So there I was on Friday night having a chat with my mate at his house over a beer, we were discussing my attempts to lose weight and I thought initially he would ridicule me, but no!!!, whilst I was talking to him about week 2 of the plan where more physical exercise is incorporated he disappeared off into another room and came back with a pair of 5 1/2 lbs Chrome dumbbells which he said I could have. He's a builder by trade and said that he didn't need them as work keeps him in trim. Now Saturday morning I was inspired thinking what else could I do,so I looked around my garage (part of it is a workshop) got down some some wood and MDF off cuts, and made a aerobic step. I made the step so it is 2 feet long by 1 foot wide and 5 and a half inches off the ground, once I had completed it I put on Robert Palmer's 'Bad case of Loving you' (Doctor Doctor) and stepped on and off following the 4 beats in the bar, well it was the longest 3 minutes of my life, however it worked and my heart rate was through the roof, I'll chose a slower tune next time :-). Not satisfied with that I then made myself a Jump rope out of some 3 mm nylon rope (parachute cord as I know it) and some plastic electrical conduit tubing, again I did a short road test on the jump rope which worked fine, however I was still shot from the 3 minutes of Robert Palmer so put it away.
After that I looked again at the dumbbells my mate gave me, I thought that 5 and a 1/2 lbs (each) may be a little over the top to start with so I had another rummage around the garage, I found 12 lump hammers in the back of my workbench given to me by my late farther in law, I ran in the house nicked the wife's kitchen scales and weighed them all (she did catch me as was not impressed), by chance they paired up, starting at 2 lbs up to 4 1/2 lbs, so I cleaned off the rust, sanded the handles and then painted the heads Black, so now I have a selection of free dumbbells to start my second week of the plan, if I don't use them at least I will have the best selection of hammers in the village,:-).
Have a good day all.
Cheers Mick.