

You too can do it! Start small, one step at a time and you will overcome. All the very best in your journey.

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024

I see the binge/starve/binge cycle as being like a swing all the way in one direction and then all the way in the other! You need to find some balance in your eating, neither starving or binging....the middle road.

To lose excess pounds will involve eating DIFFERENT foods and drinks, not giving up all nice foods! Think SWAPS and choose natural over processed. Have a banana rather than a chocolate bar, but maybe allow a couple of small pieces of chocolate once a day as a treat....think "BALANCE"...

Enjoy the rest of your holiday - and remember to get swimming and moving and laughing more!

MissAzzee profile image
MissAzzee4lbs in reply to DartmoorDumpling

That made me laugh Dartmoor - get moving, swimming and laughing more - thanks sooooooo much

Dear Mizzies,

Food issues are a complex bundle and there maybe several reasons why you find yourself binge eating and it may take a bit of time to fully resolve. I used to binge eat but have not done so for several years. I will list the ones I have had to work on,

1) Undereating. If you eat too little or not frequently enough. You will binge. You need to eat at least every 3 to 4 hours and you need to eat enough caleries of the food you most enjoy. I have found myfitnesspal a great app for working out calorie needs. If you need to lose weight aim for 1 pound or less a week. Less is more.

2) Emotional eating. People can start from an early age to eat to avoid emotion. It is a form of addiction. It is something people often find peer support such as this forum or overeaters anonymous or the NHS sometmes run mood and food groups.There is also a very good book called 'The compassionate mind approach to overeating' that suggests that when you feel like you might want to binge to delay doing so for a few minutes so that you can explore the underlying emotional issue before you eat. It also suggests using mindfulness to learn to sit with feelings rather than avoid them. It does really help with impulse control.

3) Low vitamins or minerals. Often we crave foods because we lack nutrician. Your Gp can check your ferritin. Vit D, vit B12 and folate. Recently I restarted my periods and I also had a lot of blood taken for medical reasons. After the blood was taken I bought myself some ferrous sulphate to bump up my iron and noticed for a couple of weeks I was craving food. Some people think you crave to foods you need most. I have found epsom salt baths put a stop to chocolate cravings. Also most drs know next to nothing about vitamins. If A doctor tell you your levels of iron or vit D etc are fine or especailly your B12 do double check with information from vit D council or B12 support.

4) Hormonal issues. Drs are equally bad if not worse at diagnosing hormonal issues. The issues for thyroid patients not being diagnosed due to Drs relying on a dubious blood test or undermedicating if people do get a diagnoses are huge and widespread. If you are tired as well as overweight then you need to spend some time on the health unlocked thyroid forum to get a idea if hormones are having an effect.

5) Sugar can be very moorish. For me it causes sudden drops in blood sugar which can lead to my overeating. For me it is not a food that satisfys. I do not beleive in cutting any food complatley out of my diet so I only have refined sugar on specail occasions like my birthday or a treat on holiday or christmas. Some f the artifiacial sweetners are also know to incease appetite. To sweeten I use xylitol ( be very careful if you have a dog) or stevia or fruit/ dried fruit.

I hope this helps. No quick fix I am afraid.

Vsuy profile image

Hello MissAzzee,

I am a binge eater too, if there is food in front of me, I will eat even if I don't need it, or I'm not hungry. I will finish that box of cereals in a hour and I will eat all of that chocolate. That's just how things are. I'm currently losing weight and I haven't really got it under control yet, but I have found a few things that helped:

- if it's not readily available, I'll probably be too lazy to go and buy it. So I've emptied my cupboards of all processed food and sweets. I filled them with vegetables and some fruit. Vegetable that require preparation are the best, because you can't just grab them and graze on it!

- I don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach, because I know I will overbuy and I'm more likely to buy that snack that I don't need

- if unfortunately some snacks or unhealthy food made it in front of me, I try to stop and ask myself if it's worth the extra-kilos and the feeling of worthlessness I'm sure to experience later

So that's how I cut my binge eating and now I'm learning control:

- by having small servings of my favourite foods in accordance to my calorie allowance

- by walking through the chocolate and chips aisles in Tesco but not buying any

- by drinking a lot more water when there is lots of food in front of me to stick to my small serving

- by accepting that failure is okay as long as I keep on trying

I know it's going to be hard but the results are worth it, so don't lose hope, you can do it!

MissAzzee profile image

Oh my you guys have been on my mind all day...... sun is blazing and I've been craving...... water who'd have believed it?

MissAzzee profile image

Failure is ok as long as I keep on trying- how right you are Vsuy, thanks

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